rFactor 2's Quarterly Content Release and UI Refresh Out Now

rFactor 2 Quarterly Content Release 01.jpg
An update to rFactor 2 is live now on Steam, and the sim now welcomes four new pieces of content.

Studio 397's social media has kept us busy over the past weeks with the implementation of a new user interface and teasers of upcoming content. That content is now live on Steam for purchase, and the UI has been given an update.

The rapid-fire nature of the content release is part of a new strategy from Studio 397 and Motorsport Games for rFactor 2. Rather than release each bit of new content as it is becomes ready for release, there will be quarterly releases of multiple projects the team has been working on.

The four pieces of content welcomed this quarter include three new cars and a racing circuit. The first and perhaps most notable release is the Dallara IR18 INDYCAR. Studio 397 has bundled all of the teams, drivers and liveries from the 2021 NTT INDYCAR Series for this release.

Along with the INDYCAR, another impactful piece of content released today was Daytona International Speedway. This track has seen a recent boost in popularity in sim racing, with Automobilista 2 and iRacing already having official versions of the circuit, plus a popular mod for Assetto Corsa and an upcoming appearance in Gran Turismo 7.

Two more cars to join the sim this quarter are the Ligier JS P320 and BMW M4 GT3. The former joins a Norma competitor in the LMP3 class, and the latter helps fill out the GT3 class. If you've yet to try the LMP3 class in this title, you may enjoy the ease of use of the car thanks to its aero package and low, wide stance. The BMW has proven to be a popular choice of car in Assetto Corsa Competizione, and should find itself many fans in rF2.

With so many new choices now on offer in rFactor 2, it may be tough to decide what to purchase. If you've bought and experienced any of the four new pieces of content, let us know your thoughts below in the comments.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


I don't really like GT3 cars, open wheelers, high downforce cars and I have Daytona in every game. Why bother? :p
Something told me to pick this up and I'm glad I did.
For me, rF2 still provides the most thrilling driving experience of anything on my HD.
It's all in the feel of the cars. The liveliness and road feel. Hard to describe, for sure.
From the new ones only IR18 is on the new tires. M4 GT3 (like the rest of the GT3) and probably LMP3 (+ the Norma) is on the old.
From the old ones: Formula Pro, M4 DTM and probably latest Tatuus.
I really really hope all S397 cars get updated to the latest standard! Like their tracks, still to hit and miss with quality.
Please Studio 397 @Marcel Offermans please now your really kicking rF2 off, update all content to the same standard.
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Dont cry baby mueller ;) you will not and dont want to hear the truth, you just want see comments how fantastic it is and when the truth is opposite ! Beside all, i really wanted rf2 to become great game - check foruma, i started to sim approx 3-4 years ago and from this time it was discussed that they can not fix or make normal UI, online racing with servers… ofcourse i lost my hope, and hype train come when you get few cars and one track… come on, you are not in children garden anymore i think? ;)
I am reading every single one of your comments, mate - the censorship is going to be strong. And kenny is a good mod

However, lol - this is Rfactor2 dude, its like the best or second best sim, and the tire model is new (not that the others are horrible) and the tracks s397 makes are usually top notch. You won't get many miles with this or even kilometres because what you are saying cannot be substantiated at all.
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Why does this post say "and a UI refresh"? The UI was done over a week ago.

All this update is is a sad ploy for them to sell content that is already in the game for free and if the shadow fix (NOT) is any indication of their quality, the free stuff is probably at a higher quality than the paid stuff.
Hrm, no I think its just a lack of life experience you are having. I read only resentment and ignorance there. You probably just need to be shafted a few more times by the 'free' crowd in your life. You accept immediately a non bargaining position, thats not confidence at all. And free stuff is by its very nature insecure content.

Thats harsh. The guys have to buy their kids shoes. The free stuff lol 95% of it is not that good. (edit: yes it was good in 2015 for example, but not now)

You would do yourself a major favour if you stick to the s397 tracks plus a couple of chosen mod tracks [limited selection] and the past 5-10 most recent cars from s397. Thats how you will realise you can update your thinking. That content leaves the free content for dead. You will probably go do a trim of your data.

Example, if you are driving a 2017 mod instead of the Ligier - thats a fail.

If you are driving Mod Monza instead of s397 Monza - thats a fail.

You may as well play lol AMS2 or AC non Kunos content (except maybe rss) And I thought also the Rf2 A & M 22 iirc F1 car was ok but no where near as nuanced as the f1 pro from s397 (but they did design it or limited its classification to online competition so you be the judge; as I am mythed by that statement from them; so it may have some utility?) Do not forget there's suspension tools and the like to look at and use with Rf2, and some mods are surprising to say the least...

And at least when you use official content, it can be updated properly usually and handled for you and then of course it can be used across the game, having support is no small thing.

Look at Teleco company's across the world one gives support for internet and the other does not and one is cheap and one is expensive - its good when you have an internet issue you just pay a little extra for that [infrastructure]. Being able to use the Daytona tracks across the sim and all things related to it is a good idea.

I even bought every piece of Reiza content in AMS2 - for real.

