FunCup UK

FunCup UK 1.1

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Official FunCup Endurance Championship

Mod made for Assetto Corsa​

Background on the Championship:
"The cars are race designed, single-seaters, with super-strong space frame chassis. They are powered by an 1800cc, 130 bhp VW/Audi petrol engine, with the ultra reliable Sadev sequential gearbox.

They all feature race brakes and fully adjustable suspension. All cars are identical in specification, with no-performance modifications. The championship consists of two classes and a trophy is awarded to the top 3 teams in each class after each race. The Masters Championship is for any teams who have a driver or drivers aged 55 or above.

The races are all endurance, between 3 and 8 hours in the UK, complete with pit stops and all the drama of such an event. Teams vary from 2 – 6 drivers in the UK and thanks to carefully formulated rules, however many in a team, your chance of success is exactly the same.

So, with the car engines and gearboxes sealed and regulations strictly controlled, the racing is super close and the running costs remarkably low for this type of racing."

Background on the mod:
This project started in mid 2019 as just an idea for something "better" than using cars of similar performance. I wanted something to use as a training tool for my racing in the FunCup UK Championship.


I had a model made up from around 150 reference photos of the car which got finished at the end of that year.

picture 4.jpg

Once the car was imported and in the game, I could start to compare the sim car and the real car.

This did take a while, a few months of fiddling on and off to understand how things worked with AC, thanks to a very handy piece of software from Racelogic things started to speed up.

Being able to compare the two cars against each other was a life saver, so using the data I had from racing the real thing, I started to make changes that made the cars closer together.

An early part of the development is shown below, where the tyres were generating more grip than they should of.

Eventually this problem (and many, many others) got tracked down and fixed, so the car has proper cornering values and not spikes of grip.

Thanks to all of the testing, real and virtual, I've manged to get the car to what I think is a reasonable level of performance to the real thing.

With the release of the other versions of the car, there is far less to create content wise, I still plan to fix any issues I come across

Thank you so much:
To everyone who helped with this project, from large companies like VBOX Motorsport, to the sim testers and real drivers, model makers and livery creators. The car wouldn't be what it is without you. A huge thanks to Huib who helped me get this car over the line, helping with all the questions I had and other fixes.

Other Notes:
Now, I'm sure there's some users out there that know far more than I do about modding AC, physics wise and model wise. This is my first time making something from nothing, I learnt many things and still have to learn more.

If you think you can help me fix, update, tweak, modify anything to do with this car, please let me know on

The car isn't finished, I want it to be the best it can be and if you think you can help, please do! It would mean the world to me.

It is imperitive that you ask for permission to run a series, I will give permission 99% of the time. If you don't then you are directly violating the copyright I have specified below, and will result in legal action being taken. This has happened once already.

Official Skins:
There will be official skinpacks released, from myself and Huib. You are welcome to release your own skins for this car. Currently the car comes with a set fictional and real liveries, the real ones being: Vbox + GT Radial + Olympian
Links to official skins will be included HERE:

You can find the Twin Seat car HERE:

This model was privately created by Riley Phillips and employed workers and Riley Phillips and Network Advansys Ltd, retain the sole rights to this model and work. This is covered by UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and International WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and TRIPS, which covers this copy right across the world, including all European states.

You may not copy, modify, or redistribute this model or any modified version of this model under this copy right law. Riley Phillips and Network Advansys Ltd reserve the right to be the sole distributor of the model and racing events using the model.

You may not hold racing events with this model or derivatives of it without specified written permission from Riley Phillips or Network Advansys Ltd.

This is the only place the car will be available for download, if you come across any other place saying it has this car for download please notify me immediately.



Thank you all again

Known Issues:
  • Inverted red and green tyre normals
  • Aim Dash looks as if it's floating
Planned future changes:
  • Fix the tyre models to use textures instead
  • Rain tyres ??
  • Actual LODs instead of CM generated ones

Latest updates

  1. 1.1 | New physics and new versions

    1.1 | New physics and new versions In this update there are three new cars, as well as an...
  2. 1.06 | Hotfix for crashing with AI

    267 Livery should no longer cause AI to crash the game. This was because of a naming error. I'm...
  3. 1.05 | Hotfix for invalid setup and Wipers

    1.05 | Hotfix for invalid setup and Wipers Quick fix for the invalid setup people were getting...

