Sebastian Vettel

While Sebastian Vettel concedes it is "normal" not be liked by everyone, the Red Bull racer says being booed by fans is not fair.

The triple World Champion, who is on track to become the most successful driver of his generation, has began to divide fans in recent times as they either love him or they don't.

As a result, Vettel has found himself being booed by some fans.

The jeers dogged the Red Bull racer when he won the Canadian Grand Prix and were back again three weeks later when he retired from the British GP.

But while Vettel admits it is normal not be liked by everyone, he's not happy about being booed.

"It's normal," he told the Daily Mail. "I am very happy. I obviously would not swap with anybody.

"There are situations or stories where you want to tell people the truth as you see it. You learn to deal with the fact some think what they want. If it reaches the point where it takes your attention away from your racing then it has got in the way."

Pressed as to whether the boos that followed his British GP retirement had been a surprise, he said: "Yes. I didn't understand it.

"I had not done anything to make them do it. I went up on to the stage later for the post-race concert and got booed again. I took my camera out and said, 'If you are going to boo me at least do it properly'. I tried to make a laugh out of it.

"But you don't like it when people boo. Obviously in the British Grand Prix if I am leading and they want a British driver to win they might not like it, which is fair, but booing, I don't think that is fair.

"If one starts booing, others join in. I don't think they were all wanting to boo per se; it was a chain reaction, so you shouldn't get too upset by that."

Some of the ill-will towards Vettel, one could argue, he has brought on himself after incurring the wrath of some fans when he blatantly ignored team orders to overtake team-mate Mark Webber at this year's Malaysian GP.

Taken from PlanetF1
What a Champion! :( When i heard him speaking of Michael like i hear myself...
Great Champion - Sebastian Vettel!!!
Nice interview.

Why did I hate him all this time? He's worked very hard to get where he is and people like me aren't very appreciative of that.

He's already got little German boys looking up to him and seeing him as a hero.

I doubt next year will be any different because everyone seems to take after Red Bull. But, he will continue to impress and there will come challenges where he must prove his resolve.

Congratulations Seb!
A shame they never did that with MSC back then, eh?:p

Oh btw: As Monza was a rainy race, his life got a tiny bit easier. Too much spray for Kovalainen to see where Seb actually was!:D
Also the Torro Rosso then was Newey designed. Certainly after the halfway point anyway. Vettel was getting tonked by Bourdais and RedBull couldn't have their poster boy for the young driver programme getting beaten by and indy driver so Newey redesigned the car around Vettel and Bourdais never scored another point.
Also for Monza Vettel had a wet weather setup, which was a risk the likes of Hamilton and Massa who were in a champ battle couldn't take.
well if we see what i wrote above yeah, but i didn't meant that way, what i meant is that they go too far with young drivers and yes they get those places because someone paid for them. In the case with Vettel its totally different story. I should ask, was ur question ironic?
Errrrr RedBull paid for his seat at BMW and Torro Rosso!!!!!!! He's not just had his seat paid for. He's had a team bought to get him in a seat. And thats not on talent as he's been beaten by all his peers in lower formula. LH battered him in Formula 3, And beaten by Paul Di Resta the following year before taking his paid for seat a season later with Sauber.
Errrrr RedBull paid for his seat at BMW and Torro Rosso!!!!!!! He's not just had his seat paid for. He's had a team bought to get him in a seat. And thats not on talent as he's been beaten by all his peers in lower formula. LH battered him in Formula 3, And beaten by Paul Di Resta the following year before taking his paid for seat a season later with Sauber.
And still, when it came to the real deal - F1 - he has beaten all of them by far.:)


Errrrr RedBull paid for his seat at BMW and Torro Rosso!!!!!!! He's not just had his seat paid for. He's had a team bought to get him in a seat. And thats not on talent as he's been beaten by all his peers in lower formula. LH battered him in Formula 3, And beaten by Paul Di Resta the following year before taking his paid for seat a season later with Sauber.

