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Misc Telemetry Tool For F1 2020 10.6

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Hmm, is this one-shot-quali, where this happens?

Maybe if you could turn on the debug-data-feed (in baseSEttings.xml), do just the quali in Singapore or Shanghai and somehow get the debug_feed_f12020.csv file to me, then I can look into that.

In F12020 in general on outlap the data is messy on P & Q, so it could be that with the OSQ there is some odd going on with the data.

I will also look at that during my testing.


This is short Q we are talking about. I'll send you the debug file as soon as I have it ^^

Kind Regards
Hmm, is this one-shot-quali, where this happens?

Maybe if you could turn on the debug-data-feed (in baseSEttings.xml), do just the quali in Singapore or Shanghai and somehow get the debug_feed_f12020.csv file to me, then I can look into that.

In F12020 in general on outlap the data is messy on P & Q, so it could be that with the OSQ there is some odd going on with the data.

I will also look at that during my testing.

The debug_data_feed only contains a Short Quali session in Shanghai.

The other files from the session are in this archive:

Kind Regards
The debug_data_feed only contains a Short Quali session in Shanghai.

The other files from the session are in this archive:

Kind Regards
Thank you for report + the data.

I just did a quick check.

Here is bit longer text, what happens there: You do the first quali lap, this gets saved as shanghai_Q_91.1409_ferrari.csv as it should and it has all the data as expected. But then when you do the next lap, which ends into the pits, F1 2020 in its great wisdom, reports as 'Last lap time' the quali laptime from lap 1, not the laptime for the second cooldown lap. So when you get past the start-finish line, now my Tool writes that lap too, but as F1 2020 in its great form reports same laptime for the cooldown lap, the original proper file gets overwritten.

I see few remedies in general:
1) I will write for quali laps the lap number into the filename, so the files will not get overwritten (as still the tool increases lapnumber for the cooldown lap, but that might still not be reliable)
2) don't write quali laps, which end in pits (already laps starting from pits will not be written).
3) do some magic to detect the laptime is not what "last laptime" claims it to be.

I think I will do a combination of 2 and 3.

To help you:
1) If you don't have the debug feeds for old short qualies, the lapdata for the old quali laps is lost.
2) With the data on this debug feed, you could run it against the tool with the fxFeed feedTester (see help for that) and save the quali files as separate files after each lap has been finished.
3) The local database has the laptimes stored, so the laptime data will have correct laptimes from the old laps.

Fix for this will be in 10.5.

Thank you for report + the data.

I just did a quick check.

Here is bit longer text, what happens there: You do the first quali lap, this gets saved as shanghai_Q_91.1409_ferrari.csv as it should and it has all the data as expected. But then when you do the next lap, which ends into the pits, F1 2020 in its great wisdom, reports as 'Last lap time' the quali laptime from lap 1, not the laptime for the second cooldown lap. So when you get past the start-finish line, now my Tool writes that lap too, but as F1 2020 in its great form reports same laptime for the cooldown lap, the original proper file gets overwritten.

I see few remedies in general:
1) I will write for quali laps the lap number into the filename, so the files will not get overwritten (as still the tool increases lapnumber for the cooldown lap, but that might still not be reliable)
2) don't write quali laps, which end in pits (already laps starting from pits will not be written).
3) do some magic to detect the laptime is not what "last laptime" claims it to be.

I think I will do a combination of 2 and 3.

To help you:
1) If you don't have the debug feeds for old short qualies, the lapdata for the old quali laps is lost.
2) With the data on this debug feed, you could run it against the tool with the fxFeed feedTester (see help for that) and save the quali files as separate files after each lap has been finished.
3) The local database has the laptimes stored, so the laptime data will have correct laptimes from the old laps.

Fix for this will be in 10.5.

Thanks for looking into this.
Your effort is greatly appreciated
Hi there,

It appears that the Ghost time trial Telemetry is offset in many places in F1 2020, see below. The red is my lap, 1:29.4 around USA. The blue is a ghost, but you can see straight away its offset in multiple places. If there is a fix for this I would greatly appreciate it as it will help me get those final 1-2 seconds.

CleanShot 2021-04-12 at 19.04.54@2x.png
Hi there,

It appears that the Ghost time trial Telemetry is offset in many places in F1 2020, see below. The red is my lap, 1:29.4 around USA. The blue is a ghost, but you can see straight away its offset in multiple places. If there is a fix for this I would greatly appreciate it as it will help me get those final 1-2 seconds.

Thanks,View attachment 464484
Hi, just looking at the graph it seems, for some reason the ghost lap was cut, i.e. it is not for the full lap (Ghost trace ends around T16). Did you restart the lap or did something else odd happen. If you have full lap, it should be well aligned.

The distance data is calculated, as with F1 2020 codemasters decided not to anymore give the distance data for the Ghosts, so it might be occasionally just a bit off. I added some math there, which should make the data aligned, but it won't work, if there is only partial data available.

