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Misc True to Life AI 2013 Season 1.4

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Been using the mod along with the 2013 Mod and only 8 cars are qualifying in Q3. The bottom two spaces are just Australian flags. Any ideas?

Not sure about the flags, that would be a question for Mr Pibb since he did the graphical work.
8 cars in Q3 is a known result from removing HRT from the game. It appears the number of cars progressing to each Qualifying session is a hard coded value, meaning it cannot be changed - no one has yet been able to correct this issue.
snthennumbers updated True to Life AI with a new update entry:

CTF Improvements, Reduced Penalty System, Safety Car Fix included, information on AI KERS usage

Version 1.8 release notes

Safety Car Fix Included!
Huge, HUGE thank you to the following people for their exceptional work on this mod, and for graciously allowing me to include it with my mod:
Roberto (Bob Back)

Lowered damage settings (loose_parts_settings.xml) as the previous release was leading to AI cars getting flat tires from simple taps, which lead to them circulating around the track extremely slow. The first...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Awesome news, sounds good that update! :D But it has database change, can that lead to corrupt save? I dont understand what changes in database that can lead to corrupt or not, some things does and some ting does not...
Awesome news, sounds good that update! :D But it has database change, can that lead to corrupt save? I dont understand what changes in database that can lead to corrupt or not, some things does and some ting does not...

Unfortunately I honestly don't know either about what leads to a corrupt savegame or not. I'm going to assume that changing things like team IDs and other types of IDs will lead to issues. IDs are essentially "pointers", so my thinking is that if you change a pointer, that will cause issues.
I haven't changed any IDs, so this should not be an issue.

I did just now open my game and was able to continue my Career in progress without any issues, so you should be fine.

As always, backup your savegame files just to be safe
Thanks snthennumbers, I really like your mod and it works great! I found I'm having so much fun now.

I'm just having a couple of issues relate to the new tyre wear. I'm play career at 100% and I'm 2 races in, here is what I noticed:

- all the AI cars were on a 4 stop strategy on both races (in real life most of the cars were on 3 pit stops)
- Before the race, in the strategy menu I found this problem: in the tyre selection menu the tyre life is supposed to be longer then in the strategy menu (where you set the pit stops) , for instance:

Soft tyre are supposed to last: 1.2+10.8 = 12 Laps
Medium tyre 0.5 + 15.5 = 16 laps
Now the race is 56 laps so a strategy like this should work:
- soft (pit at lap 10)
- medium (pit at lap 25) 15laps
- medium (pit at lap 41) 15laps
- medium to the end. 15laps
So 3 stop should work

In the strategy menu though if I set up a stint longer than 12 lap for the medium (or 9 with the soft) it tells you that the tyre won't make it, therefor according to this values you have to use a 4 stop strategy (which is what the AI does), same thing in happened at Sepang

Even worst the strategy suggested is soft - medium -medium - medium -medium, and of course you don't have 4 set of medium to use. I'm not sure if that would be the strategy used by the AI since I haven't started the race yet in China.

Any ideas?

A part from this everything seems to work very well at the moment

Thanks a lot
The last three races there has been both Toro Rosso cars in the middle of the road in practice and a quali. In the race they never finish either. I can't even do a clean lap because they always there. It's very strange Any ideas what I could adjust to fix this?
Are the drivers remaining in the same car? Or do they switch around at all? Sorry I know, lame question, but I just haven't really done any career work since I've been focused on making the game better overall lol.

Just to confirm, if you do a quick race at Melbourne, how does the AI fall into order?

They remain at the same car. In quick race everything is normal. It is very strange.

When I'm driving the Lotus in time trial (melbourne) I get 1:24:xx times. But when I'm driving the qualifying in career mode (season 2) the best times are 1:26:xx.

I miss the Grand Prix mode :(

Are there any known conflicts when you change the team ID's?
Thanks snthennumbers, I really like your mod and it works great! I found I'm having so much fun now.

I'm just having a couple of issues relate to the new tyre wear. I'm play career at 100% and I'm 2 races in, here is what I noticed:

Even worst the strategy suggested is soft - medium -medium - medium -medium, and of course you don't have 4 set of medium to use. I'm not sure if that would be the strategy used by the AI since I haven't started the race yet in China.

Any ideas?

