rFactor 2's Quarterly Content Release and UI Refresh Out Now

rFactor 2 Quarterly Content Release 01.jpg
An update to rFactor 2 is live now on Steam, and the sim now welcomes four new pieces of content.

Studio 397's social media has kept us busy over the past weeks with the implementation of a new user interface and teasers of upcoming content. That content is now live on Steam for purchase, and the UI has been given an update.

The rapid-fire nature of the content release is part of a new strategy from Studio 397 and Motorsport Games for rFactor 2. Rather than release each bit of new content as it is becomes ready for release, there will be quarterly releases of multiple projects the team has been working on.

The four pieces of content welcomed this quarter include three new cars and a racing circuit. The first and perhaps most notable release is the Dallara IR18 INDYCAR. Studio 397 has bundled all of the teams, drivers and liveries from the 2021 NTT INDYCAR Series for this release.

Along with the INDYCAR, another impactful piece of content released today was Daytona International Speedway. This track has seen a recent boost in popularity in sim racing, with Automobilista 2 and iRacing already having official versions of the circuit, plus a popular mod for Assetto Corsa and an upcoming appearance in Gran Turismo 7.

Two more cars to join the sim this quarter are the Ligier JS P320 and BMW M4 GT3. The former joins a Norma competitor in the LMP3 class, and the latter helps fill out the GT3 class. If you've yet to try the LMP3 class in this title, you may enjoy the ease of use of the car thanks to its aero package and low, wide stance. The BMW has proven to be a popular choice of car in Assetto Corsa Competizione, and should find itself many fans in rF2.

With so many new choices now on offer in rFactor 2, it may be tough to decide what to purchase. If you've bought and experienced any of the four new pieces of content, let us know your thoughts below in the comments.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


As been described since SCGT isimotor and sims had bugs and in those days you lucky to get a single patch, smart people are still upgrading GTR2 and others

This may sound far fetched......

Way way back when rF was newest sim ( cat fights between rF and F1C lovers )
Was thread " what you want in future sim "

I said a sim that has one track one car to start and the entire engine is made around that 1 combo
Then you pay for next combo with a tweaked engine etc etc
some emailed me and said " you wait " lol must have been someone from pCars

So yeah one day I would like if some studios join forces to make a engine they all agree is best
then they all go and make their own titles of course, so sims would be more about unique content not repeats
core engine gets constantly updated like UE4 not just patches
There has got to be positives from less engines
Sorry to hear this car is disappointing to you, Austin. I won't take your opinion blindly (like with anyone) but I generally trust your assessments, so it sucks to read your reaction to the new Indycar.

It might be interesting for you to compare the new Studio 397 car to this free Indycar mod for rF2 on the Steam Workshop from a highly-rated modding team: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2743396435 If that mod car drives plausibly to you and 397's doesn't, then you could definitely say your poor experience is 397's fault and rule out any extraneous rF2 FFB or game engine jank. Since all the Indycars you mentioned you enjoy are for other games, I believe.

You mean like the multiple IR18's that have appeared across a wide variety of sims and all drive more or less the same, save for rFactor 2's being completely different?
I know what you mean. That said, judging by how strongly the real-world Indycar drivers reacted negatively against the iRacing IR-18's feel and knowing how so many mods and official content drive very incorrectly, who's to say the impression of Indycars we have in sims is at all reflective of real-life handling feel? I sure as hell have no clue, anyhow :p
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Sorry to hear this car is disappointing to you, Austin. I won't take your opinion blindly (like with anyone) but I generally trust your assessments, so it sucks to read your reaction to the new Indycar.

It might be interesting for you to compare the new Studio 397 car to this free Indycar mod for rF2 on the Steam Workshop from a highly-rated modding team: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2743396435 If that mod car drives plausibly to you and 397's doesn't, then you could definitely say your poor experience is 397's fault and rule out any extraneous rF2 FFB or game engine jank. Since all the Indycars you mentioned you enjoy are for other games, I believe.

