Steam should sell graphics cards to ensure only true gamers purchase them. What do you think?

  • Deleted member 197115

To play I need a card, to get a card I need to play. Chicken and an egg problem..
What about Epic store, Origin and Uplay users. Or people playing things that are not on major digital stores like Escape from Tarkov, iRacing does not need Steam to run either, don't have enough spare time to burn hundreds of hours into games, or need video cards for something else besides gaming, like graphics work or science research.
In the end what you are suggesting is form of discrimination to make your own situation advantageous.
Go to EVGA store and sign up for auto notify, you will get your card, eventually. Or just wait when things get better.
There are other ways to get them at MSRP as well.
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  • Deleted member 197115

If you have Micro Center nearby, they regularly have stock. There are discord channels that can send notifies as soon as stock is detected in any store, you need to act quick though. (NowinStock, StockAlert, etc)
StockXX is another option, it's still scalping but prices seem to be more reasonable.
I got mine through EVGA queue system, it works, swear.
  • Deleted member 963434

100 hours in 2 years? or you mean 100 per day? those are rookie numbers in 2 years i think i made something closer to 2000 hours xD
also, as I am eligible i would buy such card of course even take loan to buy it, but then sell it to scalpers to make money xD
If they only sold a single graphics card to any Steam account that had 100hours game play time in the last two years how could scalpers get round that?
It's a interesting idea. :) Don't think it would alleviate shortage/scalping because Steam doesn't have a silicon fab. :(
Reads a bit entitled to me? How about they only sell cars to people I have approved to drive? Tennis shoes for country club tennis members only. Phish albums require Birkenstock ownership but Metallica requires a wallet chain. Heck, I say you can't devide anything by 0 unless you failed math.
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Sorry, that came off a little ruder then I was intending, just trying to have good fun. At least it is an idea and ideas al always good. However, I don't think anyone is more deserving then anyone else.
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Sort of a clever idea but I suspect whoever's buying them would find a work-around like paying existing accounts a commission to get them a card.