Yeah i often thought about CM, but i have my 2 reasons why i dont use it:
1. i like to mod my games like manualy. I just want to have 100% contorol and do myself. Therefor i can study ini. files for hours
I use CSP and lot of other mods and am able to control them "manually". But of course you are right CM offers allot more possibilitys but i am fine.
2. The second and bigger reason is - I only play many many custom championships. Allot of them adjusted, edited and of course driven many many hours. CM so far as i know has not optimized custom championship options or problems while setupping them. I also read about championships which was destroyed by CM ... and so on.
Enjoy your T300 i enjoy my Alcantara Edition
too. I mean there are a lot of better or more proffesional wheels (like DD wheels fe.) but i think its among best wheels you can get for the money