rF2 Renault Clio Cup @ Norisring - Tuesday 12Sep17

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

The Clio's make their one-off return to the rF2 club events, this time around the historic location in germany - the Norisring. Two short races will prove this event fun for all those involved, rookies and veterans alike.

Who can join?
Any premium member can sign up for to any event .
Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers?
Click here for more information and learn how you can participate as well.

Racing Club Rules: click here
Server and Teamspeak Password: click here (TEAMSPEAK IS MANDATORY)

Teamspeak Installation Guide: click here
(Handy guide to setup teamspeak)
Incident Reporting: click here

Server Name:
Fixed Setup: No (feel free to share them)
Driving Assists: Auto Clutch

Practice: 19:00GMT (20 minutes)
Qualifying: 19:20GMT (10 minutes)
Warm Up: 19:30 (2 minutes)
Race: 19:32GMT (20 minutes)
Qualifying 2: 19:52GMT (15 minutes)
Warm Up 2: 20:07GMT (2 minutes)
Race 2: 20:09GMT (20 minutes)

*Note that daylight savings are active. 19:00 GMT = 20:00 BST = 21:00 CEST.

Entry List

  1. Joseph Wright Ask me anything in teamspeak
  2. Manuel Alves
  3. TTupsi
  4. Gerdoner
  5. Johnny Stathoros
  6. Antmerino
  7. Manos Papangleou
  8. Kaygeeoh
  9. bartolaf
  10. Free slot
  11. Free slot
  12. Free slot
Max: 30

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