TT Isle of Man - The Game

ASSISTS: Low TC, low ABS, low wheelie, split brakes, racing line on
VIEW: close chase
BIKE: CBR600RR (Bruce Anstey)
TIME: 17’58”131

Pretty happy with that lap. The crashes were such stupid ones though. Clipped a curb on those little kinks out of Glen Helen up towards Cronk y Voddy, then slid off when I came a bit hot into the left hander after Cruickshanks on the way up to the hairpin. Reckon I’ll get that time down to 17’30 soon as I’ve massively improved on sections 1-3 and section 12 since I posted that lap. I just did a 18’00 dead but crashed like 5 times.

ASSISTS: split brakes
VIEW: close chase
BIKE: CBR600RR (McPint)
TIME: 17’30”137

Getting quicker and crashing less now (and using fewer aids, which I’m sure will delight the purists). Was really happy with this lap, really got in the zone as I was chasing a super quick dude in an online race. The crash was an incident where I ran over another rider who fell in front of me, so not a lot I could do. Followed this lap up with a 17’32 with no crashes (though I backed off a bit over the mountain as I was trying to make sure I didn’t crash as I wanted to manage a clean lap!). Reckon 17’15 is in reach if I ride hard and keep my nose clean, but not sure how much more I’ll have in the tank after that. Will concentrate on the big bikes if I get to 17’15 on the 600s.

I find the super bikes much harder to ride, feel like I can’t attack the course like you can on a super sport. The big bikes always feel like they’re trying to throw me off under acceleration and lock up under braking. Anyone got any advice?
Have a beer and calm down. Like I said, each to his own. :thumbsup: We will each play this game as suits us. That's all there is to it. I was just explaining how I approach it. With as much realistic immersion as possible. I still wish we could filter the different aids etc. Fed up of gamers claiming super lap times but there is no level playing field because they are using easier options. I don't think anyone of you 3rd person, race line gamers are capable of the real challenge anyway. But hey that's life.:rolleyes:

Heh I'm a 3rdy and I agree with Andy, I reckon Andy should start a thread for lap times using on-board and no crashes (video evidence)?

I have no idea how to record laps (doubt my PC could do it) and have about as much chance of not crashing (especially on-board) as we have of peace in the middle east. I imagine not many times would be posted but it would be a cool yardstick and something I am personally aiming for (I can do the first 2 stages onboard with no crashes). After that my brain turns to munce and I crash!
Heh I'm a 3rdy and I agree with Andy, I reckon Andy should start a thread for lap times using on-board and no crashes (video evidence)?

I have no idea how to record laps (doubt my PC could do it) and have about as much chance of not crashing (especially on-board) as we have of peace in the middle east. I imagine not many times would be posted but it would be a cool yardstick and something I am personally aiming for (I can do the first 2 stages onboard with no crashes). After that my brain turns to munce and I crash!
Hi Mr Damage. Keep trying mate, it will come to you.

As for the thread on lap times from helmet view, the trouble is there is no way of proving it. Unless you record a lap from cockpit view as you do it. Yes a replay also shows cockpit view but that doesn't mean it was ridden like that. I don't actually believe some of the lap time claims of helmet view (probably have all the aids selected like anti wheelie) . Any how I'm not bothered about it. If some gamers wan't to compete via the online leaderboards and brag about pointless lap times, they can but there should have been filters. They are pointless anyway when compared to real life as there is no risk to life.

I am more interested in just enjoying my dream of playing a TT game with good feel and great graphics. I would actually prefer a proper helmet view as in Ride 2 or MGP 17. With tear off's for when the visor gets too bug splattered. The feeling of speed is fantastic in helmet view. The concentration needed is immense and the satisfaction of getting a clean series of laps is unmatched in PC gaming. Like I stated previously, when I try 3rd person view, the game is vastly easier, almost in slow motion compared.
Just ride it for your own enjoyment. I compete against the other AI riders and that's good enough for me.
side note:helmet view looking through the screen is the hardest by far due light reflections, dark area's etc. Forks view is relatively easy, nearly as easy as 3rd person view.
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Hi everyone. Been away as my grandfather passed away and was travelling to attend the funeral.