Omfg. You wanna say, that actually, he had no talent at all? Yeah right, he didn't had any talents, but he was just with weaker car holding behind L.Hamilton in F3 for 4-5 laps while Hamilton was dancing to the right and left. It was like i was watching Senna defending from Prost in Silverstone 93! Please don't overreact. The option that maybe he got a seat because someone paid for that, is nothing new, but yet, they do it because someone sometimes deserved that more than someone else, and in that situation of course the team is going to step up, showing more than enough that Vettel was very talented! And for God sake please! Even in 2005 i was reading articles, i remember how i was reading them with disbelieve of how, a 17 year old kid was driving F1 car while i could only DREAM of it. And you know what? He was making laps faster than Heidfeld in that time, and sometimes even better of Kubica. He got his chance and took it with both hands! Went into Toro Roso, and if someone paid for that or didn't i dont care since he won with that team and later won with Red Bull. For both teams, first to do that was Vettel. If somehow he wasnt good enough, that would be pure coincidence, but it cant be. For me is the best on the grid today.
Omfg. You wanna say, that actually, he had no talent at all? Yeah right, he didn't had any talents, but he was just with weaker car holding behind L.Hamilton in F3 for 4-5 laps while Hamilton was dancing to the right and left. It was like i was watching Senna defending from Prost in Silverstone 93! Please don't overreact. The option that maybe he got a seat because someone paid for that, is nothing new, but yet, they do it because someone sometimes deserved that more than someone else, and in that situation of course the team is going to step up, showing more than enough that Vettel was very talented! And for God sake please! Even in 2005 i was reading articles, i remember how i was reading them with disbelieve of how, a 17 year old kid was driving F1 car while i could only DREAM of it. And you know what? He was making laps faster than Heidfeld in that time, and sometimes even better of Kubica. He got his chance and took it with both hands! Went into Toro Roso, and if someone paid for that or didn't i dont care since he won with that team and later won with Red Bull. For both teams, first to do that was Vettel. If somehow he wasnt good enough, that would be pure coincidence, but it cant be. For me is the best on the grid today.
Look. If Torro Rosso got the backing they did in the second half of 08, then JEV, and DR would be race winners this season. Vettel was comprehensively beaten by Bourdais until Newey designed the car around Vettel. Its not how good he is. The Red Bull YDP had to have a succesful first graduate for the comercial benefit of a fizzy drink. Why do you think Webber who led Vettel for all of the 2010 season lost the support of the team. Because Fizzy drinks hadn't moulded his carreer. Don't get me wrong. He's a great driver and deserved champion but the best? Best ever? Not a chance. 4th Best driver on current grid. And best ever driver unfortunately died with no titles to his name.
Vettel is the best driver on the grid Chris. He has the most tittles of them all and he is only 26. And because of you I hope he wins another 4 in a row.
Gonna make a long post ,sorry for that
From the start i am gonna say that i do believe that Vettel has talent,huge amounts but i see Raikonnen, Alonso and Hamilton above or equal to him.
Now to the part that i see strange, he has won 4 tittle , congrats for him but something smells at red-bull and it's getting worse every season.
Can anyone make a statistic to see from the all the years of Weber and vettel how many times weber car has broken down and vettel not?you will say, bad luck.....ya....ok.....
Can anyone make a statistic to see from all the seasons that weber was put on a dif. strategy(shity one) bad luck there also?
Like this week-end, Horner said - "no worries weber starting on mediums is like starting from the pole with softs going so fast" and to contradict that vettel after getting pole said " i don't think tires will influence the outcome" i mean...come one obvious it can be, you are gonna say well vettel was for the title and that's why, ok i understand but how about all those other times that this happen when vettel was not in tittle hunt?
Also a thing that is not in the light - bernie said that he hates Schumacher, bot on TV and media and even in his autobiography, and he admitted on tv and everywhere else that he loves Vettel - so it would not be the first time when Bernie pools something from his wonder hat to put vettel on top of Schumacher
I am not saying that the other teams are clean,but cleaner then red-bull i do believe, at least some of the teams are opened about team orders and do not hide giving "he choose a dif. strategy" right......
Congrats to Vettel again, but for me is like he is running downhill and all others uphill as on Eurosport blog says:)
Look. If Torro Rosso got the backing they did in the second half of 08, then JEV, and DR would be race winners this season. Vettel was comprehensively beaten by Bourdais until Newey designed the car around Vettel. Its not how good he is. The Red Bull YDP had to have a succesful first graduate for the comercial benefit of a fizzy drink. Why do you think Webber who led Vettel for all of the 2010 season lost the support of the team. Because Fizzy drinks hadn't moulded his carreer. Don't get me wrong. He's a great driver and deserved champion but the best? Best ever? Not a chance. 4th Best driver on current grid. And best ever driver unfortunately died with no titles to his name.

