thx guys, I just tried it but it does not seem to behave like the real one. From the real car reviews ive seen (and from my small experience with different cars in irl tracks) the car obviously has enough power to take a u turn with full powersliding /.drifting and keep that until the turn exit easily, like a true 4WD. The mod oversteers like hell, regardless.the powertrain setup (i didnt see n felt any change whatsoever) and it just cant take a u turn in full powersliding / drifting. Moreover you dont feel the 272 or 300 hp version, but weaker, the rear just cant keep up with the front Also, it has a huge lift off problem that instanty spins out even in light slips in mild curbs. It behaves loike a FWD rather than a 4WD. Am i missing something here in the way of dribing it, or the mod is not so great? Has anyone driven the real car to share its behavior??