Sebastian Vettel

Come on guys, you don't win title if your rival retires more times then you. That way Ferrari and Alonso would be where RB and Vettel are now.:roflmao:
I agree 80-85% with Dusko (I have to as I know you are mostly right:cool:).
Secondly: Saying that Newey didn't design around Vettel is similar like saying that Ferrari didn't design around Schumacher.;) You have to do project with one goal, if you try to get more you can end-up with nothing.
Reliability: in making car as in everything you make compromise, RB want's fast car and they sacrifice reliability in "safe" zone(what means safe in car racing:O_o:). That way they have car that can win 16/19races and retire in 3 races, in my math that is double title.

Fourth: I really don't like to compare drivers from different eras etc. Fangio-Senna, Clark-Schumacher, Prost-Vettel. Fangio was best in 50's, Clark was there in 60's, list of drivers in 70's and 80's, Schumacher and Hakinnen in 90's and 2000's(count Senna, Prost, Mansell in 80's), now it's Vettel. Who knows if Schumi drove in 50's maybe he would be laps behind Fangio and viceversa. So Vettel is best NOW, with these cars, these drivers and team lineups.:thumbsup:

Of course, congrats to Sebastian Vettel on fourth title. Message for him: "Who taught you it's better if this isn't the end(just go to Ferrari first):roflmao:"

P.S. I may missed some drivers from history, but you all know who belongs to what time.:)
Just saw this on Twitter - good guy Vettel, part 2.

For example, you say Alonso is greater, then how do you justify the "great champion" Alonso, throwing hands and fingers to Petrov, cause why he didn't let him pass?! In that act alone, for me, Alonso will be far far away from Vettel, like a champion and like a driver. If i am wrong, right me.

It made me chuckle that you cited that.
Obviously you've forgotten about this from your "great" champion.

Or this

But yes I do respect your opinion. I just believe that he is not the best driver on the grid. And when we see him in a poorer car, and manage to muscle the car upto the front as Hamilton, Alonso, and Raikkonen do, then I will step back and don my hat.

And before you say it, 2008 Monza does not count, the car WAS Newey designed, it was better than that seasons RedBull in fact because it had the Ferrari engine with Newey aero. Also Vettel was in a unique position to throw on a wet weather setup. The guys fighting for the champ did not have that luxury as if it dried then they would have been in no mans land.
Jeez Chris, seriously. I'm not even rooting for Vettel but your continued attempt to persuade people about how much of an ass Vettel actually is is annoying too.
  • Prost dominated (a bit) - did people hate him? Yep.
  • Senna dominated - did people hate him? Yep.
  • Schumacher dominated - did people hate him? Yep.
  • Vettel dominated - did people hate him? Yep.
People will often hate the currently best driver merely for the sake of supporting underdogs or being against the currently best driver / team or combination of both. Alonso blaming the car for him not delivering results whilst praising himself when he does merely adds to that, I think.

All the top drivers have made mistakes, lots of them. That's why they're so good nowadays.
It made me chuckle that you cited that.
Obviously you've forgotten about this from your "great" champion.

Or this

But yes I do respect your opinion. I just believe that he is not the best driver on the grid. And when we see him in a poorer car, and manage to muscle the car upto the front as Hamilton, Alonso, and Raikkonen do, then I will step back and don my hat.

And before you say it, 2008 Monza does not count, the car WAS Newey designed, it was better than that seasons RedBull in fact because it had the Ferrari engine with Newey aero. Also Vettel was in a unique position to throw on a wet weather setup. The guys fighting for the champ did not have that luxury as if it dried then they would have been in no mans land.

When i cited that about Alonso i knew exactly what would be your response, and i wanted even to warn you not to go theret, but i already wrote an essay so, i suppose this will be another. However, Vettel did waved his hands etc. But he had every right to.
. Mark Webber did something that is out of imagination that will ever happen in Ferrari, i.e. Massa in Ferrari all it was doing it was to serve to Alonso.

2nd. N.K. hit Vettel in Malaysia and that resulted with tyre puncture, destroyed his race, and how on earth you wont complain about it?

The difference is that in both situations you posted, there is un-sporty manner, while with Alonso and Petrov, Petrov was fighting and he defended. Why would someone argue about that? Why wont someone argue when their race was destroyed or your teammate was too stubborn to admit you are faster... How do you put those two (mine & yours) as equal situations :S

MONZA 2008 - Toro Rosso Newey design ?

