There is no God . . . . Rays

I'm missing the God Ray effect in game and nothing I do in video settings will help. God Rays disappeared from my game long before I ever installed any weather mods or shader patches.

I saw this post :

and tried changing DEPTH_MASK_THRESHOLD to 0.9991 in various ppfilters but that doesnt work either. I've tried various settings such as turning AA up/off, motion blur etc but nothing will work. Any ideas?
Now I think of it, that was something I noticed as well. Don't use motion blur anywhere, all it does is kill FPS and I never really noticed much difference with it off. It could be a Sol or Shaders patch thing. Raise the issue there, maybe Peter might have an answer.....
I dont use motion blur typically, tried it on just to see if I'd see those lovely god rays again. I dont think it has anything to do with any weather or shader patch either. I cant remember when exactly they disappeared but it was a while ago, long before I used those mods.

AC God Rays were a nice effect and I was puzzled when they first vanished from my game but never got round to trying to fix it.
They're real!!


I intstalled JBX Settings and Reshade and the accompanying ppfilter that you can download from that page, you want number 5. Open it in notepad and turn off auto exposure.