Trying to change Bill board advertising in rf2

Hi, I have managed this in rf1 but it seems to be causing issues in rf2.
-Firstly I am extracting the mapmas file for my Brands hatch circuit
-Opening all dds files in photoshop to find one to convert
- Amend the dds file
- I have then saved all scenarios in photoshop using the nvidia plugin
DXT1 no alpha, DXT1 alpha, DXT3, DXT5 and DXTnm
- placed the files in the same folder as the mapmas file (which I am told will overide the dds in the mas file (THIS DIDN'T WORK)
- Used mas 2 to add the dds files one at a time to the mapmas file and test (Each time I did this I was unable to load the Brands Track which disappeared from the Track options)

Can anyone help please?
You can't override contents of a MAS file with loose files in rF2.
You also can't update a MAS file with files without creating a whole new RFCMP for the track.
Both things were done to prevent the mismatches and related content problems that made rF1 so hard to work with. They do put more work on the creator of content to properly create a new package.
Thanks Marcel, I am completley new to rfc2 beyond dds altering, so once I have created the DDS, replaced it into the mas file I then need to repackage the whole track rfcmp.
I will need to read up on this.