Latest reviews

Nice %5
This mod is wonderful!!! Thank you!
One of the best mods I've seen
really fun to drive, and for some reason a really good drift car.
Great fun to drive. Handles well
This Car is one of my Favorite. I have an older version of this driving for hours. But there is one problem. It have a constant struggeling (hope it is the right word^^) if the wheel is in center position. In driving and in standing.
I don´t have this in my other Cars. Is it a bug?
greetings an thank you for your work.
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
If you mean you are fighting to keep the wheel straight when it is directly in the centre then I understand, It's hopefully going to be fixed with the suspension data I have collected and am working on currently. I have no idea when it will be done unfortunately, just that it will happen.

You can try and turn the overall FFB down using + and - keys or tweak the assist in the setup.(although this will be going in the next version of the car as it doens't do what I thought it did)

There is no legal older version of the car, this one on RD is the only one that I have released.
perfect , thank you so much
The car is fun to drive as it name says.
something to correct IMO is the front tires.
Very difficult to bring them to temperature. As a result the car is super-understeery and sometimes annoying.
I've also miss some suspension adjustments like ARBs.
goodjob anyway.
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
The car doesn't have anti roll bars in real life, so it doesn't have them here either.
I will take a look at the tyres, they are being mostly redone anyway :)
Interesting car. Moves around quite a lot and keeps you on your toes.
fun cup is fun car´thank you. track day and race should work than it is a 5 star
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
This is hopefully fixed in the new version! 1.06
Super mod , pour info les skins du mod Fun Cup d'ACTK fonctionnent parfaitement sur celui ci .
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
That is because that is my car, they stole it from me and I have been unsuccessful in getting them to take it down over a year ago now...
Excellent car to drive, it's always moving around through the corners and I LOVE that. When racing online the racing is always super close and super fun as overtakes can happen anywhere. Shame about the races not working in singleplayer but I assume that's still wip. Amazing mod, this thing will quickly become my favourite car to race in AC
V1 needs work, but five stars for driving feels and your enthusiasm.
Please don't forget a real immersive sound inside, thanks!
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Sound is rather difficult and the only thing I didn't work on myself. If I find someone who can do sound modding I'll gladly update it, but for now it'll stay as is.

I have plenty of data for it I expect.
Best fun I have had on AC for a long time !!. Brilliant job sir!!!
All I altered for my personal preference was steer assist to 90 FFB felt great for me .
Did get a crash with any more than 5 cars to begin with, in track day or race but I seem to have fixed it by renaming the drivers individually in cm (detailed settings) for the grid line up. worked for me perfectly, i.e 24 cars AI + me Oulton Park .
Please keep up the excellent work the car is great now even as a WIP . Thanks +++++++
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Thank you very much!
I'll look into naming the drivers, thanks for bringing that up.
Much better than the eSports series version!
Absolutely brilliant!
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Thank you, glad you like it.
Absolutely brilliant, feels great.
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Thanks! Means a lot. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I was just looking for this kind of mod for AC the other day and now it gets released. Who would've known lol. Thank you sir for your time and effort spent in creating this mod. Be sure that I will be spending hours enjoying it.
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Thank you, have fun with it. I'm glad people are able to enjoy it.
Great background story and a great effort thus far! The car is still a WIP with much to improve but deserves five stars for your approach and enthusiasm. I hope you get the help you need to make this as authentic as possible. Keep at it, and thanks for sharing. I'll be eagerly anticipating any updates.
Riley Phillips
Riley Phillips
Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy it. I definitely plan to update it where possible.

Latest News

Riley Phillips
File size
446.7 MB
First release
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User rating
4.89 star(s) 18 ratings