I know what you mean. That said, judging by how strongly the real-world Indycar drivers reacted negatively against the iRacing IR-18's feel and knowing how so many mods and official content drive very incorrectly, who's to say the impression of Indycars we have in sims is at all reflective of real-life handling feel? I sure as hell have no clue, anyhow :p
its not, and thats not the way to make it analogous... and the correct thing to do is indeed see if you like something else as you won't get the iracing car in rf2 and vice versa. In terms of life reference for one thing the steering force you need to exert on it is about 10-30kgs even for what we would say in sim-land is a relatively easy turn. This would change your driving style entirely.

Does it take 30kgs to move your wheel? no.

But in saying that you can easily get a reference point having never driven one; but do not also be surprised if its wrong; so I do not see why he is looking for a particular result ( my advice is to get used to the rf2 car, stuff the others, its the same thing you did for them but you were more comfortable or deluded). To make it worse for the guy all those games he mentioned including RF2 tbh have recently changed literally everything about themselves.

Its a waste on time pandering to that mate. Don't.


I just came to say people should try the LMP with the Le mans aero at Le mans naturally if they do not like the indycar, its just one car. As to the indy car he may like to try a different customisation from the main screen (not in the track-day setup, i mean before it loads at car selection).

Plenty to tinker with. And as you may think with the endurance and le mans, the steering is much lighter. Give it a crack.

-- There is analogy, there is colloquialisms/slang, there is base-line reference, there are blind tests (science stuff) there are A and B tests,

which of those has anyone here done, to establish a base line. If he likes the mod then I am happy for him, but no sense getting worked up with outbursts about the car being terrible. There is always the old dallara in the game right above it.

for all we know he is the actual modder - but it has no stars and also there has not been one car...ONE CAR since s397 took over that has been better as a mod over an s397 car. Let alone that same car in another game, the rf2 version car always took precedence. They worked with the team and test drivers they were given data, they have the tire compound while not exact its correlated as much as is able.


EDIT : I tried the mod car, sorry, it has no where near the physics needed to put it anywhere close the ir-18. Its almost as if he copied in the dallra2012 physics and made a mess of them. Try slipping and sliding with that thing and it will move like a snake, ignoring both inertia laws and momentum and probably defying the 2nd law of thermodynamics in the process! They are not proper by a long shot.

> So do not over think things. As I personally stated it feels great. Imagine an f1 car but with stability wings. They are designed to stick at 300+ kms. lol. Its not rocket science to think though its only comparative in the sim, that this is a good model from s397.

belt ffb at 70% and min force for me at 5% but please expect some clipping IF you are doing 290 kms/hour on a bank as it would be strong but on the flat its not like that, brakes for road daytona I say stuff it and put them forward to 63. drive a couple of laps and be sure to brake early get them warm brakes, then get the tires warm, and you will find it has oodles of good quality's about it. If you do not like its default then change the customizations in the car selection screen. Get rid of a dive plane or something.

That is what the fellow needs to do. 1 make sure of ffb (if a DD then maybe half of what a belt needs and no min force) then change customization in car select to a different aero package. May be even a non symmetrical setup so its always pulling or something to the left.

All you guys are great believe me, its all good. But look you must have seen when the original aero package meant for road and the like, was only doing 280kms, but take it to the brickyard and put on the oval package and it will do 350 well of course the handling will be different. So dont say Rf2 is not all there, its just got more complexity compared to iracing and others.
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BMW review shortform.

Oh well. Pretty much the BMW is every bit as good as the best there is. The overall gut level feel I give to the indy car is a 9 or 10, probably 10 and the BMW a 9 easily. I think anyone who drives either of those 2 cars and the ligier's are really good too, and said they were bad would be lying in the end once they were familiar with the cars and anything else to their satisfaction.