But do not (its a problem with the internet) say to people how you think they should spend their money, that is ok actually because I have a reverse tip....I know these posts on RD are little more than paid/exposure/commercialised posts but quite often its ok to spend a little more. They will suggest to you how they think, then lol...sorry!

Another example of spending a little more: is when you go to buy the latest car at the showroom. Do you buy the cheaper version of the latest car, OR last years highest-end version with better equipment levels when it is on sale?

See. There would have to be a major reason not to buy the one with the 'daily' higher equipment levels and no doubt higher comfort seats and the like.

Its therefore ok to buy the Q1 Pack, but you do not have to buy today. I could hold off, too. But when I do buy it I know I am in for a good thing. Its my observation s397 and the new company behind them are putting some substance into the sim, its not 'just' a money grab. I would just wait and see if I were you rather than try to say avoid.

They didn't wake up to fail and nor did you, so what I am saying is rock solid. I think this content will be a cut-above in any case.
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Struggling a lot with the new DLC content.
Racing in game is OK, cars and track looking great but Replays are hell.
Game is stuttering and crashing frequently when switching from game to replay.
Since the new DLC release my wheel ist initializing 5 times until games is loaded from Steam.

Nevertheless I made a video containing all the new cars.
You can find it here in the video section of RD
Struggling a lot with the new DLC content.
Racing in game is OK, cars and track looking great but Replays are hell.
Game is stuttering and crashing frequently when switching from game to replay.
Since the new DLC release my wheel ist initializing 5 times until games is loaded from Steam.

Nevertheless I made a video containing all the new cars.
You can find it here in the video section of RD

Crashes could be your computer needs a clean or the computer itself which happens. However the track also may need an optimization or something.

I would try to get to the bottom of those crashes.

Does it even happen when you press R mid-race? to pull up the replay

If you do not want to go to that level then check to see if replays are not on ultra/exact whatever it is, lower the replay accuracy. Maybe people will not notice on your videos :)
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A serious question Peter asked before, and hasn't been thoroughly addressed: how's the AI?

Part 1: how is the AI behaviour at Daytona?

Oh dear. So they didn't test the pit line sufficiently. Good job Studio 397... you're really helping us to think your tracks are better than the work of modders. :cautious: Wonder if the pit line problem is in all cars, or only certain cars?

Part 2: how do the Indycars fare with AI? This is a three part question: (a) on official road courses like Indy GP or Portland, (b) at official content 397 ovals like... the only one in the game :rolleyes: (Indianapolis) and (c) on modded ovals e.g. short ovals like Richmond? Are there any improvements at all?

Cross your fingers they do fix it

Maybe some people do that, in the hope that the DEV's will start to listen finally?
They keep releasing paid content while the biggest issues of the game remain unsolved.
By not talking about it anymore the bugs will NEVER get on their agenda.

So I don't agree with you at all. I care about his opinion, and the dev's of RF2 should definitely care about these opinions !

Proper developers like Reiza and Kunos do, they always give great feedback and give the users what they want, at least they TRY to do it. But S397? They simply don't seem to care at all, they seem to hate it when their user base starts complaining.

Reiza!? lol thats what I told them to do, and they were doing it anyway. They are no better. I am not a part of their company but I did approve of the fleece internet fools strategy. S397 are not reiza. And the game is a lot better.

I think you may find that now they are under new ownership they will pull the guys head in. Its the number one easy way to get ahead and stay ahead of the competition.

If that were me I would be in there wondering if I could make the guy who ran the company walk. stuff him. Its no way to go about things.

They take down the forum stuff since its not helpful and they know about it, but they probably can't get to it (not sure about 2022), but that would have been the case and no sense to make people not buy it.

That was then hopefully this is now.
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It runs like utter garbage: stuttering/FPS is horrendous in VR.
AI hits the wall on pit exit before even reaching the pit lane: comprehensively play-tested then, good job.
Exposure/saturation/gamma still is not fixed: will it ever be?

So glad I bought this DLC day 1, again. Delighted.
In addition to my comment above I would like to say

1 at smaller studios and smaller company's they often have to do 2 jobs as they do not have the staff - so go easy on them! Its left up to a mechanic to do the customer service/experience section of the operation...see?

Imagine having a mechanic coming at you covered in grease and trying to tell you about the virtues of clean leather seats!

A case is like a forum where they may not have a forum operator or their company boss at s397 he may not be able to
delegate too many roles. It makes zero sense to hire someone and pay them a lot to do a role he/someone else could probably cover.

Take it a little easier

Just on this and in addition to my above post which quoted the same thing.

- lol its VR, mate

expect poor quality. its already twice as stressing and all the other VR issues - go talk to oculus and the other company.

I personally think if people want to complain its not going to be 100% warranted in nearly all cases bar a select few, but sometimes they need to see things are like they are for various reasons and its not always 'evil S397'.
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The billion dollar question is still: has they fixed the AI?

