Skins for the V8 Stockcars / 2014? Any where?

Man I could have swore that we had a skin pack for the 2014 Brazilian stock cars , I guess not? I have ML2166's skin pack in 2048 and 4096 but they only work in the 2013 models.

I am running one of the GSCx versions here ( V1.51 ) and we have both the 2013 and 2014 models available. I Have AMS , and GSC V1.15 and the original GSC 2012 all installed. I've just been running the V 1.51 so much because there are so many kickass older tracks and mods that work ion that version , but not in AMS.

Quick question : Are the templates just way different in the 2013 and 2014 V8SC's? is the link to ML's awesome skin pack in 2048....they look incredible in the game! >>