I know the whole thing got side tracked, potentially by a mod maker who was not happy with the timing of the release. Thats fine. However! I feel I need to talk about the BMW too. It feels great and les flat than in ACC since well they are just different games. Obviously ACC is gold standard, this is probably an 8. And it only needs to be 4 in order to be worth driving, just say. I won't bother going over the differences but if you bought this you will not be unhappy with it

How to explain it? Hmm, well in RF2 just imagine it all happening faster at the wheel and tyre that its so obvious and may lead you to think its too smooth or the wheels are doing too much - well thats an area rf2 is ahead, and naturally you may think sound and graphics a little behind, same kind of concept. One point off for both sound and graphics obviously you may be thinking its just an 8 but the car is a lot more than the sum of its parts, and the feedback and tyre polling at 2400hz really helps. Its not a sloppy car in RF2, its still tight but that sense of weight slapping onto the ground like a belly flop is not there, such is the engine differences - but the rest is all there, the hallmarks and trademarks of the car and yes its more turnable by a fraction and you might want to change that in setup but the grip and all that is seemingly spot on, the suspension is crisp and not harsh but maybe a little softer than in ACC off the bat. Its one time where you go 'hey thats a gt3' and bmw's marketing all lines up like in ACC just as in RF2 such that you agree with the phrase "pure driving pleasure". or sheer, as you please.

The nuance when you brake and turn in Rf2 is one point where all the disparate models and systems like traction control line up 100%, but whereas in ACC the models just work slightly better independently all the time together maybe and the transition between them, well in RF2 they work to the 90% degree well together so you do not wonder about it, but when you compare you see however you do not notice it in normal operation - BUT and SO: none of this actually detracts from the driving feel in RF2, they got so much done so well, you would not pull points off for any of the cars implementation, surely. Its really that good.

I am not making this stuff up. You may say "well that 10% it must be sloppy, then?" And I would say no, its just smoother in transition between them. The actual cars and suspension and driving etc is really good. Its not really horrible fidelity by any means.

Just note that when it comes to diff and the rest either they are not allowing you to change the diff and not that you want to, I just mention it because RF2 has that extra slip sometimes. Its a different game after all.

In fact at traction control 4 it is like that above, and when you put it up to traction control 6 (mapped to my up button on the wheel, and side is abs) and making sure brake (turn-knob) is forward to parity for ACC at something like 56, you will find that as far as traction is concerned its definitely as tight as you would like it.

So I think I know ACC is meant to be the gold standard in car feel and it makes sense, then RF2 is at least a 9 by this rating system. And the driving is fine, which you may as well say its a 10 in driving.

Now there are other things about rf2 that I like which you do not find elsewhere - such as the braking and the tightness, I like that you feel a good old brake-bite in the wheel such is how rf2 does things, and the car slunks down on the front suspension, its all done really well, and the change in weight like that happens very well, you may not get that in full forces but weight transition is there of a sort.

Like I said, this is by no means a lesser version to my tastes. And you will feel differences in various settings as to the road surface, so the detail is coming at you. It feels gutsy and fast and to varying degrees like a razor or like a knife through butter.

Another thing I like about the new tires is I am not sure if its new or not in the model(s) but you spin out better, overall maybe ACC spins out the best in terms of how the overall car itself moves/skids, but in the new tire model you can turn more and the car responds in the spin (I spun out on purpose) I was able to make the tires grip and go left, push brake, float off and go right, then brake a final time and grip back onto the track, and by turning I mean it spun and slid in a quarter circle each way so it was really nice.

To explain: I think rather like other models that just tell the game engine "he is sliding so just slide" it was nice there was always grip there "beneath the surface" waiting to grip again. iracing and acc even, let alone ac or raceroom (as good as they are to play), are miles away from that kind of thing, seems.