A part from this everything seems to work very well at the moment

Thanks a lot

Hey there, what this boils down to is as follows:
In order to make the tyre wear notably higher (aka so you really feel the difference), I had to be somewhat drastic in reducing the longevity of the tyres (check the database.bin file - in the "tyres" table).
I geared this more towards 50% races rather than 100% races since I think the majority of people playing the game tend to do 50% races or less (I could be wrong). With that being said, there's no way to make the AI "look after their tires better" so to speak. So if you tend to do more 100% races, you can adjust the "tyres" table so the tires last a bit longer. It'll be best to keep your personal values saved in an excel sheet or something, so that when I post new updates, it's just a simple copy and paste for you to get back to your desired settings.
Otherwise, if I had made the tires last so that most 100% races wound up being 3 stop races, you really wouldn't notice much of a difference in tire longevity in a 50% races, and especially not in a 25% races. I didn't want to have multiple databases for 25%, 50%, and 100% like Demy did because then people constantly ask "which one do I use?? I don't get it." and on top of that, say you're in the mood for a 50% race one day, and a 100% race another day, and a 25% race the next you have to swap databases constantly which is a pain in the butt lol.

I hope that all made sense lol
Hey, in the new update you said the safety car fix is included? Wasn't the safety car fix included since the very start? What have you changed?

No the safety car fix files were never included to begin with. If you download the latest v1.8 zip file you'll see the addition of the "tracks" folder - that's the safety car fix. I never had permission from remy to include those files until now, which is why the overview page used to say to use the safety car fix under the recommendations section. You'll see that's now changed and a note was added saying the safety car fix is now included with the download.

I didn't do anything to the Safety Car Fix files, I simply got permission to include them with my mod.
They remain at the same car. In quick race everything is normal. It is very strange.

When I'm driving the Lotus in time trial (melbourne) I get 1:24:xx times. But when I'm driving the qualifying in career mode (season 2) the best times are 1:26:xx.

I miss the Grand Prix mode :(

Are there any known conflicts when you change the team ID's?

Does this trend continue throughout other races?
Time trial speeds and quali speeds will be different because the track has different grip levels set for each session - open the database and find the "track_model" table. Scroll towards the right and you'll see grip levels set for practice, quali, race, and TT...they're all slightly different, which leads to faster or slower times depending on which event you're doing.

As for changing team ID's...I'm not sure. Like I said they're essentially references or "pointers", so my hunch is that when you change where something is pointing to, it could lead to issues down the road. I'm only guessing here though as I haven't changed any IDs. I wanted to make the mod as stable as possible, which is why I went the route of making the driver rank increase faster, rather than swapping IDs around to make different teams give you offers at the start of the season.
As well, during the first season you'll find you have some really close mid-pack racing which I personally think makes it a little more fun than just being out in front for 4 or 5 seasons in a row.

There are other mods which make top teams available at career start, so you could grab one of those database and compare with mine to see what needs to be done, but I'm just not comfortable swapping IDs around without knowing the full consequences of doing so...aka I don't like changing things unless I actually know what I'm changing lol

Hope that helps!
I hope that all made sense lol

It make perfect sense, I already fixed it, thanks :)

When I'm driving the Lotus in time trial (melbourne) I get 1:24:xx times. But when I'm driving the qualifying in career mode (season 2) the best times are 1:26:xx.

This is pretty common from what I see and it has nothing to do with this mod, here is what happen:
in career mode you start with a non completely developed car, so you have to do all the R&D to improve it.

In any other mode (trial, quick race ect) you have a fully developed car, the one you will have after you complete all the R&D in career. Most people recon a 2 sec difference.

Hope that helps

hm, I wonder if <rtModerateDamageThreshold float="1.5" is enough, the AI often enough gets DNF when just their front wing is destroyed, I've set it to 50 but hadn't have time yet to try it ^__^
Will trying after a longer sleep than yesterday and give you feedback, if you like ;)

Uh, I know this isn't mainly about your mod but ... do you by chance know where I can disable DRS completely? I'm running 1997 mods and have already disabled KERS for all teams but DRS is still usable (1997 was no DRS :D)
It make perfect sense, I already fixed it, thanks :)

This is pretty common from what I see and it has nothing to do with this mod, here is what happen:
in career mode you start with a non completely developed car, so you have to do all the R&D to improve it.

In any other mode (trial, quick race ect) you have a fully developed car, the one you will have after you complete all the R&D in career. Most people recon a 2 sec difference.