Have now tried the pc version "post patch" and quite pleasantly surprised by it all in all.

Biggest difference for me that I felt immediately is the tweak to the physics that Kylotonn have made.. On the face of it not a monumental overhaul but in practical "I am scaring myself trying to lap the IOM TT course" terms on a Superbike this is a significant update in terms of "consistency" (read: avoiding a crash) and lap-times. In my opinion having run a couple of laps with it..

This makes for a big difference from the 6th March console release physics version (still awaiting its patch on xbox one) in that if you make a mistake, even a small one, you are now far less likely, when correcting your line &/or fighting to regain control of your bike (after hitting a kerb, lining up a jump incorrectly, misjudging a bump etc.) for the physics to "overreact", "over-correct" and "over-compensate" for any given steering input.

So I did two laps and did not crash on either of the laps. Previously I suppose I could say I was riding "defensively" to avoid getting the thing out of shape.. So for me (from my initial laps on the tweaked physics) the bar of what is possible without crashing has been raised. I got close to my P.B. lap-time without having to try as hard or concentrate as hard as I did before. Also a feeling now of a bit of gyroscopic effect acting in my favour when things get out of shape. I think with a bit more of an effort on my part, even with all assists off except for some anti-wheelie, I should be able to shave my best time by upwards of 30 seconds or so.

Overall a good 1st "physics" patch for me. It's made it more manageable without taking away too much of the challenge. To make sure I was not going mad I also ran back to back comparison laps on the original console physics on xbox one and the latest physics version on pc. So with a straight comparison I did feel a definite and significant difference.

Good patch (within the parameters of the overall physics model) in my view.

Fun game. I have not put it down yet..

"Midge" ;)

VIEW: Onboard (dynamic view off - cam movement 0%)
CLASS: Supersport
BIKE: CBR 600 (Daniel Hegarty)
TIME: 16:18:765
CRASHES: 1 at Guthrie Memorial - weird loss of front wheel grip an kissed the white wall inside :(

it is absolutely possible to go sub 16:10 in helmet view if you get a good lap without crashing.

VIEW: Onboard (dynamic view off - cam movement 0%)
CLASS: Supersport
BIKE: CBR 600 (Daniel Hegarty)
TIME: 16:18:765
CRASHES: 1 at Guthrie Memorial - weird loss of front wheel grip an kissed the white wall inside :(

it is absolutely possible to go sub 16:10 in helmet view if you get a good lap without crashing.

Bloody hell thats quick mate. Any advice?

VIEW: Onboard (dynamic view off - cam movement 0%)
CLASS: Supersport
BIKE: CBR 600 (Daniel Hegarty)
TIME: 16:18:765
CRASHES: 1 at Guthrie Memorial - weird loss of front wheel grip an kissed the white wall inside :(

it is absolutely possible to go sub 16:10 in helmet view if you get a good lap without crashing.
WOW!! :O_o::alien: That's impressive. Would love to see a replay of that lap :thumbsup:
@ChickenBoy18 watching the replay of the guy who is currently 2nd place in that screeny helped me the most.
i found so many corners he took with more speed , higher gear or earlier shifting... and tried to combine with my driving style...brake points were pretty much the same, but he was way more confident attacking the "be brave" corners.

it's just meant to be motivation ... too bad i got kicked back to 6th place by someone else already... could watch the replay at least a few times before ... it looked like a grandpa driving on a sunday.
also tried recording with OBS... but my pc is already at the limit with the game (GTX 670 2gb) so it was pure lagfest and frameloss.
Hi everyone. Been away as my grandfather passed away and was travelling to attend the funeral.

Have now tried the pc version "post patch" and quite pleasantly surprised by it all in all.

Biggest difference for me that I felt immediately is the tweak to the physics that Kylotonn have made.. On the face of it not a monumental overhaul but in practical "I am scaring myself trying to lap the IOM TT course" terms on a Superbike this is a significant update in terms of "consistency" (read: avoiding a crash) and lap-times. In my opinion having run a couple of laps with it..

