The Last Garage Previews All-New Sim Racing Platform

The Last Garage Previews All-New Sim Racing Tech Platform RD.jpg
Images: The Last Garage
Former rFactor 2 stalwart, Marcel Offermans, has created a fresh sim racing physics platform. He and his company, The Last Garage, will showcase a playable build later this week at the Sim Formula Europe event and hope other developers use it for upcoming games and simulation titles.

If you created a wishlist of base-level technical specs that an ideal racing simulation platform could hit, then there’s a chance it may read something like this:
  • Custom physics engine running at 1000Hz
  • Support for laser-scanned circuits
  • Virtual reality and triple-screen compatibility
Marcel Offermans had a similar idea. In fact, this isn’t a wishlist at all, but instead the bullet point list of features in his new sim racing foundation.

Not only that, but most of those features are also functional right now and can be played by anyone who visits the Dutch university town of Maastricht this coming weekend. More specifically, at the Sim Formula Europe event.

From rFactor to The Last Garage​

Following work on rFactor 2 as Managing Director for nearly six years, and on various rFactor-related projects prior, Offermans left the Motorsport Games stewarded Studio 397 in 2022. He then founded a new business, The Last Garage. This new operation has worked as consultants on various projects alongside creating a brand new driving simulation platform.

“After leaving Studio 397 and Motorsport Games in spring 2022, I knew I wanted to continue to be part of the sim racing community,” explains the experienced director and software architect to RaceDepartment.

“It is a little-known fact that around Christmas 2015, before embarking on the adventure with Studio 397, I spent three weeks during my holiday developing a racing simulation.

“Obviously that was only going to be a limited effort, and I was mostly using off-the-shelf components, but I managed to get a car driving around a track in that timeframe. So, I have always been interested in developing a racing simulation, and I simply thought, it’s now or never!”

Unique 1000Hz Driving Physics Tech​

The new project isn’t a progeny of rFactor 2, however, but something completely different. The physics are said to be created from scratch by the fledgling outfit. It’s emphatically stressed that the technology has not been based upon, or licenced, from any existing technology.

The 1000Hz physics engine – comparing favourably on paper to titles such as Forza Motorsport (360Hz) and Assetto Corsa Competizione (400Hz) – has been created with a ‘modular’ approach. From the offset, vehicles with three, four and six wheels (we’re looking at you Tyrell!), are possible, or even vehicles with two engines.

While the physics are custom, the open-source graphics engine Godot 4 has been leveraged for the visuals. Its Vulkan-based Forward+ rendering should avoid the ungainly ‘ghosting’ visual effect sometimes seen in driving titles using different graphics systems.

The Last Garage modual car sim racing physics.jpg

Outside of the core driving experience, native DDU support should mean that the information shown “in platform” on the car’s dashboard and a rig-mounted display unit can align without the need for third-party software. In theory, a DDU could then also be used for a rear-view mirror.

VR support is in active development and is slated to arrive further down the development path, but triple screens are functional already.

Similarly, the day/night cycle includes support for air density, wind speed and direction and is working at present, with dynamic weather set to follow.

A New Foundation For Future Sim Titles​

It’s worth noting that this isn’t necessarily going to be a complete and shipped sim racing platform by The Last Garage, but rather a fresh game engine that can be used to create new titles by additional studios – as Offermans explains:

“My overall end goal, if there ever is such a thing, is to complete the foundation of a new engine that can then be used to create various new racing simulations, plus creating a sustainable business with a team of experts that enjoy this as much as I do.

“I don’t have a solid plan in terms of which simulation will come first. I’m exploring different options and talking to a few partners, but it’s way too early to announce anything today.”

With that in mind, don’t expect a complete sim ready for this year. For example, currently, there’s only one track, Bridgehampton.

But instead, imagine the possibilities. If The Last Garage can continue to build upon this testbed and create a platform that’s approachable for other developers, then (we hope) this becomes a viable alternative to some of the more venerable physics systems available.

One key question remains – how does it drive? The RaceDepartment and OverTake team will be at the Sim Formula Europe event this week to test it, and we’ll be reporting back with further details and our hands-on impressions… stay tuned!

Let us know your questions in the comments below, and we'll ask The Last Garage a selection of them soon.
About author
Thomas Harrison-Lord
A freelance sim racing, motorsport and automotive journalist. Credits include Autosport Magazine,, RaceDepartment, OverTake, Traxion and TheSixthAxis.


why declare that it will run at 1000hz? this is a value that means absolutely nothing if it's not contextualised... how many and what are the parameters that will be updated to 1000hz?
Presuming it's like other games, the cars' physics calculations will update at 1000Hz to have a smoother & more responsive-feeling driving experience
i don't see any negative comments, i'll start... why declare that it will run at 1000hz? this is a value that means absolutely nothing if it's not contextualised... how many and what are the parameters that will be updated to 1000hz? it's like saying '' it takes me 10 minutes'' yes ok, but to do what? and how?

another question, is it perceived to be an open project, or is it only the graphics engine that is open? if the project is open, is it a gift to the community or do you intend to monetise it in some way?
Quoting Aris:

ACC v1.8

The higher 400hz refresh rate, enhances the tyre collision detection with the ground even at very high speeds. At 250kmh the car moves 69 metres every second. This means that in v1.7 the tyre and ground detection would be updated every 21cm. Now in v1.8 the tyre ground detection occurs every 17cm at such high speeds. That’s a 20% improvement and it is significative. The result is improved and more detailed tyre to kerb simulation, improved springs and dampers interaction at higher rates, improved and more precise FFB refresh etc. etc.

