
Misc Sol 2.2.9

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Its just on Laguna Seca?

Please make a screenshot of the Shader Patch Weather in-game app:
I don't have the same time advance options on my weather app, only */- 45mins, 6 hrs but not that 5 minutes increments? How do I enable it to be like that?
I have a big problem with my oculus rift. i install the shaders and the sol 3 days ago and everything work perfect! today i get a diferend pp filter to my right eye (darker) so i cant drive. i tried beta 44 and beta sol v4 but nothing. The only think i did the last 2 days was i install winter mods for some trucks. When i unistall shaders and sol i am ok. Can anyone help me plz (sorry for bad english)

I'm having same issue. Original install worked great for several days. Today I added a few more tracks in single screen mode, and when I switched CM back into Oculus mode, my right eye was darker than the left.
Just curious if anyone may know what is causing my replay issue, googled over the last few days without success. Have sol (v1) and shaders patch installed, all working great. However when playing in game with sol weathers and I want to watch a replay more often then not I get kicked back to CM with 'race cancelled'. Not sure if sol, the shaders patch or something else may be causing this, although if I play with standard (original) weather settings I don't seem to have the issue. My replay settings in CM are 32hz. Thanks in advance, and thanks to Peter for this amazing mod.
Any way to setup a faster dynamic timeframe in a custom championship? The weather fx app only allows incremental changes on the fly (5min, 45min, 6hrs) at a time manually I believe
Just curious if anyone may know what is causing my replay issue, googled over the last few days without success. Have sol (v1) and shaders patch installed, all working great. However when playing in game with sol weathers and I want to watch a replay more often then not I get kicked back to CM with 'race cancelled'. Not sure if sol, the shaders patch or something else may be causing this, although if I play with standard (original) weather settings I don't seem to have the issue. My replay settings in CM are 32hz. Thanks in advance, and thanks to Peter for this amazing mod.
Please try the new Shader patch and soll 1.1 beta. Many things were fixed with Shader patch preview 44.

In CM settings->custom Shader patch->weatherFX uncheck "if date is not set, use original sun trajectory". It causes wrong times in-game. .
Did you delete the dwrite.dll before installing Shader Patch and Sol?
Hey Pete, just a quick shout to let you know I've managed to fix that problem. I installed Sol 1.0 and the latest shader patch still in beta, it did the trick. Thanks for your help, this is a great mod! I cannot wait to see what you guys will do next!
I am absolutely stunned at the beautification the community and the modders have created with this.


It beats just about every other sim with the same features.

I just....I can't even put the right words together to express the level of quality that this really does provide. Late dusk is nothing short of a miracle, graphically.
Nords with "real conditions" was a true treat. Re-discovering cars all over again, finding some cars handle the cold temps better than others. some cars just work better at night; visibility, lights.

Replays never looked better. With a couple camera "shake" tweaks, it is just crazy how polished it all looks.

While there are limitations and sometimes a graphical hitch here and there, you deserve a spot in KUNOS' team.

"They said it can't be done!"

Community: "Hold me beer. For like....a while."

Completely blew it out of the park. 5/5, 10/10, 999/1000 -1 thousandth for performance. No biggie, just have to deal with it and tweak to match.

Thanks so much! This truly does revitalize the sim completely, even though it never really died. Best mod possibly ever created IMO for racing games.
Hello, Loving Sol so much. It has taken AC to a new level of immersion.

I've noticed that some cars have a sticky/jumpy rev counter. The Kunos Porsche 917 K and the DRM Yamamoto Delikata 2 are the cars I've noticed it on. Turning Sol off solves the issue.

The shift light on the Yamamoto seems to light up at the correct time, it's just the needle on the rev counter that has the problem.


Yes. Sol overwrites the weatherFX app of Shader Patch. The app in Sol - done by leBluem - is more advanced.
Wet Mod brings its own custom weather, (these are replacements for the standard kunos weather). Sol does that too - so a little overwriting mess. But if the online compatibility of weatherFX is there (tests are running at the moment), I will remove the standard kunos weather from Sol....
This is an incredible achievement. Thank you everyone involved.

Can someone tell me why my headlights are pointing down like in a towing position though? it makes driving at night pretty hard because I can't see far.

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