I've noticed some looseness around center with some cars and added a bit of FFB Center-effect in RR to help. It seems to solve that but, I also have to increase dampening with new FWD cars as the traction-loss effect is excessive at times. Reducing the per-car FFB can also help tame the extremes between grip and traction-loss pretty effectively.
Update: turning Steering-Rack effects off did solve much of the abrupt nature during traction loss events but, there remains a tendency to have some notchy feeling around center. A small amount of Center-spring, increased smoothing or dampening might help but, I need to do more testing to find the best method to be used.
Reconstruction-filter at 3 in SimuCube does produce a nice rubbery quality in FFB for me too but, there remains a lack of fine surface detail in general. As far as I can tell, such effects simply don't come through with the OSW at this time.