Next observation

Pretty sure I was using ffb 90 and only the mildest bit of clipping if at all (red on the meter) so its definitely good to go for tx and similar at that. May be it was a little loose in the back end unless thats how they are but it took the lines very well. Thats setup probably. The weight transfer is not fully there in terms of being in your face although it is definitely present but at least it its not ungainly or anything and the turning is superb only rf2 can do that (I did not over-drive it either). Its a gutsy car and the driving is like driving a real drivers car. I did not adjust traction control or anything however.

I personally rate this as a must drive and its right there alongside the ferarai they did and the gte's. Talk about good. Now even if you like how ACC does things then you will think of the bmw as being alongside them and the ferrarai non gt3 i usually use but also the gt3 (is just my judgement as I do not drive the others much) right up there with ACC for driving. Its always apples and oranges. Rf2 puts a good show of gt3s, but the BMW is definitely one of the better ones of any sim.

When the rest of the GT3's get those same new tires it should solidify the whole thing. May be ACC feels like a steel lunch box and RF2 like a kevlar one or some such, (you know like Kevlar jeans), but its still very good. (I drove the bently the other day and really liked it, actually on the 1986 modded Jean-Paul track) plus ferari and bmw and it was as good as I remembered, so not coming into this blind.

Its like ACC which I drove at same place just to check and today ACC had an update. ACC feels sublime its true but RF2 is really good as well. Its easier to have fun in the RF2 car, but ACC BMW lets you get stuck into it too.

___ BMW m4 gt3 is clearly a highly rated car at 9 or 10/10; it is going to be especially good when the other gt3s receive this same tire model and update.
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After acquired by Motorsport games S397 still don't know how to price their in-game content.
We can see some pretty weird xx.33, xx.44 that are surely just a conversion from Euro to CNY, which is not convincing as China is obviously a steam low-price region, where we purchase Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition for 162 CNY (edit: 162 CNY equals 22 Euro),and 3 rF2 tracks for 200 CNY:inlove: I mean if they just show the Euro price I've got nothing to say it's just like another RRRE, but the prices are shown as CNY making it look ironic.
BTW about the game price, rF2's price is ¥97 and AC is ¥70 (1.38×), DLC price... at least 5×:inlove:
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After acquired by Motorsport games S397 still don't know how to price their in-game content.
We can see some pretty weird xx.33, xx.44 that are surely just a conversion from Euro to CNY, which is not convincing as China is obviously a steam low-price region, where we purchase Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition for 162 CNY (edit: 162 CNY equals 22 Euro),and 3 rF2 tracks for 200 CNY:inlove: I mean if they just show the Euro price I've got nothing to say it's just like another RRRE, but the prices are shown as CNY making it look ironic.
BTW about the game price, rF2's price is ¥97 and AC is ¥70 (1.38×), DLC price... at least 5×:inlove:

I felt the pricing well is ok. You get a new tire model in this, so I know its not what you want to hear and I neither liked shelling out such a price (china is a lot poorer than you think and trillions in debt so the govt overstates per person wealth even as it overstates its own wealth and understates its debt levels its only natural the market can only find x amount of money from them)... and they are going to be wiping perhaps 4% off their GPD in the next 10 years, trillions in trust fund debt, businesses fleeing, housing bubble, personal wealth, aging populations concerns. Its ok. Be happy the USA and the western alliance block is so powerful. 1600 F35's mean you will be ok; but pricing is low there because IF you had to sell into that market you would understand in some things as we enjoy in our country's they are unable to enjoy there as far and wide; some do yes, but the amount of people who can and do is much less.

Hypersonnics? protecting their economy just like they wanted to steal the south asia sea? They have backed up a fair bit on that desire did you notice. So hypersonics lol from russia? and china? They can be knocked out the sky with standard, existing albeit updated missiles though they need to be ground launched and some h/sonics you can drop from a plane. The naval power of the USA and indeed the western alliance is invincible, 25-30 top tier air craft carriers, and another 15 top tier 'carriers' and litoral boats, anti radiation missiles, etc it goes on. I am not making this up, forget the propaganda, its more to do with crumbling internal party politics.

