I am quite new in assetto and sim racing generally, but totally hooked in.
I am playing with pc and rift.
My question is that I'm using pro settings and hotlapping/practicing in spa and want to know is rsr live records good reliable source about best times in Spa.
Is in consoles how different physics or smt, that they make such a fast laps..
I have progressed from 2min to 1:47.77x and now going quite limits, but my goal is 1:46.xx.
Whats the best times on pc pro settings in spa those on rsr about 1:46.xxx or some 1:43.xx... just want to know...
Hpoe I make it enough understandably question what I'm on it.
I am quite new in assetto and sim racing generally, but totally hooked in.
I am playing with pc and rift.
My question is that I'm using pro settings and hotlapping/practicing in spa and want to know is rsr live records good reliable source about best times in Spa.
Is in consoles how different physics or smt, that they make such a fast laps..
I have progressed from 2min to 1:47.77x and now going quite limits, but my goal is 1:46.xx.
Whats the best times on pc pro settings in spa those on rsr about 1:46.xxx or some 1:43.xx... just want to know...
Hpoe I make it enough understandably question what I'm on it.