Teamspeak assigning hotkeys to wheel

Not sure if right forum to ask for help on this, but I am trying to assign one of my buttons on my wheel to use as PTT for teamspeak. I find it will be much easier to use this feature so as not to flood the radio with noise. It seems like this is harder than i thought, for some reason TS is not accepting my wheel input. I have tried to use the gamepad plugin for TS, but it does nothing. So I used my Joy2key program to assign the button to a keyboard button, and then assign that key in TS as PTT (for example, 'T'). This works everywhere, like typing the letter T in browser, notepad, etc, but when I try to press 'T' in TS, even in the chat area, it does not register. This should not be complicated, anyone have an answer to this?

