F1 2010 Why i like this Game:Some experiences

F1 2010 The Game (Codemasters)


  • Bake

Hey there!

I read a lot here and in official codemasters forum, and all across the internet, and i was very sceptical if this game would be a good f1-simulation, since grandprix-series.

So, i decided to give it a try, and i have to say, it was worth it!!!

Why? Because most of the rumors and "bugs" are not true, or maybe i got a "clean" version!!

.) Some People cry about the damage-simulation. OK, in original-game-state, it needs a very hard hit to even work, but with that first damage-mod (25%) its far better, you can see wheels,disc-brakes,spoilers and holes in the carosserie of the car, and it looks quite realistic! not what the say "ultra-realistic-damage-simulation", but quite good and with some mod-tweeking and/or a patch its good enough for me!

.) People say, that AI doesnt make mistakes and drive like "on-rail" .... i have my settings at expert, drive with abs ON and traction-controll medium, and AI on Pro (before legend), and i see them crashing, spinning and fighting all the time!! even in a quick-race with 3 rounds!! if you dont believe me, just go a round on track of your choice with heavy rain and you will see (only hard-difficult tested...)

.) The annoying Pit-Bug: first, i was shocked! i raced my first GP, 6th position, goto pit, and....LAST ONE! i searched google, and found a easy work-around till the patch comes: just dont go in pit when they say, just go a round later, so no problem!

Graphics are just AWESOME on PC, and rain-races are completely eye-astunning in my opinion...you can even see the rain tearing back the car, very cool!!

Dissapointings are the wanna-be "interactive-career-mode", with that annoying interviews and that much talking-nonsense like in dirt....

But, to be straight: If codemasters brings out some patches who improve the worst things, its the BEST F1-Racer out there, if you are not the complete simulation-freak!! if so, go for Rfactor or back to gp4 ;)

So, what do you think?!
Look up the word "brevity" kid.

Your issue can't be explained to you because you can't effectively communicate to someone that they need to mature, emotional blind spots cannot typically be described to the people that have them, that is why they are called blind spots.

The sheer volume of words you are using here basically speaks volumes as to who you are as a human being. "This game sucks" is not enough of reason to rathole the entire forum...

Really!? Then I wonder what your words are telling everyone. Why can't you just simply stop reponding and let it go, huh!? Why!?
ding ding round 3 or is it 4 or 5 ive lost count cmon lads is that really called for ya can discuss this like normal MEN cant ya

Ya know you hadn't said one ignorant thing. I believe I'm trying to do just that. I apologize for my part in ruining this thread, but I can't stand bullies. I just want to know what people LIKE about the game, as the subject suggests.
well said so lets get back to some positives about the game i do like the game even if there is a slight issue about glitches and bugs but as someone else said on this thread somewhere before me some of the bugs like the pit stop can be avoided i notice that if i pit in a lap before or after my set pit stop i can avoid being caught in my pit lane while everyone else overtakes me.

Also i have heard of some people complaining of punctures but i have only suffered from this about 3 maybe 4 times in 12 races i have played on in career and i notice that a flashback sometimes delays the problem usually i dont like using them personal choice but i do use one on the off chance that i do get a flat.

The AI qualys are something the devs are going to have to work on as the cars on the track in qualys are there just for show and lap times are randomised or something like that.

Also the fact that the AI arent weighed down by fuel load is a slight problem too but i play on intermediate and i very rarely finish under the top 10 mark with my lotus and im not the strongest driver and the fact that the AI is fast just makes me want to go faster too and push myself to be better.

There are a few issuses that need to be addressed but some can be rectified also on the pit stop bug i dont really know how thats a bug does this not happen in real life where the driver gets stuck in the pit because other drivers are out faster.

Anyway on the whole the game is good so problems to speak of but overall not bad visually good sounds good plays well and i like it and maybe CMs can rectify the bugs and glitches and make it even better

What percentage of the races are you doing? I totally agree with you on the flashbacks and in practice they won't stop you from invalidating a lap, at least in my experience.
Hey there!

I read a lot here and in official codemasters forum, and all across the internet, and i was very sceptical if this game would be a good f1-simulation, since grandprix-series.

So, i decided to give it a try, and i have to say, it was worth it!!!

Why? Because most of the rumors and "bugs" are not true, or maybe i got a "clean" version!!

