On 3x similar iiyama 32" 1440p Monitors :
Driver latest Nvidia
with surround setup= (7680x1440 px)
no overclocking on GPU/CPU
ryzen5 3700x-32GBRAM (2070 SUPER 8GB) =
67-70 FPS with DLSS (W/O: 50-58) no resizeable BAR possible, most graphic setups high/medium
ryzen7 5950x 128 GB RAM +
3090 24 GB = 115-130 FPS with DLSS (W/O: 80-95 ) resizeable
ALL EPIC no motion blur, no VSYNC, 24 cars visible, LOD medium
Pro: Smooth gameplay no horizontal jumps, enough details for very clear view,
Contra: expensive setup for use that for ACC only
My opinion: Shadows makes a big different, MIrror distance too.
and you can not set detailed shadows for far objects (maybe depends on acc graphic engine), Its pops up everytime, but i can live with