Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

Good News

I think its time people asked @Wotever to come up with or share his own effects or profiles. I am surprised that more has not been done to help newcomers or encourage people to work together on sharing their own efforts regards effects and settings they enjoy or find work well.

Just as an option to consider, it might be better to focus on the seat and have it using at least 4 exciters then think about doing pedals. Different people have their own preferences or approaches. As highlighted before I have found the ability to place different effects on specific channels on the seat can work really well. Effects I am working on is using that approach as I think from testing it is the best path to take. Limiting units to 2-3 effects but with specific roles.

If you get more units installed to the seat then I can try to get you some test effects for engines etc I had worked on. These were created to work on the same hardware which means you should find it easy to adjust them to your liking.

It would be good for you to compare the exciter to the Aura with both again installed to the seat.
Comparing how they operate with different frequency sweeps and giving your own views.

Copy that.

So with the 4 channels on this amp and not having the money to go all out getting a second amp right now I’ve got two channels left and room for 6 shakers I can add. So maybe for now two more Dayton exciters on the back of the seat in separate channels for left and right control would be the best for now? Or maybe I’ll pick up 4 of them with 2 on each side of the back of the seat for extra power.
Copy that.

So with the 4 channels on this amp and not having the money to go all out getting a second amp right now I’ve got two channels left and room for 6 shakers I can add. So maybe for now two more Dayton exciters on the back of the seat in separate channels for left and right control would be the best for now? Or maybe I’ll pick up 4 of them with 2 on each side of the back of the seat for extra power.

Having two pair of stereo units L/R will let you experiment more with the effects being researched/developed. It lets you feel stereo based effects as well, so "Stereo Bumps" with "Lateral G" are not possible with a unit in pedals and unit in seat installation.

When combining some effects that do not always work well together and placed on the same unit is another issue with single units. For example "Speed" and "RPM". You want another example, sure okay well then what about 4 channel based engine effects as just part of the creative approach I am taking with effects creation. Not the same RPM boring drone going to each unit but different sensations or specific RPM highlights being placed to specific units. This approach lets us build very different feeling engine sensations for different cars.

Single tactile units being used for multiple effects are not the best option, It does not matter if it is a £15 unit or a £300 BK unit or a $549 TST unit. I can say this with personal experience and extended testing. This is why I used "Dual Role" method to split the frequency range over 2 units instead of 1. Now with Simhub we can do things not recently possible by having control of more channels.

Ultimately we lose detailing with more effects applied and as frequencies combine, the "less is more" based factor. Therefore limiting the effects used per unit and applying direct contact to multiple body regions is the best path for immersion. People with Simvibe and the typical CM or EM installation cannot do this new approach based on its limitations.

Only until recently was this even possible with Simhub so very few people have really delved into applying this concept or approach. I myself have only been playtesting the possibilities for the last 2-3 months and with encouraging results.

I look forward to continued testing and research and then combining this concept with larger tactile.
Something others can learn about and gradually upgrade to or consider.

More than enough now said about this, I'm fed up re-addressing the same points over and over and about the benefits this concept can bring. My own build will demonstrate testing and things learned from almost 2 years of trying different types of installations and using body zones in seeking better immersion.
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Having two pair of stereo units L/R will let you experiment more with the effects being researched/developed. It lets you feel stereo based effects as well, so "Stereo Bumps" with "Lateral G" are not possible with a unit in pedals and unit in seat installation.

When combining some effects that do not always work well together and placed on the same unit is another issue with single units. For example "Speed" and "RPM". You want another example, sure okay well then what about 4 channel based engine effects as just part of the creative approach I am taking with effects creation. Not the same RPM boring drone going to each unit but different sensations or specific RPM highlights being placed to specific units. This approach lets us build very different feeling engine sensations for different cars.

Single tactile units being used for multiple effects are not the best option, It does not matter if it is a £15 unit or a £300 BK unit or a $549 TST unit. I can say this with personal experience and extended testing. This is why I used "Dual Role" method to split the frequency range over 2 units instead of 1. Now with Simhub we can do things not recently possible by having control of more channels.