This means get used to the financial situation. They brought it on themselves, but for you and me, it means you will have to accept they won't be shelling out as much, but I do wish the country well.

but its quite ok. the tyre model makes it 5 things for 27 dollars local. I do not want to say your concern is not warranted as we should always strive to place downward pressure on prices, CPI, inflation, all those things!

I am just saying the new tire model is the 5th thing. For example you can see how streamers do the whole quick right/left/right/left when they slide- lol forget about over-reliance on that with this tire model. The tires are too fast, at 2400hz polling rate, they know which way a wheel is facing in a slide and the grip builds up a lot better and you can feel (it seems) the sidewalls and all that flex is just doing a lot more, imagine hard jelly moving left and right - this tire model is surprising in its intricacies. No other game is doing this.
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Yeah, it was like a stream of consciousness babble.
Come on I am just a chatterbox.

The guy is complaining about price. Do not complain about price. You determine to pay the price or you don't.

Its not babble. Do you know what happens to military spending when you wipe off up to 5% off china's GDP? Military spending sinks, and the force becomes worse; meanwhile the USA spending is perfectly balanced for decades. They tried to shake everyone down to grow their economy but they trade with the west- now the west is turning on them, they won't go very far. They are left with places like Russia and Pakistan.

lol... as to his own spending I do not know but the price was ok, it was fine at the price I paid. And theres no reason in his budget why he can't wait a little while - thats ok too - to prioritise, he will get there eventually, no harm in that!

Its the same analogy. Considering how much things cost in society its not that bad - and then I said you actually get 5 things in the pack if you think of the tyre model as one.

I would say instead of babbling to me how I am wrong, start to see how I am right. They can't afford to pay more, its always been about volume with them, but if that guy was better with his money then obviously he would not be complaining about price for 5 things.

I am pretty switched on dude. definitely not perfect but I know that. Kenny as a mod is pretty good a more fair mod you won't find.
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I would still like someone to explain to me how the ultra low rolling resistance in rFactor2 affects physics and handling. I think it affects lift off coast into corners especially tight ones
Of course I might be imagining it but I can't help think it must affect something/s or otherwise why would have ISI guru made it lower so cars coast forever ?

This is just one example were something in rF2 is not real life ie: low rolling resistance
but I believe makes for better slow speed turn-in, helps rotate the car

The other big one is lower gravity
Lower gravity should make car more reactive over bumps which I think it does
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I would still like someone to explain to me how the ultra low rolling resistance in rFactor2 affects physics and handling. I think it affects lift off coast into corners especially tight ones
Of course I might be imagining it but I can't help think it must affect something/s or otherwise why would have ISI guru made it lower so cars coast forever ?

This is just one example were something in rF2 is not real life ie: low rolling resistance
but I believe makes for better slow speed turn-in, helps rotate the car

The other big one is lower gravity
Lower gravity should make car more reactive over bumps which I think it does
I realise I do not want to post too many things, but consider this:

Go down the highway at 120kms hour. 100 if you want nice number. Let off the gas US/pedal else and just let it roll when you are near an exit off the highway - bro, it will ROLL, and I mean fkn ROLL, for 100s of meters, even up a hill/incline. To be fair if you have a car designed like that to have less internal resistance then it will roll further, even up a hill, but the same thing would be true of many cars - even 100KM/hour or 60MPH is really quick when you think about it a lot of energy.

But the gravity is true for me as well I think it seems to have less gravity and you can see this when the cars fly up on really bad mod tracks. They fly up very light.

Now question why he did that with rolling resistance and I think it was for a reason, but I am not sure fully. Also how did I go at using less words!
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Gravity can be experimentally tested if you feel like it. If the tires are loaded the right amount, G is correct. I don't know why it'd not be.
BMW review shortform.