First of all, Bourdais never beat Vettel
Secondly, Newey didn't design anything around Vettel, if anything can be spoken of it, it is true that they were seeing the future in him, and they had every reason for that, and, if anything can be said about it, it would be this way "Vettel's understanding of racing and details about setup helped them design better car" After all Vettel is very clever in that area, just like his mentor was. I think i didn't expressed myself the right way so i might be missunderstood but my point is, Toro Roso won with Vettel and Red Bull didn't won until Vettel came. Point made already. Enough so i remain silent and demand anyone on any doubt of Vettel's quality, but yet...!
Third thing Webber never led the 2010 Championship until the closure of the season, season, in which, Vettel dominated almost every race over his teammate, but the reliability problems of his car (like now they use to say someone was doing sabotage on Webber's car - which is nonsense ) made him work harder and harder to get back on his feet and back where he belonged, on top of the D.Standings. And he did when it was most important.
Fourth thing i do respect every opinion, like i expect someone to respect mine, since i am no dreaming, i am not telling fairytales but i am trying to understand every thing why and how happened. What i cannot understand, is how others are not seeing that? So far now, 15 years i haven't been mistaken in my guesses.,I am no Expert i am just normal F1 fan who understand things like they should be understood. For example, the car is not falling from the sky, drivers are important part of it's creation if not most important all-together with the design engineer. Therefore, trying to understand things, and i do, i cannot find 2 things to mention which will be against Vettel and in favor of anyone else today on the grid. You say fourth, i say without a doubt no.1 today and at least TOP5 of all times. I would be amazed if you wonder, why, or how i can think that way. Well i do, because Vettel was crying. Sorry, he wasn't crying, people say he was crying. Do you know what i see? I see hunger, i see desire, passion i see that determination like Alonso Hamilton and Raikkonen combined together. What i see was Alonso crying, Hamilton putting down the success of Vettel down to the car while Alonso saying Vettel were not their level. Guess what, he can talk now with the rest including Hamilton, except Vettel. Cause Vettel is level above them all, now in this moment. I respect Alonso, Hamilton .. not to mention everyone, but everyone who won a title, because to bring the car on the top is something, to win the title is special is making a point. To win it 4 times in row, that is not because of the car, but more of the character of the team and the one who is driving it.

However on what, you made that conclusion i am not aware, but i am pretty much sure you don't know either. Since, i find it amazing that someone here is bringing into question, the skills, the hard work, the dedication, of a Champion, not even to think that he is actually FOUR times world champion, i mean, who we are? We are free to have opinions and very often, diiferent, opposing, but we debate on it right. So for me, someone to say (like you do) that he is 4th best is nothing short of hilarious...after all, and not only you, people bring up and tell things that are really hard to believe.

For example, you say Alonso is greater, then how do you justify the "great champion" Alonso, throwing hands and fingers to Petrov, cause why he didn't let him pass?! In that act alone, for me, Alonso will be far far away from Vettel, like a champion and like a driver. If i am wrong, right me.

About myself and my reasoning, if Vettel lost the title, and Alonso won it, i would say all the best and congratulate his fans, no doubt about that. I wont be crying over it etc, but i would rather try to understand why that happend why he is there and is not Vettel. Because nothing is happening just like that.

PS. Now i doubt it was only FOURTH THING or i mentioned TWENTY

[edit] with all due respect! Peace o/
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Can anyone make a statistic to see from the all the years of Weber and vettel how many times weber car has broken down and vettel not?you will say, bad luck.....ya....ok.....

I have exact information and i will bring it to you in a minute


Car problems for Webber and Vettel during their time together at Red Bull.


2009 – Singapore (DNF, brakes)

2010 – Bahrain (some sort of minor engine issue), Canada (five place starting penalty for gearbox change)

2011 – China (started 18th after electrical problems in qual), Canada (unable to use KERS in qual)

2012 – Bahrain (had no KERS for the first lap), Europe (problems with DRS in qualifying), Germany (five place penalty for gearbox change), Belgium (five place penalty for gearbox change), India (slight KERS problem caused him to lose 2nd, finish 3rd), USGP (alternator, DNF)

2013 – Australia (ECU/KERS issues at start of race), China (out of fuel in qual, start from pit lane, wheel fell off), Germany (Wheel fell off leaving the pits), Hungary (KERS trouble in qualifying)


2009 – Hungary (DNF, suspension), Europe (DNF, engine failure)

2010 – Bahrain (sparkplug probelms cost him the win, finished 4th), Australia (DNF, drivetrain problems cost him the win), Spain (brake problems, pit stop problems), Canada (gearbox problem), Korea (DNF, blown engine)

2011- Spain (Kers problems in qual), Abu Dhabi (DNF, tyre delaminated), Brazil (gearbox problem)

2012- Europe (DNF, alternator failure), German (KERs problems), Belgium (DNF, alternator failure), Abu Dhabi (out of fuel in qual, started from pit lane)

2013 – British GP (DNF, gearbox failure), German GP (lost KERS for a while in the race)

Conclusion – both Red Bull drivers have had essentially the same number of car problems from 2009 onwards. Vettel’s problems tend to be a lot more severe through: he has eight car related DNF’s to Webber’s three.

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