This makes for a big difference from the 6th March console release physics version (still awaiting its patch on xbox one) in that if you make a mistake, even a small one, you are now far less likely, when correcting your line &/or fighting to regain control of your bike (after hitting a kerb, lining up a jump incorrectly, misjudging a bump etc.) for the physics to "overreact", "over-correct" and "over-compensate" for any given steering input.

So I did two laps and did not crash on either of the laps. Previously I suppose I could say I was riding "defensively" to avoid getting the thing out of shape.. So for me (from my initial laps on the tweaked physics) the bar of what is possible without crashing has been raised. I got close to my P.B. lap-time without having to try as hard or concentrate as hard as I did before. Also a feeling now of a bit of gyroscopic effect acting in my favour when things get out of shape. I think with a bit more of an effort on my part, even with all assists off except for some anti-wheelie, I should be able to shave my best time by upwards of 30 seconds or so.

Overall a good 1st "physics" patch for me. It's made it more manageable without taking away too much of the challenge. To make sure I was not going mad I also ran back to back comparison laps on the original console physics on xbox one and the latest physics version on pc. So with a straight comparison I did feel a definite and significant difference.

Good patch (within the parameters of the overall physics model) in my view.

Fun game. I have not put it down yet..

"Midge" ;)
Condolences for your loss Tracey.

I dread to think what the console version is like then....PC version scares the bejaysus out of me!
Hi Mr Damage. Keep trying mate, it will come to you.

As for the thread on lap times from helmet view, the trouble is there is no way of proving it. Unless you record a lap from cockpit view as you do it. Yes a replay also shows cockpit view but that doesn't mean it was ridden like that. I don't actually believe some of the lap time claims of helmet view. Any how I'm not bothered about it. If some gamers wan't to compete via the online leaderboards and brag about pointless lap times, they can but there should have been filters. They are pointless anyway when compared to real life as there is no risk to life.

I am more interested in just enjoying my dream of playing a TT game with good feel and great graphics. I would actually prefer a proper helmet view as in Ride 2 or MGP 17. With tear off's for when the visor gets too bug splattered. The feeling of speed is fantastic in helmet view. The concentration needed is immense and the satisfaction of getting a clean series of laps is unmatched in PC gaming. Like I stated previously, when I try 3rd person view, the game is vastly easier, almost in slow motion compared.
Just ride it for your own enjoyment. I compete against the other AI riders and that's good enough for me.
side note:helmet view looking through the screen is the hardest by far due light reflections, dark area's etc. Forks view is relatively easy, nearly as easy as 3rd person view.

Totally agree, I need that Ride 2 helmet cam...although possible more like MGP 15s helmet cam as from ride 2 onwards the top part of the helmet comes down too much IMO. Tear offs would be mega, was it GTR evo that had tear offs on the open wheelers?

I also must admit (after hooning an NSR250R around Macau today) that I really miss smaller capacity bikes to learn the course on.
@ChickenBoy18 watching the replay of the guy who is currently 2nd place in that screeny helped me the most.
i found so many corners he took with more speed , higher gear or earlier shifting... and tried to combine with my driving style...brake points were pretty much the same, but he was way more confident attacking the "be brave" corners.

it's just meant to be motivation ... too bad i got kicked back to 6th place by someone else already... could watch the replay at least a few times before ... it looked like a grandpa driving on a sunday.
also tried recording with OBS... but my pc is already at the limit with the game (GTX 670 2gb) so it was pure lagfest and frameloss.

Ah those "be brave" corners....I know them and the way a "slow down fool" corner is soon after for me to closely inspect the quality of the hedge cutting. ;)
Had almost a week away from the game preparing for some car league racing but got myself fully back into it yesterday and had my longest spell in the saddle with a good 2 and a ½ hours in the morning and another 2-3 hours in the afternoon. I had resolved to remove the racing line and attempt manual gears last week and yesterday was the big test for that. Had a look at the shorter courses for some testing and took to the track around Castle Rock in both TT and actual racing. Had a lot of fun against the AI although some of the contact was a bit odd but didn’t take away from my enjoyment. I adjusted the pad setup to have B as shift-up and A as shift-down which seemed more natural and sensible than the default of Y for shift up which kept leaving me inadvertently pressing B on the way down to A.