Ultimately we lose detailing with more effects applied and as frequencies combine, the "less is more" based factor. Therefore limiting the effects used per unit and applying direct contact to multiple body regions is the best path for immersion. People with Simvibe and the typical CM or EM installation cannot do this new approach based on its limitations.

Only until recently was this even possible with Simhub so very few people have really delved into applying this concept or approach. I myself have only been playtesting the possibilities for the last 2-3 months and with encouraging results.

I look forward to continued testing and research and then combining this concept with larger tactile.
Something others can learn about and gradually upgrade to or consider.

More than enough now said about this, I'm fed up re-addressing the same points over and over and about the benefits this concept can bring. My own build will demonstrate testing and things learned from almost 2 years of trying different types of installations and using body zones in seeking better immersion.

I appreciate the help you’ve given me, for sure, but you do realise that not everyone has the money or room or whatever to do exactly the setup you are doing? It’s probably going to be great, and I never said I wasn’t going to do something similar down the line so I’m not sure why you are irritated, just because I got an Aura as well? I just can’t go all in on this right this moment, this is after all my first step into this and I’m just testing the waters without dumping a pile of money, I mean I’ve just ordered 4 more of the Dayton exciters after testing the first one, should have them next week, and I just replaced the fans in the amp a couple of hours ago, that was a risk as I can’t send that back if it stops working, I don’t have enough money right now to lose some.

I know it must be annoying repeating yourself and again I appreciate the help.
Wow impressive !
I think you managed to build the best tactile immersion that really simmulates the feeling in a real racecar. You proved that it is useless to spend a lot of money on buttkickers to buy good immersion. Thanks for sharing the video and your creative ideas !

I cant even see the Video doesn´t work in any MediaPlayer.
YouTube Upload possible boern69 ?
I appreciate the help you’ve given me, for sure, but you do realise that not everyone has the money or room or whatever to do exactly the setup you are doing? It’s probably going to be great, and I never said I wasn’t going to do something similar down the line so I’m not sure why you are irritated, just because I got an Aura as well? I just can’t go all in on this right this moment, this is after all my first step into this and I’m just testing the waters without dumping a pile of money, I mean I’ve just ordered 4 more of the Dayton exciters after testing the first one, should have them next week, and I just replaced the fans in the amp a couple of hours ago, that was a risk as I can’t send that back if it stops working, I don’t have enough money right now to lose some.

I know it must be annoying repeating yourself and again I appreciate the help.

We have two different things going on here.....
What I do on my own rig is not what I expect others to do at all. It will be unique and has an insane amount of tactile as it is a self-exploration and vision for my own cockpit. Nobody I know of has attempted to build a rig from the offset based on a primary goal of its potential tactile performance but that's what I am doing as a tactile hobbyist.

For the EPQ304 I am sure it's possible to find a converter cable so people that do not want to cut the cables could use instead. I tried the ones I used on the Behringer iNukes but they seemed bigger and did not work. I need to recheck and maybe see other options.

Ongoing Process
As for the "exciters concept" its a new discovery and is an element that impressed me so much I had to incorporate it into my own build. That is something lots of people can do, it is cheap, it is expandable from 2 units to whatever number people want to go with. I will highlight with it and working with others how we best combine the exciters and powerful bass shakers. Yes it could be expanded to pedals as well but the focus is on the seat and doing something previous types of installations can not do and that is applying effects much more efficiently over multiple channels to the body.

Effects Factor
Look on the Discord channel, look on countless forums and what you will see is people that bought into tactile and now seek having good effects configurations and settings or profiles that they can use or more importantly enjoy.

Installation & Materials Factors
Installing the tactile is only part of the process. This does not mean everyone even puts much thought into how/where they install the tactile and of course we have multiple differences in factors of materials, installation placement, the hardware used. This is covered as a major problem tactile has and makes it very difficult for effects to work or feel as intended from one user's rig to another.