No point getting these amazing contents when the AI drives like a bad joke.
I just did a 24 car grid race at Daytona Road. Definitely seemed to have some weird AI going on. Not entirely certain since I forgot to turn on Crew Chief. Could have been ME driving like a bad joke :p
There were definitely two instances where I had to swerve to avoid hitting cars that slowed down for no reason I could see.
I don't usually drive with AI, but it seems there may be some merit to the "they screwed up the AI" I keep hearing.
It used to be flawless.
Gonna give it another go...
I certainly like driving around in the sim! The AI issue solved would literally propel this sim from 1,700 active users at once to probably 2,500; the more the merrier. Hopefully they finally get to it. Its become a worthwhile roadblock to tear down.

Genre marketspace has grown.

S397 addressable marketshare has increased.

funds made available

branding quality has increased or on upward trend

[new] low hanging fruit

I wonder where it is on the list of things do to (you know the program(s) which are used to track projects and visualize it and everyone can take their piece, I bet you its in there somehwere)

You see this in linux and other release schedules such as Android - when you bring it back to quarterly and you say "we commit to this" it means you get more substance out the door and are forced to work on finishing things or do not release them until its ready. With a rolling release it leaves a lot of room to put things off, so I would expect the software to get significantly better within 2 years. Obviously the thought process and sense behind rolling-release is you get things done when you get the 1 time, 2 money 3 expertise or come to understand something, 4 put the work in.

So there are pros and cons, but usually the more work-done method is quarterly or other incremental things.

Back to the content, its very good for driving. I don't let game issues put me off what I came to the sim to do.
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Am I missing something? I've read posts here that the 3 cars and 1 track released can be purchased all together for a reduced price. I'm just not seeing this at the Steam store.

Late revenge?:)

No I just never thought the bug with woochoo's and Reiza's rfmod update was worth mentioning

For others that do use MAS2 to make 5KB mods ( series) ...........check my theory

Make a rfmod with 1 S397 car and track and save
Now go back to Mas2 and edit that mod adding either Woochoo endurance or Reiza content
Now if you look at the right hand column you will see that none of the boxes are ticked , they should be
Now you can see in screen #3 I selected a layout for each Reiza track click Package and it errors

CARSH TEST 001.jpg
CARSH TEST 002.jpg
CARSH TEST 003.jpg
CARSH TEST 004.jpg

So there it is the Reiza content crashed rfmod
Even if you remove all the Reiza content it won't re-pack damage is already done

so if you have existing rfmods and you want to add this new DLC to them it will show none of the DLC as selected when you do and package it will error...............
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I honestly don't understand what you're talking about here. I've read your posts 3 times and even translated them, but you're impossible to follow. What's your native language?
Am I missing something? I've read posts here that the 3 cars and 1 track released can be purchased all together for a reduced price. I'm just not seeing this at the Steam store.

View attachment 539000

No, its over in "packs" for me it was anyway

By the time you read this I will have bought it. I do not normally buy so soon these things, of course if it was AMS2 I did, but I knew that would be bugged to no end though Reiza do work on things I understood too all that low hanging fruit would take forever to fix, so its naff a fair bit.

When I saw the Daytona main straight in Rf2 on a video that was enough; I already knew I was going to buy it 'before long' to suss it all out, but when I saw a video (in addition to the one s397 released yesterday so I am not exactly 'coming in dry' to this)... well I knew I had to buy it. All those people saying oh the free stuff is X, Y, Z better lol...... just because its free.

ahhhh.... hehe.

nah guys. The content is really good. And the models are good, too. The new tire model is good. There's not a lot to say except thank goodness S397 has access to a lot of the stuff that these things need (like data etc) to make them this good. A lot of times guys do not see first the fine grain things but they all add up.

And then with the track - what you have to appreciate above just a lot of good trackside objects and the like the grandstands are much nicer than even the last free mod track on the workshop (there's about 5 daytona ones now and this beats it), you can even see the chain-link fence shadow on the road.

Fidelity. And you can apply that same concept to the driving, too. Well done s397.
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As good as it is they need to get on to that AI quick smart.

I think the AI is an embarrassment.

No joke: they have had 1000 guys go please fix the AI.

Then the drooling money grubbers come along and say "euughhh naaah lets do comporrrrtissshhunnss...' 'moooooneeeey'.... munnnnneeeaahhh [competitions, money]

How do you people look into the mirror every day.

edit I am personally not letting the AI issues get in the way of what I came to the sim to do - but the AI is a major chunk of the puzzle. It is limiting the experience and you whizz past them - all the same things happened to me the other day at Indianapolis and apple valley with the previous Dallara indy. may be not as bad as in that video but it was present.

lol as a sim-soldier I push on, you know. But don't think its not being noticed. I also think that they are building back some of the money investment. I think they will get to it.

Its my understanding about AI, when you test it and all the rest, find it, whatnot - it is something that requires many months back to back to get on top of. May be this is why they have put it off since it sounds simple but its actually not that easy. With the new schedule one can only hope that they are doing a bit here and there.


I honestly don't understand what you're talking about here. I've read your posts 3 times and even translated them, but you're impossible to follow. What's your native language?

Sorry about that, I will try harder next time to be clearer.
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