Best remedy for this is just to restart and drive again against the Ghost in TT so you get the full data for the Ghost.

And if this happens again and you can reproduce it, I would love to get the debug_feed for such session.


Long shot this, but I'm playing "My Team" mode in F1 2020 and I was wondering if there was a way to change the map dispaly colour of the people on my particular team; just to make it easier to identify them at a glance?

Thanks for the amazing work btw, my pit wall crew love being able to feed live information back to me during races.
Long shot this, but I'm playing "My Team" mode in F1 2020 and I was wondering if there was a way to change the map dispaly colour of the people on my particular team; just to make it easier to identify them at a glance?

Thanks for the amazing work btw, my pit wall crew love being able to feed live information back to me during races.
I actually added to 10.5 the following new things for the map
- Leader has different border (magenta)
- Car in front and behind have different border color (red and green)
- Team member (only in Modern F1, i.e. F1 2018 to F1 2020) has Cyan border

I still need to think, how the flag colors etc. will work with this, but that will be for future releases to make it bit better.

And 10.5 will be out within days, just doing last longer testing today.

Iko Rein updated Telemetry Application V10 with a new update entry:

Telemetry Tool V10

New release of the Telemetry and Race Strategy Tool for race sims.

Notable additions
  • Added way to sync the local database to a global database, so the tool can in the long run provide better statistics/info regarding different tracks. This is ongoing work, but as more I get more data, the system will be more useful. The Tool will ask for consent on sending the data, when you start the Tool first time. This can be also later adjusted from the settings and the load-n-sync can be...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Note on the Local DB to Global DB sync.

In 10.5 I added way to
1) Load old laps with more data to the local database. This data includes track/air temperatures, sector times etc. (The local database is a SQLite database in the lapdata directory.)

This way the local database will also have from your old laps more useful data. In the upcoming versions I will start using this data to provide better per track based data via the Tool.

2) Keep the local database data in sync with global database. This means, your laptimes/track temps/fuel used + other info like pitting status will be sent also to the global database. In the upcoming releases the Telemetry Tool can then use the data from the global DB e.g. to provide you info, how your laptimes compare to the laptimes from others, when driven in similar conditions.

When you start the tool first time after the update or on first start after new install, the following dialog will be shown:

First YES/No option means, if you let the tool to send the data to global db as you complete the laps. This adds very small, most likely unnoticeable overhead to network connectivity. This can be later changed from Settings.

Second YES/YES/no has the following sync options
1) Load data from old laps and then sync the database
2) Don't load the old laps, but sync the local database to global database
3) Don't sync the old data

Later you can to these from the Tools --> Manage DB data menu item.

I have done the syncing many times during development, and slowest part is the lap loading from disk. In my system I have 24k laps and it took about 1 hour to load the laps from the disc, but then maybe 10 minutes to sync the data to the global db.

I will also not provide "top driver lists", but will provide aggregate data, like fastest laps in online race for certain track in certain game. I think this kind of data will be more usefull, than knowing if Joe or Jill made the fastest lap on perfect conditions, when in racing those conditions never exist.

PRIVACY NOTE: I will not store any personal data, only the laptimes and some lap related info. Each Telemetry Tool instance sending the data will in return get an id token to allow you later to view laptimes and related data submitted from that instance on the website.

Any questions? Just ask.

Just a reminder, if you are using my Telemetry Tool with other Telemetry tools/dashes.

The other tools might not be using the broadcast mode, i.e. they will consume all UDP data, thus only one tool will get data, thus it could look that my tool is not working.

With the Telemetry Tool you can use the UDP redirect to send the data to 2 different UDP ports. Check the help section in the Telemetry Tool for additional info. And if in the other tool the UDP ports cannot be changed, you could change the UDP port in F1 games and the use the Telemetry Tool for forward the data to the port the other tool is expecting.

This same functionality can be used to send the game data to a remote location, e.g. to your race engineer (if you happen to have one).

I am in the process of releasing 10.6.

If you want to test the beta version, please PM and I will send you the download link.

New things are:
- Launcher, to start the tool in any of the supported game modes
- Statistics table, where you can see plenty of details on per lap basis for all laps during a session
- Way to get data to the Thrustmaster SF1000 wheel's screen from all my Tool's supported games
- Plenty of fixes in F12020, AC, ACC & AM2.

Hello Iko,

thanks for this brilliant piece of software. I have just one question about the UDP redirection to my friends' computer, who I want to be my race engineer in F1 2020. My friend is on a different network, many kilometers away. So he is not on the same network as me.

The addresses are as follows.

My PC on which the game is running has a private IP of (let's refer to it as IP-A)
My public network IP address is (IP-B)

Friends' PC private IP address is (IP-C)
Friends' public network IP address is (IP-D)

Which address needs to be set where for this to work?

The in-game settings on my PC
UDP IP address: ?
UDP Port: ?
UDP broadcast mode: ?