A (CM) based approach does not ensure good results either as factors in having different tactile hardware, different materials in rigs and installations all play their part. Which means settings in the software, volume levels for effect layers and even the frequencies used will not feel the same on the user's rig they were made on as they will on other peoples. I can say this from experience as I have already done such in the past with other members for SSW and Simvibe effects creation and testing.

Beyond Spec Sheets - Real World Tests
I go out and buy a lot of different tactile units to test and compare to find which works best with high frequencies. I then see the potential in how the better units perform and determine which is the best option. I recommend that particular product knowing its benefits sharing my view from tests with the community.

Some will decide to ignore the advice to buy the recommend exciter and buys the Dayton Puc instead. Why, because it's been popular for years and lots of people have it or that they don't believe in the testing or advice given.

Now whats going to happen?
Well if I give them engine effects I have been working on that use lots of harmonics and upper frequencies they will lose quite a bit of detail. They will not feel what I spent a long time working on for the effects felt character and sensations it produces. Why, because that unit cannot offer the same abilities in how it outputs various frequencies. They have not adopted the recommended installation which is something we are trying to achieve to have greater harmony/consistency in performance from one user's rig to another.

So for me, I don't want to share effects made for a set installation and then have to spend time with others in responses trying to get that persons rig to perform better when they themselves ignored the guidelines the concept requires. Remember in my objective here, we are trying to maintain as much consistency as possible to then have a group of users that can have much more success in sharing effects profiles and each user get the same or very similar experience from it.

Not one single other tactile solution brings this approach or attempts to do this. With then a backup and focus of using well-crafted effects and bring the level of detail, this can achieve. Nor is any other solution pushing the creativity or exploration in effects in what this now makes possible which we could not achieve before. Much of that down to what Simhub makes possible, people should be excited as so many things we can work to improve and achieve over the typical installations.

Previous Opinions
Higher frequency detailing is hard to achieve over that 100Hz range. Units like the Dayton Puc are spec listed to only 80Hz so clearly there is a large difference in the usable frequency range in what some budge solutions offer. This needs to be considered and is an important factor.

Take note that even with units that can output high frequencies well. This high frequency detailing as it contains much less energy bandwidth is often lost or absorbed in typical seat installations/materials or distance it can travel. It is a topic we have covered on these forums and with the view at one point (even my own) using over 100HZ brought very little felt benefits. I tested different units with multiple effects via controlled crossovers to then feel only what was being generated above the set crossover. For example 100Hz 130Hz 150Hz and so forth. Keep in mind unlike most users of tactile they do not use specific monitoring hardware and software to see what the sound card is generating compared to what the tactile unit is only producing. It's then possible to see what Hz detailing we are missing in felt sensations. This based on the hardware unit being used and the installation that is applied.

New Perspective
A major factor here is previously tests were not using units specifically designed to work well with these frequencies, with units working in multiple sets into a seat and thirdly their energy directly applied to the body. Even a TST unit which can produce good higher frequency detailing is not optimal as its often not possible to combine in multiple pairs to better displace the tactile and still have direct contact to the body over multiple body regions.

I have highlighted the concept enough, people can and will do what they think or want.
In my own build thread, I will cover it further in detail as testing for it continues looking at individual effects, what settings alter/do and using my hardware for monitoring. Some Beta effects are available for people to help get them started but really what is desired is a place individual effects can be discussed in detail with views/opinions being shared from multiple owners/testers.

There are a few on the forums here that are it seems interested.
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Making space in my room and I hoaked out these, purchased a while back. These will form the materials I am using for sound deadening and antivibration on my build. They can work together to combine an improved reduction in noise and vibration than what a single solution would do.

Therefore controlling issues with resonance and both low/high frequencies.
The "Black Gold" stuff is really heavy but after quite a bit of research I went with this StP brand and it specializes in the car industry recommending this 3 solution approach..

I will be applying this to the isolation towers and supporting 8020 frame combined with EVA isolation pads. It may also work really well for an SFX actuator platform for those like me are concerned with vibration noise to other rooms.