Oh well. Pretty much the BMW is every bit as good as the best there is. The overall gut level feel I give to the indy car is a 9 or 10, probably 10 and the BMW a 9 easily. I think anyone who drives either of those 2 cars and the ligier's are really good too, and said they were bad would be lying in the end once they were familiar with the cars and anything else to their satisfaction.

I know the whole thing got side tracked, potentially by a mod maker who was not happy with the timing of the release. Thats fine. However! I feel I need to talk about the BMW too. It feels great and les flat than in ACC since well they are just different games. Obviously ACC is gold standard, this is probably an 8. And it only needs to be 4 in order to be worth driving, just say. I won't bother going over the differences but if you bought this you will not be unhappy with it

How to explain it? Hmm, well in RF2 just imagine it all happening faster at the wheel and tyre that its so obvious and may lead you to think its too smooth or the wheels are doing too much - well thats an area rf2 is ahead, and naturally you may think sound and graphics a little behind, same kind of concept. One point off for both sound and graphics obviously you may be thinking its just an 8 but the car is a lot more than the sum of its parts, and the feedback and tyre polling at 2400hz really helps. Its not a sloppy car in RF2, its still tight but that sense of weight slapping onto the ground like a belly flop is not there, such is the engine differences - but the rest is all there, the hallmarks and trademarks of the car and yes its more turnable by a fraction and you might want to change that in setup but the grip and all that is seemingly spot on, the suspension is crisp and not harsh but maybe a little softer than in ACC off the bat. Its one time where you go 'hey thats a gt3' and bmw's marketing all lines up like in ACC just as in RF2 such that you agree with the phrase "pure driving pleasure". or sheer, as you please.

The nuance when you brake and turn in Rf2 is one point where all the disparate models and systems like traction control line up 100%, but whereas in ACC the models just work slightly better independently all the time together maybe and the transition between them, well in RF2 they work to the 90% degree well together so you do not wonder about it, but when you compare you see however you do not notice it in normal operation - BUT and SO: none of this actually detracts from the driving feel in RF2, they got so much done so well, you would not pull points off for any of the cars implementation, surely. Its really that good.

I am not making this stuff up. You may say "well that 10% it must be sloppy, then?" And I would say no, its just smoother in transition between them. The actual cars and suspension and driving etc is really good. Its not really horrible fidelity by any means.

Just note that when it comes to diff and the rest either they are not allowing you to change the diff and not that you want to, I just mention it because RF2 has that extra slip sometimes. Its a different game after all.

In fact at traction control 4 it is like that above, and when you put it up to traction control 6 (mapped to my up button on the wheel, and side is abs) and making sure brake (turn-knob) is forward to parity for ACC at something like 56, you will find that as far as traction is concerned its definitely as tight as you would like it.

So I think I know ACC is meant to be the gold standard in car feel and it makes sense, then RF2 is at least a 9 by this rating system. And the driving is fine, which you may as well say its a 10 in driving.

Now there are other things about rf2 that I like which you do not find elsewhere - such as the braking and the tightness, I like that you feel a good old brake-bite in the wheel such is how rf2 does things, and the car slunks down on the front suspension, its all done really well, and the change in weight like that happens very well, you may not get that in full forces but weight transition is there of a sort.

Like I said, this is by no means a lesser version to my tastes. And you will feel differences in various settings as to the road surface, so the detail is coming at you. It feels gutsy and fast and to varying degrees like a razor or like a knife through butter.

Another thing I like about the new tires is I am not sure if its new or not in the model(s) but you spin out better, overall maybe ACC spins out the best in terms of how the overall car itself moves/skids, but in the new tire model you can turn more and the car responds in the spin (I spun out on purpose) I was able to make the tires grip and go left, push brake, float off and go right, then brake a final time and grip back onto the track, and by turning I mean it spun and slid in a quarter circle each way so it was really nice.

To explain: I think rather like other models that just tell the game engine "he is sliding so just slide" it was nice there was always grip there "beneath the surface" waiting to grip again. iracing and acc even, let alone ac or raceroom (as good as they are to play), are miles away from that kind of thing, seems.