How on God's earth, second team will get that "famous" design, as it was special only for Toro Rosso, Vettels car :)
You wanna say that the design of Toro Roso was better than their first team, a lot budget more, Red Bull?
There is no logical explanation of why, the first team won't be designed by, perhaps, the only man greater than C.Chapman, Newey. After all, i am just wondering, why Vettel? Why Vettel? I mean, you are saying everything just to clarify that Vettel got everything best. Even when he did that with the team that replaced Minardi in 2005, you have guts to say that he never did what Alonso or Hamilton did or Raikkonen. My friend my friend, what Vettel did , Alonso Hamilton and Raikkonen combined didn't do. And plus, take into consideration, the years Vettel had!
Red Bull had Newey since 2005, how is it possible for a great great engineer to have success, right that year, when Vettel came in. I am thinking in this moment, i havent thought of that before you know, M.Webber, Coulthard etc, i understand for everything its needed time, but, 2005-06-07-8 ! 4 Seasons NO SUCCESS, Vettel comes in 2009 BANG there is victory and pole!

And when other won it, i never said it was cause of this or that, i understood, that he was worth champion who fought his way for it and did it. After all Alonso won it when Schumacher was sleeping, when he woke up, Alonso was lucky to have 10p advantage of Schumi, which engine failed him 1st time after 5 years. Not mentioning half the season Renault were using secret flexible springs in their nose, which was banned afterwards, but okay. Kimi, i knew 5 months before Kimi got the crown, that everything was set for him to be Champion. Hamilton? He took it by one point cause of Glock slowing down into the water, while Massa earlier was stupid to cruise for the victory in Hungary, instead his engine blow off in the last lap.

I cannot see how anyone of these today won or did something more than Vettel did. If a kid came today and knew nothing of F1, and you open the cards like they really are, and tell him the whole story he would choose from 100 times 100 times Vettel.

4 titles are not won just like that, especially it wont be won by someone who expected to be given the title instead to work for it. I wrote above in what i believe. And saying that, i am more or less free to say that...perhaps Hamilton won it cause of a good car or Kimi or Alonso, since, after all, they might weren't that much good, and the picture we got is that perhaps the car wasn't good enough. Or who knows, maybe, if they were indeed great, they would have made the picture Vettel is now creating (its the car is this is that bla bla bla) (not that i am right) but have u thought about that?
One thing is true, we cannot know! What we do know, Vettel is 4 times world champion. That is not falling from the sky.

I said how Hamilton Alonso used to discredit the talent of Vettel and how time will pass and they will change their opinions. And they did this week! Was i right? Yeah i was. You know how i knew that would happen ? Cause i lived that with Schumacher. Like @Tom Endres says, they were hated. There were thousands of reasons why he was faster (Schumi) but never the true ones.
1. no competition right (perhaps he blow it off and made it look that way)
2. he had ferrari ( yeah right he just went into the rocket and won everything)
3. there were no champions around (of course there were, he fought with throughout his career with 6-7 champions) - d.hill, senna, hakkinen, alonso and the others who were driving in his time but became champions after he retired - button, raikkonen
4. he has help from barichello (why he shouldnt have? as if barricello ever had the chance to beat michael)

And never the real reasons, only excuses...

That is everything but not the truth. everything in order to escape from the fact that he was perhaps the best driver that ever lived. And when the time passed, eveyrone i knew that hated him or F1 people who disliked his abilities suddenly, everyone said he is perhaps the best driver in the world. Why? Because suddenly, all of that, their escapes, their excuses could no longer hold...he became 7 times world champion. Who is on earth worth to question his achievements, no one. The same goes now for Vettel. Comparing with this generation, for now.

J.Stewart said once: "The success of one driver in F1 is appreciated long after he is done with racing"
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MONZA 2008 - Toro Rosso Newey design ?
How on God's earth, second team will get that "famous" design, as it was special only for Toro Rosso, Vettels car :)
You wanna say that the design of Toro Roso was better than their first team, a lot budget more, Red Bull?

Both cars were designed by Newey (until 2010), and if I have to go by the season team stats, they were very similar. In fact TR got 10 points more than RB, but most of those are the freak score from Monza.
Both cars were designed by Newey (until 2010), and if I have to go by the season team stats, they were very similar. In fact TR got 10 points more than RB, but most of those are the freak score from Monza.