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Alio sorry I have no youtube ACC but I will ask my son ...

so long I replaced the vid with another mp4 format perhaps this is working better

Plz have in mind that I had shaker volume only on 58% in simhub.

up to now the new rig works a lot better compared to the old I showed here as well
the reasons for this are:
material frame
piston weight of the shakers ->leading to more punch and frequences down to 10-15hz
and position and form of the dampers

To get a picture for this:
u can put 2 fingers on the head position of the seat (seat weigt without shakers is under 2kg and much more flexible)
while u stand behind the rig and roll it easily from left to right up to 10cm

I dont take the steering wheels into account a changed them visa versa
they are different but dont have any influence on the rig immersion.

I could imagine that these tuned rockwood shakers can be replaced by
bk mini units
for people who are willing to spend more money or dont have time
modding the rockwood units.
But this is not prooved yet.

I am totally convinced by this
for this I am trying to tune my 25€ (now they cost about 32€ euro) sinustec bs 250
as well.
Well tuning bs250 shakers is a not so easy because of there different construction
I am curios if they behave different (modded).

Last here are some intresting values for shakers to compare
Now that you got a DSP based amp, would you be interested in setting a digitally limited wattage to match their specs. Then also a crossover to determine the true low-frequency output of your modified units? This way we can discover how your units fully perform with only low frequencies below the set crossover and not the harmonics also being generated.

How do they perform with the following limits 20Hz 30Hz
I can help you set up the DSP for this if needed.

You then want to compare this to the BK unit doing the same thing to feel the differences with your modded units attempting to generate the lowest frequencies against a unit that is designed to deliver them.
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Not seen that amp before so yeah good specs for the price, I see you opted for a rack mount type amp over the Nobsound options we discussed in PM. Kind of surprised you didnt consider the Behringer EPQ 304 as for not much more it would have given you 4 channels in a similar size. One of the benefits it has is offering more professional connectivity than (RCA) via XLR inputs and those using balanced cables which will prevent any interference and ensures a cleaner signal.

Different materials and good isolation can help how the tactile flows, maybe thats what you find with your new build. What you have certainly is different but Im not convinced you can get the best directional feedback with this configuration.

The mono based central spine in the seat cannot separate effects from the rear L/R channels. In comparison, if I do channel tests with the (multi-exciter installation) we can clearly feel L/R in shoulders/spine and lower back. Having that greatly helps the emphasis of directional effects and its something I think brings advantages for the immersion as well as being able to place different effects to the various units.

Still though, its fascinating to see other peoples approaches, or preferences and experimentation.
Will help with some tests if you want to share the findings you have from them. It will be interesting to get your views on what the LFE adds to the immersion on this build and compares.
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THX for ur help today some cables for the LFE arrived

no worry I will put the pucks direct L and R on the seat
and for the lower and more heavy units i will take the front part of the seat which is mounted

Look here
can those be modded ?

made the start today and they look quite modable
opened them on top and bottom
mill -because laser was too weak for the top
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Modding the units is not the direction I had any interest in. To me, It all seemed to be about trying to achieve what a large Buttkicker would do at a cheaper price. As previously stated, my own opinion was, why attempt to tamper with something altering it which may then make it worse in other ways and still not as good as the ideal product for the role you want that unit to perform.

I would prefer instead of buying cheap and modding. Put the money towards the products that will achieve the best results. Then gradually buy more of them if necessary. What would be interesting is have you test your approach to mine and combine the large LFE with the exciters and even a TST model.

Large BK / TST 239 / Exciters
That combo is the best performance I came up with and then using multiple bodyzones.

Your rig, you can do what you want I am only sharing what conclusion I came too with over 2 years of testing and buying different models on test installations.
You know instead of a single LFE you can get 25 of the cheap ones , and then you don't have to worry about adding multiple effects to one unit...

Well, It's not the same thing, If a unit cant deliver the true bandwidth energy for the lowest frequencies. Then having 25 of them still won't achieve the lower sub-bass energy and sensation, it will only deliver more of what bass that unit can output and with 25 of them do so over a large surface or area.