.) Some People cry about the damage-simulation. OK, in original-game-state, it needs a very hard hit to even work, but with that first damage-mod (25%) its far better, you can see wheels,disc-brakes,spoilers and holes in the carosserie of the car, and it looks quite realistic! not what the say "ultra-realistic-damage-simulation", but quite good and with some mod-tweeking and/or a patch its good enough for me!

.) People say, that AI doesnt make mistakes and drive like "on-rail" .... i have my settings at expert, drive with abs ON and traction-controll medium, and AI on Pro (before legend), and i see them crashing, spinning and fighting all the time!! even in a quick-race with 3 rounds!! if you dont believe me, just go a round on track of your choice with heavy rain and you will see (only hard-difficult tested...)

.) The annoying Pit-Bug: first, i was shocked! i raced my first GP, 6th position, goto pit, and....LAST ONE! i searched google, and found a easy work-around till the patch comes: just dont go in pit when they say, just go a round later, so no problem!

Graphics are just AWESOME on PC, and rain-races are completely eye-astunning in my opinion...you can even see the rain tearing back the car, very cool!!

Dissapointings are the wanna-be "interactive-career-mode", with that annoying interviews and that much talking-nonsense like in dirt....

But, to be straight: If codemasters brings out some patches who improve the worst things, its the BEST F1-Racer out there, if you are not the complete simulation-freak!! if so, go for Rfactor or back to gp4 ;)

So, what do you think?!

Agree man... if they fix it it will be great. Lot of issues and performance problems in postprocessing. But I enjoy it but tired of those issues.
Yeah it is a good game how i way things up is do a list of all the things you like about a game and dont like and with this game there are way more likes for me.

One thing i think looks awesome is the puncter stuff it looks so reall never seen any thing like it on any game ever really hope other games follow codes on this.
  • Bake

:roflol: :honk:

I am so amazed and amused how this thread has grown, and i´m happy to see that everybody (mostly the readers of this topic,not the writers :wink:) has fun with it :redface:

this has started some kind of holy war :pray: :rolleyes:

but, to get back on topic *lol* or whats left of it: you are ALL right (and wrong), everybody has his own opinion as buyer and player, everybody can say his meaning (especially US-citizens *g*) BUT all this in a mature and grown-up wise, with arguments, pro and cons and everything that needs to make a good DISCUSSION and NO BATTLE like in kindergarten :)

So, for now, all i have to say is:


and watch the upcoming grandprix in suzuka or drive your on :letsgoracing:

"We dont want no peace, we want equal rights and justice" or something *lol* (Peter Tosh)
Bake, it has been amusing hasn't it. It certainly has been for me. I will take that advice and :drink: me (|) off this weekend! As for Suzuka, I can't wait. Go Hamilton! BTW, are you racing online too and if so, how has that been for you. I haven't tried online yet, because I don't want to be one of those people that can't drive a good line and mess others up. So, I feel that until I'm to the point where I can play career on all the hardest levels and finish races in midfield or above I'm not worthy of playing anything online unless it's with friends that won't take my mistakes so seriously.
  • Bake

@iF1Nut: hehe, cheers mate :cool:
and no,havent played online cause of the same reasons as you wrote, just want to wait till i am a better driver and dont need to use flashbacks sometimes :redface:

but with friends would be cool, problem is, that all my friends have f1 2010 for ps3 and i am on pc....can you play with console users online?! would be GREAT!!
I wished, but I don't think so. I could see, one day, that MS will grant PC and 360 users the ability to play online across platforms. But Sony... based on their past 'what we'll support' choices I doubt it'll ever happen.
What exactly does it explain? Must you continue this until you meet the same fate as Mr. White? Give up already! You probably actually like Hamilton, but saw an opportunity for another shot, huh!? At least you are living up to your name. Now why don't you either say something productive or just don't say anything at all. Have a good day!
Ya know you hadn't said one ignorant thing. I believe I'm trying to do just that. I apologize for my part in ruining this thread, but I can't stand bullies. I just want to know what people LIKE about the game, as the subject suggests.
no need to apologise to me man it was a rather amusing arguement :) i do 20% races but if im in racing mood ill do a bit more ive only done a 100% race once and man it takes alot out of you but its good fun just alot of concentration do you play on xbox or other?
That explains a lot.
this hostile stuff is getting rather sad why are you just taking it out on this guy lets give it a rest and return to the topic at hand it ridiculous and rather childish so please give it a rest from what i can understand everyone here wants to express opinions except you so if you have nothing to say about the game please dont reply and if you do have opinions on the game then feel free to TALK about it thanks
Ya know I don't know you, but I like you. I have to admit I was cracking up the whole time myself, but anyway... I'm dong 50%, but really want to do 100%. Most times I just don't have the time to do the whole race. I would be REALLY nice if you could save within sessions because if I'm doing a long weekend I don't want to have to quit in the middle of a session and lose what I've done. So I end up keeping the 360 running until I can come back to it and I hate doing that. But, I'm the type that wants to play all the way up until I can't so I have to live with it. I don't want to look at the clock and say oh I can't start this session cause it'll last 1.5hr but I only will be playing for another 45 minutes. What about you, 360/PS3/PC?
im on 360 aswell yeah i would be the same most times i dont have the time to play the full race and i really would like im only playing 20% at the moment as i want to get my first season over and done with but in my 2nd im gonna do 50% as ill have a better team Force India
Ya know what, technically you are right. Why not try this little test the next time they get your order wrong at the drive thru... Walk back into the store, confront the first employee you see and begin tearing them a new bu77hole. I mean let them have it until you feel better. Then tell them to effing fix it....