Next observation

Pretty sure I was using ffb 90 and only the mildest bit of clipping if at all (red on the meter) so its definitely good to go for tx and similar at that. May be it was a little loose in the back end unless thats how they are but it took the lines very well. Thats setup probably. The weight transfer is not fully there in terms of being in your face although it is definitely present but at least it its not ungainly or anything and the turning is superb only rf2 can do that (I did not over-drive it either). Its a gutsy car and the driving is like driving a real drivers car. I did not adjust traction control or anything however.

I personally rate this as a must drive and its right there alongside the ferarai they did and the gte's. Talk about good. Now even if you like how ACC does things then you will think of the bmw as being alongside them and the ferrarai non gt3 i usually use but also the gt3 (is just my judgement as I do not drive the others much) right up there with ACC for driving. Its always apples and oranges. Rf2 puts a good show of gt3s, but the BMW is definitely one of the better ones of any sim.

When the rest of the GT3's get those same new tires it should solidify the whole thing. May be ACC feels like a steel lunch box and RF2 like a kevlar one or some such, (you know like Kevlar jeans), but its still very good. (I drove the bently the other day and really liked it, actually on the 1986 modded Jean-Paul track) plus ferari and bmw and it was as good as I remembered, so not coming into this blind.

Its like ACC which I drove at same place just to check and today ACC had an update. ACC feels sublime its true but RF2 is really good as well. Its easier to have fun in the RF2 car, but ACC BMW lets you get stuck into it too.

___ BMW m4 gt3 is clearly a highly rated car at 9 or 10/10; it is going to be especially good when the other gt3s receive this same tire model and update.
The BMW M4 GT3 is on the OLD tyres and due to this it came out OP and faster than current GT3s.
Once S397 finishes adjusting all GT3 cars to receive the new tyres (it's not just a "bolt in" job), the M4 GT3 will be "re-issued" with the tyres I reckon it was designed for.
Right now, it suffers from the same exaggerated grip as current GT3 cars (I would say, even worse).
Noted: I am a big rFactor 2 fan and, in my opinion, its capabilities are showcased by the Dallara IR18 (Indycar), the Ligier to a lesser extent (still on OLD tyres as well) rather than by the BMW.
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The BMW M4 GT3 is on the OLD tyres and due to this it came out OP and faster than current GT3s.
Once S397 finishes adjusting all GT3 cars to receive the new tyres (it's not just a "bolt in" job), the M4 GT3 will be "re-issued" with the tyres I reckon it was designed for.
Right now, it suffers from the same exaggerated grip as current GT3 cars (I would say, even worse).
Noted: I am a big rFactor 2 fan and, in my opinion, its capabilities are showcased by the Dallara IR18 (Indycar), the Ligier to a lesser extent (still on OLD tyres as well) rather than by the BMW.
wow thank you so much I hope you are indeed right and the car gets even better, which I think you are right of course.

It was wasn't it, indeed the indy car had the new tyres only with more to come later.

and I appreciate you saying that. I only came back on in case someone corrected me and thankfully this is true - I knew that in the past when I read originally oh well,

In fact I was that impressed with the BMW car (new) that I came back to say I was going to also buy the Ferrari Gt3 (have the gte) when I saw it was missing!

thanks for the opinion any way, you could well be right since not to take away from those at Le mans the Ligier felt so damn good and I drove it elsewhere as I now have both after today. The aero on those are just so good. which naturally again, I dont understand those who talk down the pack - since now guess what it would make me go back and drive the Cadilac DPI and the norma more.
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Come on I am just a chatterbox.

The guy is complaining about price. Do not complain about price. You determine to pay the price or you don't.