Like with speakers, a midrange bass driver unit will never operate well in a sub-woofer role. Just my opinion here but trying to make something perform at something it's not designed or intended to do, will not achieve the true goal some of you are seeking. This is why I have little interest in modding tactile units or converting subwoofers to act as tactile units.

A large unit like the BK LFE can replace in some ways what multiple smaller units will do over a larger surface area. Yet it will also achieve much greater low bass. It doesn't quite work the other way round as the low bass energy comes from the weight of the piston and the high wattages needed to deliver that bandwidth.

I got several of my units on ebay, often at a good but sometimes at greatly reduced prices, bargains can be found. Here was someone from last year ripping out 50x large BK Concert units from some professional installation.

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No one believes that the 12€ bass shaker is better than an LFE , also not everyone has the ability to purchase a Ferrari , so they have fun with a Toyota...

Most people that buy a Toyota do not modify it, to try and make it perform like a Ferrari.
What is your issue? You made a silly example of comparing prices highlighting how much more expensive the LFE is. Now making another one comparing a Ferrari and a Toyota.

In 2019, we have £1500 steering wheels, £1000 rims, £600-£1000 pedals, £1000+ monitors, £1000+ GPUs.
The reality is, if you want the best hardware then it's going to cost more. High performance with "Low Bass" does not come cheap and you cannot fake what it delivers by modding these basic units.

Someone modding a £15 shaker and spending more money on the mod and installing it than the unit, to me this is not worth the bother. People would likely still get better performance from a Mini Lfe and those can be got for £50-£70 2nd hand or about £110 new. So while it is interesting seeing what @boern69 is doing its not something personally I think is a good idea for others to follow with modding units and have them work beyond the means they were made for. Its upto to each person to decide what they want to do. Some people might love to tinker with things and get enjoyment from that side of this but looking at it from a "performance improvement" perspective I'm not convinced at all.

The only reference being made to the LFE is because if someone really seeks the best low bass for the various effects that can benefit from it. Then it, the Concert or the Q10B is what it takes to get it, pure and simple. Lets see how this pans out when he tests the LFE to his modded units.
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Hi folks, posted this on reddit but didn't get much of a response, went searching for more and found this thread. This seems like the right place :-D

I recently built a simlab gt1 evo rig, with an old bmw seat on it.

I'd like to add some transducers but have seen lots of different information, looking for some experienced recommendations.

Here's what I'm looking for:
  • mostly iracing
  • increased VR immersion
  • feeling the engine, shift, kerb vibrations more important than super defined tire slip etc
  • up to maybe $500 or so would be ideal, but flexible
  • fairly handy, so some diy not a problem
Here are some recommended configs I've seen. I want it to add to the immersion and not be disappointing, but doesn't need to be super top of the line.
  • 1 or 2 buttkicker gamer 2, single, or left + right
  • 4 x buttkicker mini/cheapy transducers, chassis mode
  • 1 big buttkicker, extension mode + 4 smaller ones, chassis mode
  • 2 mid/large buttkickers in front and back
Pic of rig: https://imgur.com/a/PUBENkC

@Mr Latte the 13€ unit is the internal mechanism of aura pro's without the heatsink. If with 10 units one has the ability to separate effects and get a clearer signal with 70% of the fidelity or perfect bass that one would get with an LFE, then I don't see why a 30% better unit should be of interest for the majority of people for 3x the price. You have been hesitant to use small units yourself and lately you've been changing your mind and seeing the possibilities of these exciters. We've been talking for years that we need lower frequencies, and that we're not interested in higher. Yet you saw that higher frequencies can also play a nice role in a setup.

Now @boern69 has experimented with something that so many more people would be interested at, gives adequate feedback on his effort, and his sincere opinion that this actually leaves him very satisfied, yet you want to stick with this high end approach. I've collected mini's,advance's, Concerts, tst's etc, and while I can obviously see their superiority, I can sincerely say that this cheap unit is bang for the buck. I 've also modded it with a 0.5 kg weight and it does give a punch. If this unit is solely used for the extra low frequencies rarely used it will be fine. If used more it will burn for sure. If I use another not modded for another effect it will perform ok. Not wet pants great, but ok.