All I know is I wouldn't eat what they gave me next ;) Think man, think. Yes you have the right but ultimately is that going to help you in the end... No!

Now please, back to the topic....

WE did exactly that - Folks complained loudly to whoever would listen about the fake ai, the pit bug etc and guess what - CM are going to fix the bugs.
Funny that CM said before release that there would be NO patches, Yet when we point out forcefully all the things that are broken magically a patch is on the horizon.
So if we'd done what you want ie suck it up and be grateful we'd have a worse product.

Ask yourself this - Do you think F12011 is going to have generated lap times in practice/Qualifying or real ones?

The best bug I've seen so far is fighting into 6th at Monaco went into pits and the whole pit crew are facing the wrong way....
WE did exactly that - Folks complained loudly to whoever would listen about the fake ai, the pit bug etc and guess what - CM are going to fix the bugs.
Funny that CM said before release that there would be NO patches, Yet when we point out forcefully all the things that are broken magically a patch is on the horizon.
So if we'd done what you want ie suck it up and be grateful we'd have a worse product.

Ask yourself this - Do you think F12011 is going to have generated lap times in practice/Qualifying or real ones?

The best bug I've seen so far is fighting into 6th at Monaco went into pits and the whole pit crew are facing the wrong way....

Sparkyjay23 - You'd have to read the whole thread to get the point. I'll explain, hopefully for the lat time, again that I NEVER said to not complain. My only gripe, of which I wished I hadn't expressed because of the silliness, was it made no sense for the person who started this mess to give such a negative opinion to someone who was ask people why they LIKED the game. Again, people are expressing the bugs all over the place. This was a thread about what he/she (not sure) liked. No matter what, there was no benefit in Mr. White saying the game effing SUCKS at the end of his post. I don't know why MADScuderia jumped in, other than the fact HE called the guys a straight out idiot. So I guess he felt personally obligated to respond. My goal is NOT to argue something so small and misunderstood with everyone new to this thread who feels I think we should be grateful little lemmings. Why the H311 can't someone talk about what they like about the game, huh!? Good lawd! I'm glad they are fixing the bugs, then maybe we can start talking about more important things. Like the Korea circut; if it ends up not being part of the 2010 schedule will there be another update excluding it from career? I think it should stay everywhere else in the game, but not there. That's if it's even there now, I don't know because I haven't gotten that far in my first season and I'm not testing, or grand prix'ing any tracks I haven't done in career mode. If your interested in knowing why, just ask. To answer your question, I really hope so. I have the old F1 on PS3 and I love that game. I personally think they should do away with the speedometer and go back to what we see on tv. However, it should still support MPH/KPH cause I can't convert in my mind that fast while on track. But, it virtually impossible for me to see how close I am to redline on that thing, so i end up having to race in cockpit, or overhead (which I really like).

In addition, generated or real we really need to see time diffs from the person in front of you. AND MOST OF ALL, I'm not sure why this hasn't been a big complaint, but I don't give a care if my tires show green! I wanna know my time temps, when I'm losing traction, etc... I would LOVE to see the telemetry that FM2/3 has in this game. Or atleast modify the crew messages to give a hint of what's really going on. If I do the math I can see that I'm losing time in sector 2...

So don't think I don't have my own complaints. I just see no need to tell these guys that their product is crap because it's not.

Hope you understand, sorry for the length

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