Yes it is true that refresh rate is important up to a point but it is more important how many things you calculate and simulate at every tick. ACC has always been doing an amazing amount of calculations for every physics refresh update. Now it calculates even more data at an even higher refresh rate. We think you’ll like it.
Citando Aris:

ACC v1.8

La frequenza di aggiornamento più elevata di 400 Hz migliora il rilevamento della collisione degli pneumatici con il terreno anche a velocità molto elevate. A 250 km/h l'auto percorre 69 metri al secondo. Ciò significa che nella versione 1.7 il rilevamento di pneumatici e terreno verrebbe aggiornato ogni 21 cm. Ora nella versione 1.8 il rilevamento del terreno del pneumatico avviene ogni 17 cm a velocità così elevate. Si tratta di un miglioramento del 20% ed è significativo. Il risultato è una simulazione migliorata e più dettagliata tra pneumatico e cordolo, una migliore interazione di molle e ammortizzatori a velocità più elevate, un aggiornamento FFB migliorato e più preciso, ecc. Ecc.

Sì, è vero che la frequenza di aggiornamento è importante fino a un certo punto, ma è più importante quante cose calcoli e simuli ad ogni tick. L'ACC ha sempre eseguito un'incredibile quantità di calcoli per ogni aggiornamento di aggiornamento della fisica. Ora calcola ancora più dati con una frequenza di aggiornamento ancora più elevata. Pensiamo che ti piacerà.
again, 1000hz means nothing if you don't know the quantity and quality of the updated data--what is better an engine that handles 100 parameters at 1000hz or an engine that handles 200 parameters at 500hz?
also because not all parameters need to be updated at that frequency... (random example: oil temperature)
this is precisely why iracing exploits a variable refreshrate depending on the importance of the parameter... it doesn't run everything at the same hz
I just hope the game engine has the infrastructure for programmers to create fully functioning immersive FCY events
Of course, it's a game engine. You can programm whatever you want (within reason). It's just down to what you care about. If any dev argues that he can't implement full course yellow, they've just programmed themselves into a corner and don't want to touch old code
So this can work in conjunction with a graphics engine?
Godot is the game engine in use, also responsible for graphics.
Cool. I'm interested.

One question, though: Why 1000hz exactly?

I mean the more hz the better, right? Unless it detracts from something else.

I think I'd rather have all cars on the same physics/physics rate/tyre model than simply having 1000hz just for the player.

But if you can achieve all that for all cars then great.

I'd just be interested in hearing the practical explanation of what the new hz gives us. It's diminishing returns, as far as I can tell so will it be worth it?
Very interesting project, especially combined with Godot, which was the last option to try for a racing game after Unity and Unrreal Engine. I am.lookikg forward to seeing the result. I assume, as this will be a dev plateform, the licensee will still have the option to change the graphic engine if the team doesn't work with Godot.

I wonder if MSG is trying to create such a similar plateform with the rfactor2's evolution for LMU.

It is great to see such active teams working on the future of simrscing. Good luck on this new project!
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I was fortunate enough to have a go yesterday and must say that the amount of detail is fantastic, very easy to control the car because of the amount of feedback you get. They used an old Leo bodnar DD so I would love to have a go on my asetek but that will have to wait. Marcel and team thank you for having me there and hope you are succesfull. I hope there will be a beta test program for us to give feedback.

Regards Jaran
Ah the old "packing my stuff" trick to avoid replying lol

Just kidding of course, we will wait patiently....or kinda....
If something we can take from Marcel's tenure at S397 is that he was a master at not answering with anything material to any "complicated" questions... :-D
And it's nice to see a new engine coming into play without using stolen physics and modding assets from S397/rFactor2 :-D
I was fortunate enough to have a go yesterday and must say that the amount of detail is fantastic, very easy to control the car because of the amount of feedback you get. They used an old Leo bodnar DD so I would love to have a go on my asetek but that will have to wait. Marcel and team thank you for having me there and hope you are succesfull. I hope there will be a beta test program for us to give feedback.

Regards Jaran
Got the same wish (trying it with an Asetek wheelbase) and hope I can report on that feeling in a few days!
Really interesting project,

all my friendships and encouragement to this passionate team.
I wish them and for us a great success . (personal wish: provided that this new engine will be moddable)

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Thomas Harrison-Lord
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