Gotzenburg - Sweden

Gotzenburg - Sweden 2023-06-12

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Due to the large number of views of a previous post of mine where I ask for help to solve a problem of converting two tracks from F1C to Rfactor, I am making this work available: Gotzenburg. I understand that although I have not received any help, these viewers of the post were there to offer it, if they could, and even to learn or gain something from my post and in respect and consideration for them is that I am making this work available, as well as soon I will be making others available.

Without knowing who to ask permission for this conversion, it should actually be treated as a reconversion, since normally this type of work is originally done for Rfactor itself and then converted to other games, I humbly ask that whoever originally did it understand that all I did was to do a work worthy of respect for its author; never to demean but, on the contrary, to magnify the work!

Good fun!

2023/06/22 - update - Sorry, there were some objects (groups of trees and bleachers) in pop in situation that I had not noticed and I am sending a new SCN that fixes this, please download the file at the link:

And, Please, if anyone notices any other kind of problem, let me know so I can fix it.
Thank you
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    161.3 KB · Views: 248

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