Hope that helps

Aha! Great work figuring that out, and to be honest that was my hunch after looking through a bunch of the tables in the database. Seems some teams have more aggressive upgrade paths, which then makes sense that they could potentially get better performance over another team. So based on that, and what you said, my guess is that by the end of Season 4 (or 5? not sure how many seasons the Career mode takes you through) that all teams will fall back into their perspective order...or who knows, maybe not!
But thanks for getting back to me and clearing that up, great work :thumbsup:

hm, I wonder if <rtModerateDamageThreshold float="1.5" is enough, the AI often enough gets DNF when just their front wing is destroyed, I've set it to 50 but hadn't have time yet to try it ^__^
Will trying after a longer sleep than yesterday and give you feedback, if you like ;)

Uh, I know this isn't mainly about your mod but ... do you by chance know where I can disable DRS completely? I'm running 1997 mods and have already disabled KERS for all teams but DRS is still usable (1997 was no DRS :D)

That value depends on the loose_parts_settings.xml file. Check that file on your PC and let me know what the settings in it are (just copy and paste here) so I can see if you're using my latest version of that file.

Once I know what your damage settings are we can go from there with some testing.

As for disabling DRS completely, you're going to have to look at the triggers_pit.xml file for Monaco for example (\F1 2012\tracks\circuits\monaco\route_0 )
In that file, at the very bottom, you'll see a "rear_wing_forbid" section. Those coordinates equate to the tunnel in Monaco, in which DRS is disabled.
So somehow you'll need to translate that concept in order to cover the entire track's coordinates so DRS is disabled everywhere.

The coordinate system isn't friendly to work with. you need to play "connect the dots" with 4 coordinates to essentially draw a square around the area where you dont want DRS to work

So for you, you'd want to find 4 coords that surround the entire track....I think that should work.
Open the tracksplit.pssg file with 3DSimEd and the coordinates will start making sense.

Good luck
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Hm I was trying around with the different damage-levels from the realistic damage mod from this forum but since even "very small" increase of damage makes my car lose its tyre with 40km/h when crashing a wall in Monaco [even had a full field DNF 0/24] I'm playing with the default one.

As for the DRS, hm more complicated than I thought, I'll look into it. I hoped there'd be a trigger for tyres as wet tyres have DRS disabled default so I thought there might be a true/false trigger for dry tyres or so ;)

Currently I've set the boost to 1.0 so I hope when the AI activates DRS it doesn't speed them up, but I'm not sure yet, maybe setting it to 0.0 is also an option, but I'll look for the coords as well.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Hm I was trying around with the different damage-levels from the realistic damage mod from this forum but since even "very small" increase of damage makes my car lose its tyre with 40km/h when crashing a wall in Monaco [even had a full field DNF 0/24] I'm playing with the default one.

As for the DRS, hm more complicated than I thought, I'll look into it. I hoped there'd be a trigger for tyres as wet tyres have DRS disabled default so I thought there might be a true/false trigger for dry tyres or so ;)

Currently I've set the boost to 1.0 so I hope when the AI activates DRS it doesn't speed them up, but I'm not sure yet, maybe setting it to 0.0 is also an option, but I'll look for the coords as well.

Check the decals.xml file in the decals folder, that also helps in determining terminal crash speed.
As for KERS, you can open the CTF files in \F1 2012\cars[team]\balanced (for AI) and "track" (for Player)....see overview page for details on which folder is for which team, but it's pretty straightforward.
Anyway, open those CTF files in balanced and track folders and find IDs 204 and 205 - kers_capacity and kers_power. Set both to 0 ("zero"). *poof* no more kers for anyone :thumbsup:

But yeah, DRS is a different beast to tackle altogether.
I disabled KERS in the database.bin there's a check mark for each team, for HRT and Marussia it was default not checked so I unchecked it for the rest ^__^

Thanks for the decals hint, the '97er mod has it changed it seems

impactThresholdLevel2="30.0" > 16
impactThresholdLevel3="40.0" > 20
impactThresholdLevel4="50.0" > 20
terminalDamageSpeed="88.0" > 20
sidepodTerminalDamageSpeed="40.0" > 12.5

so it seems I may put the default (with higher values) back?
I disabled KERS in the database.bin there's a check mark for each team, for HRT and Marussia it was default not checked so I unchecked it for the rest ^__^

Thanks for the decals hint, the '97er mod has it changed it seems

impactThresholdLevel2="30.0" > 16
impactThresholdLevel3="40.0" > 20
impactThresholdLevel4="50.0" > 20
terminalDamageSpeed="88.0" > 20
sidepodTerminalDamageSpeed="40.0" > 12.5

so it seems I may put the default (with higher values) back?

You can put the defaults back, or maybe slightly lower the terminal and sidepod values since i personally find they're a bit high.

And yep, forgot about that setting in the database for KERS, that's the easier way lol..

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