Skins Two questions for the skinning experts...

1.) Do most of the skinning experts do all of their creations directly on a 3D model in some way or do you paint with just the 2D template? I see these wonderful and really fancy skins and I marvel at how you line up everything using just the 2D template. Seems like it would be impossible. I'm struggling with just lining up simple paint lines. Don't know how you guys line up more complex paint schemes. And yes, I know to use the wire frame to help with alignment.

2.) Do you guys have to compensate your colors in some way to make them render correctly in the game? I'm trying to do a Castrol skin and I got the green and red rgb colors directly from the logos on the Castrol website, but the red and green look different in the game. Almost washed out. Was wondering if you adjust anything beforehand. Could just be how my games graphical settings are setup for lighting but I don't see the difference on other skins like I do on my own. For example, if I use a white color on my skin, they are ridiculously bright. I've had to make my whites more grey than white to get them to render without burning my eyes.
1) Nope, just 2D and CM next to it with the car in the CM showroom
2) Yes, but not to much. AC is using PP etc. So the colors are never correct. Try to find a proper PP setting and try again.

(and BTW I'm not an expert)
No skinning expert but I've done my fair share. I have the same approach as @joostingh .

I know even Photoshop can do fancy 3D painting, but I'm a bit too conservative for that maybe to even look into doing it.

When doing colours, you usually apply your AO on top of them, making white naturally a bit more grey so they look correct in game. This can also affect your brighter colours and they might need adjustments to look correct. But as with real life photography: white balance and exposure can change the same object from being dark blue-ish to white, so.. yeah :p