I am not saying the car was not designed from Newey, i say that both TR and RB were designed by Newey. Having said that i don't know where is the TR advantage over RB. I know where it was they had Vettel :D
The advantage was the Ferrari engine. Every technical expert has spoke of it has said that when New was designing both the RedBull and TR. The TR was a much stronger package because of the Ferrari engine.

Also how do you even come to the conclusion that Mark Webber was in any way shape or form to blame for the Turkey incident.
Is your real name Helmut Marko?
The advantage was the Ferrari engine. Every technical expert has spoke of it has said that when New was designing both the RedBull and TR. The TR was a much stronger package because of the Ferrari engine.

Also how do you even come to the conclusion that Mark Webber was in any way shape or form to blame for the Turkey incident.
Is your real name Helmut Marko?

I never debate of something i am not sure or not convinced. What you said about the engine, it might be true, i don't know, and you can't know either, but nvm that is nowhere near to the conclusion of why Vettel won Monza in 2008. One can say thousands of reasons, after all, it was Vettel not someone else. I am trying to make a point.TR might have been better than RB but where are Mclaren, Ferrari etc. There are a thousands of cards that can be played, for nothing. He won it fair and square. I simply don't find the reason why anyone would go there.

About Turkey, how do i blame Webber? He was slower, simple as that. In every team in every other situation the other would back-off. Except Hamilton & Button at Canada with that stupid no space-oriented move. It's very easy to say that Vettel had the worst teammate one Champion would have.
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About Turkey, how do i blame Webber? He was slower, simple as that. In every team in every other situation the other would back-off. Except Hamilton & Button at Canada with that stupid no space-oriented move. It's very easy to say that Vettel had the worst teammate one Champion would have.

But Webber gave him space! Then Vettel crazily turned in on him. And in no other team with no other driver would the defending driver just yield the position, except for Ferrari.

The only time that would occur is toward the end of the season if one driver was vying for the champ and the other wasn't.
But Webber gave him space! Then Vettel crazily turned in on him. And in no other team with no other driver would the defending driver just yield the position, except for Ferrari.

The only time that would occur is toward the end of the season if one driver was vying for the champ and the other wasn't.

My immediate reaction was "Damn Vettel not that early!!"
But when i looked once again i realized that MW was holding him at the very edge
And you can see even the dust. However the track itself was little dirty. But ... he was close.


He was touching the border line with one wheel, that's how much space he had. Remember: we are talking about teammate who has experience and acknowledge of seeing he is getting past.

The turn was just meters away.


On this picture what i see, is clear Vettel's misunderstanding of where he is and is cutting him too early, point in which i thought Vettel was guilty. And that's okay.

What other thing i don't understand. Webber saw, Vettel, already 2 meters in front of him, with meters away from the turn, he actually past him 100%. Why he didn't moved a bit or was cautious ? He stood there continued to go on with that hard defending line, as if wanted to happen. And for that is no one fault but Webber's.
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In that time RB still looked like team: "We have to drivers with equal status." So they were just 2 drivers fighting for position.:cool:
Webber took defensive line, Vettel wanted to be inside for next turn. While Seb realized that he can't make that turn from that part of track he tried to get better angle. Problem is Mark was still there.:roflmao:
On that last picture it looks to early for Seb to turn, in front of Mark. I rate this as race incident, percent off guilty for both drivers is reflected to their finishing positions(Seb DNF and Mark somewhere in top 5:unsure:).

Funny part: white line in today's F1 is unknown term.:whistling:
Webber wasn't yeilding to make a point. Vettel moved when there was a car there. You can't blame Webber for not reacting, that would be like blaming a guy that got hit from behind because he didn't see it coming and get out of the way.
Oh for god's sake, it was no-ones fault; no-one wanted the accident to happen. There was clearly a misunderstanding about how much space there was.

These things happen. Always.
Oh for god's sake, it was no-ones fault; no-one wanted the accident to happen. There was clearly a misunderstanding about how much space there was.

These things happen. Always.
How was it nobodies fault? That would imply that they crashed into each other, rather than Vettel crashing into Webber [which is what happened].
How was it nobodies fault? That would imply that they crashed into each other, rather than Vettel crashing into Webber [which is what happened].

What's the point all of you are trying to make? All drivers make mistakes, Seb still makes a lot less than most. That was also very early in his career.

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