Its not babble. Do you know what happens to military spending when you wipe off up to 5% off china's GDP? Military spending sinks, and the force becomes worse; meanwhile the USA spending is perfectly balanced for decades. They tried to shake everyone down to grow their economy but they trade with the west- now the west is turning on them, they won't go very far. They are left with places like Russia and Pakistan.

lol... as to his own spending I do not know but the price was ok, it was fine at the price I paid.

Its the same analogy. Considering how much things cost in society its not that bad - and then I said you actually get 5 things in the pack if you think of the tyre model as one.

I would say instead of babbling to me how I am wrong, start to see how I am right. They can't afford to pay more, its always been about volume with them, but if that guy was better with his money then obviously he would not be complaining about price for 5 things.

I am pretty switched on dude. I am half your age as the mod but know twice as much.
It looks like you are a fan of RF2 so I presume you are trying to maybe get people interested in the sim.Posting lengthy rambling posts like these means people dont bother reading your posts & anything useful you do have to say being lost or ignored.Try being succinct.

Definition of SUCCINCT
Said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words
Im getting closer and closer to my first use of that ignore button for these tirade like walls of text im seeing from one poster :rolleyes:

I really enjoy the driving of RF2 in general, physics and ffb are a joy for me personally along with AMS2.
They are both top tier imho but its an exercise in frustration with the AI in its current state in RF2.
I hevent bought the new content yet but i planned to this morning as it seemed a very good deal getting the Q1 content for €16 odd but after watching a few videos of the glaring issues ill hold off for a while.

studio 397 do yourselves a favour and fix the AI, it just has to happen if this fantastic sim is to attract more users.
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Sorry to hear this car is disappointing to you, Austin. I won't take your opinion blindly (like with anyone) but I generally trust your assessments, so it sucks to read your reaction to the new Indycar.

It might be interesting for you to compare the new Studio 397 car to this free Indycar mod for rF2 on the Steam Workshop from a highly-rated modding team: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2743396435 If that mod car drives plausibly to you and 397's doesn't, then you could definitely say your poor experience is 397's fault and rule out any extraneous rF2 FFB or game engine jank. Since all the Indycars you mentioned you enjoy are for other games, I believe.

I know what you mean. That said, judging by how strongly the real-world Indycar drivers reacted negatively against the iRacing IR-18's feel and knowing how so many mods and official content drive very incorrectly, who's to say the impression of Indycars we have in sims is at all reflective of real-life handling feel? I sure as hell have no clue, anyhow :p
I have no idea how people can take Austin even remotely serous. The guy published a video about the IR18 before release telling everyone how bad the car is. The guy who told everyone how great PC3 is. 'Nuff said. :rolleyes:

Anyway, got the pack as the content is pretty interesting. Daytona looks and drives great as all the other tracks that got released recently, performance is also pretty good. Didn't see any issues with AI so far, but only drove a few practice sessions. I used the 488 GTE and the LPM2 and DPi cars had no issues lapping me. Still need to do a few races to see how they work in race conditions. The free version had som issues with the rolling starts, so I hope that this works here. There aren't any AI related fixes in the changelog so I wouldn't expect any miracles. Reading the release notes makes it relatively easy to adjust your expectations.

About the cars: only tested the new cars briefly. The IR18 at Portland was very nice. AI is pretty fast, FFB and feel is great, handling seems allright compared to the IR18 from the VRC pack, AC aswell as the rF2 version. Throwing the car throught the fast left right sweeper at the end of the lap is just something else. The cars are very high quality in terms of visuals and one thing I really liked compared to previous releases is the sound of the three cars. Don't expect ACC or RR3 level of sounds, as the sound engine is still what it is, but for rF2 standards it's pretty damn good, especialy from the external cams. When you compare this to the bee swarm of M23s that they still haven't updated, then this is light years ahead. All in all, not a bad deal for the whole pack as long as you aren't expecting huge AI and rule system updates. In that case I would give the advice to hold on. For MP racing and short quick SP races it's a no brainer. Good job on the pack itself.

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Mike Smith
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