Telemetry software on my PC
UDP 1 Enabled - true
UDP 1 Target IP: ?
UDP 1 Target IP's Port: ?

Telemetry software on my friend's PC
Listen port: ?
Anything else to be set?

The issue is with the private addresses not being routed over the internet. Because of that, simply putting (IP-C) in my settings as UDP1 target IP, is not working.

Thank you very much.

Hello Iko,

thanks for this brilliant piece of software. I have just one question about the UDP redirection to my friends' computer, who I want to be my race engineer in F1 2020. My friend is on a different network, many kilometers away. So he is not on the same network as me.

The addresses are as follows.

My PC on which the game is running has a private IP of (let's refer to it as IP-A)
My public network IP address is (IP-B)

Friends' PC private IP address is (IP-C)
Friends' public network IP address is (IP-D)

Which address needs to be set where for this to work?

The in-game settings on my PC
UDP IP address: ?
UDP Port: ?
UDP broadcast mode: ?

Telemetry software on my PC
UDP 1 Enabled - true
UDP 1 Target IP: ?
UDP 1 Target IP's Port: ?

Telemetry software on my friend's PC
Listen port: ?
Anything else to be set?

The issue is with the private addresses not being routed over the internet. Because of that, simply putting (IP-C) in my settings as UDP1 target IP, is not working.

Thank you very much.

Hi, here we have at least two options
1) As you are doing now, you set in "My PC" in the Telemetry tool IP-A + port (most likely 20777.
In the Telemetry tool running on "My PC", you set the port to same (20777). Now you should have a working installation, so test you get all the data.
2) Your friend might also want to make sure, there is also a working Telemetry Tool installation.
3) Now you set in the 'Settings' --> 'Network Settings' in the UDP forward your Friends' public IP address, i.e. IP-D + the port can be 20776 or something else.
4) Your friends sets the Telemetry Tool port to be same as in the UDP forward, i.e. again 20776, if you chose that. There might be need to do port forwarding on your Friends router to route UDP traffic to the set port (i.e. 20776, if that was chosen.) to go to the local IP (IP-C).

The other option is to setup a VPN tunnel between the two locations. You can use for that e.g. Hamachi (which I know quite few people are using for this). Then you use the Hamachi to setup the connection and network between the two sites and the connection looks like a local connection, so no need for port forwarding etc.

both me and my friend have a working telemetry tool for their game locally.
1) As you are doing now, you set in "My PC" in the Telemetry tool IP-A + port (most likely 20777.
Do you mean in the game? I had (localhost address) in game telemetry settings.

The other option is to setup a VPN tunnel between the two locations. You can use for that e.g. Hamachi (which I know quite few people are using for this). Then you use the Hamachi to setup the connection and network between the two sites and the connection looks like a local connection, so no need for port forwarding etc.
If there were more people connected to the Hamachi virtual LAN network, would they all be able to view the telemetry data? I found out in the documentation of Telemetry tool that you can forward the UDP data to up to 2 computers (networks for that matter). I would assume that since they would all be on one network, they should all be able to see the data.

Thanks for a quick reply.

both me and my friend have a working telemetry tool for their game locally.

Do you mean in the game? I had (localhost address) in game telemetry settings.

If there were more people connected to the Hamachi virtual LAN network, would they all be able to view the telemetry data? I found out in the documentation of Telemetry tool that you can forward the UDP data to up to 2 computers (networks for that matter). I would assume that since they would all be on one network, they should all be able to see the data.

Thanks for a quick reply.

Hi, you can have the localhost address in F1 2020, as you run the Telemetry on the same computer as the game.

If you setup with Hamachi the virtual LAN, then all members in the virtual LAN are in the same network. So everyone has subaddress in that space. So now instead of forwarding data to their public IP, you forward the data to their Virtual LAN IP address.

Each instance of the Telemetry Tool can forward data to 2 IP addresses and then if needed these Tools can again forward it to 2 IP addresses, if there is the need.

Hi, you can have the localhost address in F1 2020, as you run the Telemetry on the same computer as the game.

If you setup with Hamachi the virtual LAN, then all members in the virtual LAN are in the same network. So everyone has subaddress in that space. So now instead of forwarding data to their public IP, you forward the data to their Virtual LAN IP address.

Each instance of the Telemetry Tool can forward data to 2 IP addresses and then if needed these Tools can again forward it to 2 IP addresses, if there is the need.


managed to get it working by forwarding it to the Hamachi address.

Thanks a lot for your help. :)

Hello, a really small request. With dark background, I can't see the time. I think the digits are a grey, as in post 145.
Any chance of say white or yellow with the dark background please??
can we still use this for F12021
For the time being (if you are part of the Beta), change the data format to F1 2020. And if you are part of the beta, PM me, and I can send you link to version, which works with Beta 1.

When the F1 2021 is out, the tool will/should support it fully using F12021 data format.


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