Tracks Why do cars have broken wheels/suspension on my track?

Making with blender..Initially I thought Having the Z up and the Y backwards was the right way to have it load right, but that too has proven to be useless in fixing the broken cars.

It's really hit or miss? I've searched other threads but they all say the same thing. What am I missing or what could I have done wrong?

I've tried a bunch of things.. applying rotation, applying scale, changing scale, changing rotation....anyone else have the issue before?
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Even if I'm not making tracks myself (yet) this would kind of interest me myself as I have some car/track combinations where I get strange issues with suspension/tyres. Not sure if it's the tracks or the cars.

@Danny: Does it only happen with modded cars or with original kunos content?
Majority of cars. Kunos and modded. There doesn't seem to be a trend it can happen to any car under certain circumstances. Some cars might work one way while others will load broken and vice versa, depending on the boxes and track. but I've noticed a modded trophy truck, this generally won't happen to, I suspect because of the ride height and long travel etc.

The track I'm reffering to:
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start spots should be Y up and Z forward. And make sure there is no scale on the object.