After a good long spell in Scotland and gradually getting to grips with the gear shifts I decided it was time to give the big boys course a test. I was fully expecting frustration and heartache for some time there but what do you know I was actually not too bad considering the big leap manual gears and no racing line was for me. Of course I am mega slow and my first lap was around 2 minutes slower than my assisted time but I got in two more laps with one a minute quicker than the first and the next 40 seconds faster so I am currently just 16 seconds slower than my assisted time. It’s still more like a Sunday afternoon ride compared to you guys but I am pretty stoked to have made the leap so soon and not be sitting there pulling my hair out in frustration lol.

The loss of racing line which I have never used in a racing title before but did so here due to the nature of this course as I felt I needed the extra crutch for this game with the added burden of getting used to using a pad as well was less of a problem for me than I thought it would be. In fact I would say within a few minutes I had completely forgotten I didn't have it on and large sections of the layout are now embedded in my head. Of course it still gives me little surprises on every lap where something comes up before I realised but I certainly don;t feel the need for the line any longer and using my own braking points and lines is actually far better anyway. I have noticed many places where the line would indicate I should slow where I don't need to now.

The gear changing has brought a massively improved dimension to the game and actually makes it easier in some respects because of the extra level of control it gives you that you lose by allowing the game to make the gear selections for you. I chose what gear I want to take a corner in and if I get a bit nervy around the track at any point a quick drop to a lower gear allows me to settle the bike and still keep some momentum which was not possible in auto. The biggest thing I am still learning is how strong the engine braking effect is when going down the gears and knowing how much 'actual' brake to apply now. I am finding that difficult to gauge especially at the slower corners and find myself often approaching them way too slowly and either having to speed up again or just tootle around the corner lol. But the process of changing gears on a pad was not as arduous as I expected and although I still make little mistakes which leave me in the wrong gear now and then, especially when I do something a little wrong and get into a finger flap it is much smoother transition than I dared imagine and I think already it has become a more natural and muscle memory kind of thing. So if anyone else is like I was and feel sthe manula gears are too much of a step I suggest giving it a go.. but give it a good go for several hours to allow yourself time to properly adjust. The effort involved is well worth it :)

I started virtual racing back in the 90’s on PC and having gone from the likes of Indianapolis 500 the Simulation, Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix series, all the Papyrus Indycar, Nascar and Dirt Track sims and including the best of them all.. Grand Prix Legends before migrating for financial reasons to the console back in 2010 on F1 2010-2017, Race Pro, Project Cars (1 and 2), Dirt Rally, Assetto Corsa.. everything racing to be honest. But when it comes to thrill, absolute challenge and satisfaction value TTIOM is right up there at the very top of the tree. It’s the first bike game that I have really invested time in as I have always been put off by the requirement to use a pad, which I have never been able to manage before and the belief that I just could not adapt to it and move on to no assists which is always the way I have raced. But this game has changed all that and opened my eyes to something very, very special. Watching the videos of everyone’s attempts on release and hearing the comments of guys on here and in another forum I use persuaded me that this one was worth the investment and oh boy how right that was!! Without question it brings a real rush of excitement and is the first game that I have had that is kind of scary in the sense of speed it portrays. Going flat out through those trees is exhilarating and just has me now and then slightly easing back off the throttle or dropping down a gear to give me back a bit of a sense of control because it really does feel uncontrollable at times.. but in a good way. I can’t recall another game giving me that feeling.

Anyway, i’ve rambled on enough and maybe seem a little over the top in my viewpoint but the game has grabbed me by the danglies and dragged me somewhere that I never expected so just thought I would pop on here and give that feedback.

Happy riding everyone :thumbsup:

As things stand I am currently on low assists for everything except anti-wheelie which is on medium (but son to reduce that as well), no racing line, manual gears and combined brakes.

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