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Karelia Cross V1.1

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Hi, i'm happy to tell that Karelia Cross V1.0 is now ready for release. :)

I took 4 days to make this conversion and update it to AC standards. Maybe i add too much details because track is not very playable with my system and with 5 ai drivers. I tryed to optimize track much as i can and with last minute changes i managed to get a little bit better performance..

I added also readme to track folder but here is small tips how to get even better performance..
If you suffer bad fps with Ai, try to lower your smoke settings in-game options. You can also modify track surface file,
it's located in ...content/tracks/karelia/data folder. Change Surface_0 Dirt_Additive value from 1 to 0 and also do same thing with Surface_3.

If you don't like bumpy surface at start/finish line and some turns also feels too bumpy, please edit track surface file.
Find Surface_3 from surface file and change SIN_HEIGHT to 0 and SIN_LENGHT to 0 and save file.
About track. Original version is made by KittX for rFactor. (I got his permission to convert track.) I made many changes and you notice them if you have played track before. Changelog is too big, so i don't even try to write them. Track contains 12 pitboxes, working hotlap and single player mode. (probably mp works also, not tested.) 3 different replay cams, (2 tv cams and 1 static.)
I not recommend to use track surface lower than green, because in gravel is quite grippy surface.

Btw, this is v1.0 and also final version of the track, so i don't make any updates to it, because i want continue my other track projects.. :)

Enjoy! :)



Latest updates

  1. Karelia Cross V1.1

    Hi! Here is new version of Karelia Cross track, works now with V1.1 Changelog: Fixed surface...

Latest reviews

Very fun gravel track and looks good too
Very Good Work!!
Excellent one more time, thank you very much!
A beatiful track, perfect surface and very detailled.

But with a huge issue : impossible to record one best lap, after each starting line, the system said that the lap is invalid due to cut !
I can't find where the issue came from.
Great detail. Lot of fun.
Love this track. Feels very organic, like it has evolved rather than designed. Very tricky to get right, you really want to floor the accelerator so often, but it is quite a tight circuit. Back section is sublime, unmissable circuit. Simple but enthralling.
Thank You for the Converting!
I know this nice track from years ago,
ever love it! Cool!
just a wonderful track. careful attention to detail. a little short, but it is very fun to drive!
Nice details! Looks great! Thanks for sharing.
So good to play Kartcross on AC ! This is become my track for calibrating my motion simulator ^^
Great Addition to AC,Great Work,Many Thanks.
Outstanding work, thank's a lot!
Brilliant. Had so much fun on this track, been waiting for a rally type track to appear. More like this please. You have done a amazing job. Thanks
Simply put, the best loose surface track available for Assetto. A must have.
well this is fun!
Love it . So much fun. Hope for more tracks similar to this. Thanks !
Awesome track! Asseto Rally is coming closer :)
Very nice track, fun drive, thank you

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File size
51.3 MB
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User rating
4.93 star(s) 28 ratings

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