If the unit would have a serious flaw I would really understand more the critical attitude, but its a fine working bass shaker with a very important advantage. The price. Its ridiculously cheap. You can tune, burn, try stuff, and expand. Instead of trying to have the energy move the whole rig for one effect, a single effect can use multiple units placed all over the rig.

And my last and most important point is. You really need to understand in what tier people are, a guy with a 2000€ rig will have other tactile needs than the guy with the diy rig.
Seriously you need to go work as a salesman for these stuff. You've convinced so many people to buy higher end equipment than they needed, I'm totally sure that 80% of them would be ok with something less.
@Mr Latte the 13€ unit is the internal mechanism of aura pro's without the heatsink. If with 10 units one has the ability to separate effects and get a clearer signal with 70% of the fidelity or perfect bass that one would get with an LFE, then I don't see why a 30% better unit should be of interest for the majority of people for 3x the price. You have been hesitant to use small units yourself and lately you've been changing your mind and seeing the possibilities of these exciters. We've been talking for years that we need lower frequencies, and that we're not interested in higher. Yet you saw that higher frequencies can also play a nice role in a setup.

Now @boern69 has experimented with something that so many more people would be interested at, gives adequate feedback on his effort, and his sincere opinion that this actually leaves him very satisfied, yet you want to stick with this high end approach. I've collected mini's,advance's, Concerts, tst's etc, and while I can obviously see their superiority, I can sincerely say that this cheap unit is bang for the buck. I 've also modded it with a 0.5 kg weight and it does give a punch. If this unit is solely used for the extra low frequencies rarely used it will be fine. If used more it will burn for sure. If I use another not modded for another effect it will perform ok. Not wet pants great, but ok.

If the unit would have a serious flaw I would really understand more the critical attitude, but its a fine working bass shaker with a very important advantage. The price. Its ridiculously cheap. You can tune, burn, try stuff, and expand. Instead of trying to have the energy move the whole rig for one effect, a single effect can use multiple units placed all over the rig.

And my last and most important point is. You really need to understand in what tier people are, a guy with a 2000€ rig will have other tactile needs than the guy with the diy rig.
Seriously you need to go work as a salesman for these stuff. You've convinced so many people to buy higher end equipment than they needed, I'm totally sure that 80% of them would be ok with something less.

You are welcome to share your effects and how you have your own units installed. Feel free to showcase your own rig you've worked on for years. Didn't you recently poke fun at me on how long my own journey with all this has been? Well, let us see what you have accomplished then.

Obtaining Impactful Low Bass
The point being debated here, is not that someone needs to spend a lot of money on the most expensive models to get enjoyable tactile. Its the fact that to get the full energy with low frequencies it requires more capable units and amplifiers generating the hundreds of watts needed.

The other ongoing debate is my doubts on using tactile for motion. I can challenge someone's claims/perceptions without it being a personal attack or it be in a disrespectful manner. If it comes accross as different then it is not meant to be. I questioned how this motion was controlled via the software and never got any proof of settings in how it controls or represents different sizes of suspension travel/bumps. Furthermore, I see an installation like no real car, which places the units representing the rear suspension in front of the seat. Yet I seem to be the only one that thinks that is odd and traced its potential tactile energy flow/path back to the seat which then mingles both L/R to only represent a mono sensation. How can that, then represent the motion of such channels when it does not even maintain their individuality or separation. This is not an attack but simple points that to me seem odd or less than ideal as an installation to have.

My responses are maybe potentially being viewed as being harsh on someone. So I even invited my own build approach to be challenged in the same manner when it is shown as I think that is only fair. However, I would place my own build in its own thread as I also recommended @boern69 do and others have done in the past but he wants it appears to keep it here.

I put to you to put less effort into making assumptions and feel free to take part in proper tests to determine what the usable output is from the modded units you have. I already have invited @boern69 to do the same. As what matters is proper tests and comparisons. Yet I dont read of any such comparisons being made or tests done, just impressions on terms like "powerful bass", err okay compared to what past user experience or other units? We need to define what one users impressions are to qualify them in what they represent to the performance of other hardware.

Infrasound Tests
You could also take part and use software to set a crossover to limit the output of a unit to below 20Hz and then also further tests to below 30Hz. By all means, feel free to report on the units you own how they each perform when controlled in this manner. Describing what they feel like and what energy they bring in the whole immersion when they are controlled to output only the lowest frequencies. Not also the naturally generated harmonics as well.

40Hz Punch Is Not Low Bass
Just about every budget tactile unit can bring decent punch with 40Hz. Having several of the exciters on the back of the seat is really impressive in this regard but of course, their own primary benefits are with the 80-200Hz range and what these can bring especially with engine rpm and speed sensations. These are something I have talked about here for months, (based on testing, not assumptions). So please do not try to say that I only promote the more professional or expensive hardware. Or that its only something I have started to do.

It is only recently with Simhub that we can use channels in the way we now can, thanks to a request I made on the Discord but ultimately a feature Wotever brought to Simhub making it possible.

With these mods, you are applying added weight to a unit that is wattage restricted, its magnets used are not in the same performance levels as those used in more professional units. Why do you think TST 429 is so expensive yet it manages much better performance than a TST 209 in the same form/factor. It comes down to the magnets it uses.

I am aware of the unit that is being discussed as I believe the same (oem) component or variants of it is used in the Reckhorn models and others too around the globe.

Do me a favour, go and look at high-quality subwoofers and see the wattages the amplifiers for them use. They are designed to push large woofers with one goal, how many of them will use paltry wattages for delivering low frequencies? So isn't it clear to you guys that both go hand in hand if you want to properly achieve good low-frequency performance? The lower you restrict the crossover used then the likelihood that you can use increased wattage and still maintain control. So a person could use a unit limited to a max of 20Hz range but that unit outputting very high levels of wattage/energy.

In what that offers is far beyond what is being done here with an entry-level bit of hardware, an attached weight and in most cases such being used with very basic amplifiers.

Rarely Used Low Frequencies / What Are You Talking About?
I guess it depends on what research into building effects you have done in learning what effects suit using or making use of the lowest frequencies. Again I will ask, are you willing to share your own effects for others to try or enjoy?

Proof Is In The Testing / Step Up
I have already stated what type of tests to do to show the true bass response with these modded units and then compare them to a fullsize LFE or the smaller Mini LFE/Gamer units. This would give people proper perspective in how well they perform and if indeed such is worth doing.

I also highlighted what I believe people are feeling with these modifications and what (physical multipliers) by using leverage may be doing over the whole dynamic range the unit is operating in.
Plenty of people went the (leverage plate) approach but nobody looked into trying to see what it was actually doing. It feels much stronger was the perception but why? I can't be certain my own look into this is fully accurate but it seems to relate to what happens when we apply additional gain.

I want to look into this more to the point I will gladly pay @boern69, you or anyone else to ship me a modified unit for further tests of my own. I have no problems comparing it to the various units I own but I suspect a BK mini is a better purchase (for punchy bass) than these budget units and modding them. I am even prepared to do a video on such tests.

A user could use a BK unit for the lower bass enrichment and then combined with the exciters for mid and high frequency detailing. This was discussed in this thread several times how we use specific hardware for specific roles. Yet once again @boern69 decided to ignore the advice given and purchased the Dayton Pucs. This after I had already given views compared with 4 other budget tactile units during effects testing and effects creation. Which highlighted what was the best unit to go with and getting the most detail. So I may as well not bother trying to recommend anything.

Proof of further bargains I obtained. Decent tactile can be bought at reasonable prices. Saying I push people into spending more than they need or want is utter nonsense. My own examples even show I like to get a good deal when I can and is one reason my own rig build has as much tactile as it does.

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