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RDTCCs11 Announcement.jpg
The Aussie Racing Cars are coming... #HypeTrain
The touring cars are finally back, and for their eleventh season we'll be putting the newly released Aussie Racing Cars through their paces!

Up to 28 drivers from all over the world will compete in these micro-monsters for 12 rounds of intensely-close racing as only Touring Cars can provide! They may only produce a little over 100 horsepower, but the Aussie Racing Car's are minuscule. They're essentially a driver tightly wrapped in a roll cage with the shell of a Camaro over the top. But underestimate them at your own peril, as these things have a 1300cc motorbike engine in them, and since they weigh in at just under 600kg, the performance these little beasts provide is impressive!

Whilst this league will be run on an Australian server during Australian-friendly times, all premium members of any region are welcome to sign up and compete in this series. If you wish to sign up, please do so in the Sign Up thread after reading the information below and the info in the Sign up thread.

General Information
  1. April 22nd - Adelaide (Legendary Tracks DLC #2)
  2. May 6th - Oulton Park Fosters (Brit Pack DLC)
  3. May 20th - Curitiba
  4. June 3rd - Cordoba
  5. June 17th - Brands Hatch GP (Brit Pack DLC)
  6. July 1st - Bathurst

Race Format
  • 20:00 AEST (10:00 GMT) - Practice - 20 minutes
  • 20:20 AEST (10:20 GMT) - Qualifying - 20 minutes (Must be in server by session's end)
  • 20:40 AEST (10:40 GMT) - Warm Up - 10 minutes
  • 20:50 AEST (10:50 GMT) - Race 1 - 30 minutes
  • 21:20 AEST (11:20 GMT) - Break - 10 minutes
  • 21:30 AEST (11:30 GMT) Race 2 - 30 minutes (Top 10 reversed)

Rules and Regulations

This league will operate in accordance with the 2017 RaceDepartment League Regulations except where specifically stated as otherwise.
  • Exceptions:
    • Article 5.7 - RDTCC S11 will use the scoring system outlined below.
    • Article 6.1 - Track limits will be handled by the penalty system built into Automobilista, however if you believe a driver has been abusing track limits and not been penalised for it, then drivers are allowed to report track limit abuse to the league administrator for post race examination. Reports must follow the incident report format, else risk dismissal of their report.


The following points will apply for both race 1 and 2.
  1. 51pts
  2. 50pts
  3. 49pts
  4. 48pts
  5. 47pts
  6. 46pts
  7. 45pts
  8. 44pts
  9. 43pts
  10. 42pts
  11. 41pts
  12. 40pts
  13. 39pts
  14. 38pts
  15. 37pts
  16. 36pts
  17. 35pts
  18. 34pts
  19. 33pts
  20. 32pts
  21. 31pts
  22. 30pts
  23. 29pts
  24. 28pts
  25. 27pts
  26. 26pts
  27. 25pts
  28. 24pts

Driver Settings & Assists


  • Parc Ferme: ON, Enforced at start of qualifying
    • Free settings exempt from parc ferme
      • Steering lock
      • Brake pressure
      • fuel load and strategy
      • tire compound
      • brake bias
      • engine settings
  • Tyre Wear: Normal
  • Fuel Usage: Normal
  • Track Progression: Normal (starts at 'Medium')
  • Flag Rules: Full

General Rules

  • All drivers must be Premium Members, and must use their full real name on both the game server and on TeamSpeak.
  • During Qualifying and the Race there will be no in-game text chat allowed under any circumstances until all active drivers have crossed the finish line. Those caught using the in-game text chat during these sessions will be given a 5 second time penalty added to their total race time.
  • Only communications from the league director will be allowed when it pertains to critical issues (i.e. Server problems).
    • During practice, in-game text chat is permitted, however please be respectful of others trying to concentrate.
  • Drivers and managers must read all the information provided by the organisers provided through the forum. That includes General threads, race threads and private messages.
  • Teamspeak presence is mandatory for all drivers.

Drivers & Teams

  • You may sign up as either an independent, or as a team.
  • Maximum drivers per team: 2
  • If you cannot attend a particular round, you are permitted to find a substitute driver to take your place. However, they must have an active Premium Membership and they must be able to drive the car at a competitive pace so as to not present unnecessary danger to other drivers.
  • You must notify the league director of a substitute driver taking your place upon, or prior to, your notification of absence (see below).

  • Absences are permitted provided you notify the league director within 24 hours of the commencement of the Practice session (20:00 AEST), and it is a valid reason.
  • Irrespective of excuse, late notifications of absence will result in an immediate 5 point deduction from your total points accumulation.
  • Drivers who withdraw from the whole league with an inadequate reason, or miss a round without notifying the league director at all, will be removed from the league and banned from all RaceDepartment leagues for the following 6 months. This includes immediate removal from any RaceDepartment league(s) they may be participating in at the same time as the RD Touring Car Championship.
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Use this thread to give advanced notice of your confirmed absences and/or confirm a substitute driver to take you place.

Absences are permitted provided you notify the league director within 24 hours of the commencement of the Practice session (20:00 AEST), and it is a valid reason. Late notification or invalid reasons for absence will result in a 5 point deduction from your total points accumulation.

You are allowed to sign up a substitute driver to take your place. Substitutes must have an active Premium Membership and they must be able to drive the car at a competitive pace so as to not present unnecessary danger to other drivers. The substitute driver must use the livery of the driver they're replacing.

Drivers who withdraw from the league with an inadequate reason, or miss a round without notifying the league director at all, will be removed from the league and banned from all RaceDepartment leagues for the following 6 months. This includes immediate removal from any RaceDepartment league(s) they may be participating in at the same time as the Touring Car Championship.

When submitting an absence report, please do so with the following format:

  • Round Number(s):
  • Reason:
  • Substitute driver: Yes/No
  • (If "Yes") Name of Substitute Driver: @DriverName
Sign Ups.jpg
This league is open to Premium Members of all regions. You do not need to be an alien to participate, all skill levels are welcome and you will likely find other drivers to battle with. Reserve drivers will be welcomed into events as and when a slot opens.

Those who are regular attendees to the Australian Automobilista club will take precedence over those who aren't, and you may be placed on the reserve list if a frequent AU club racer signs up with no slots remaining.

Sign up format:
Name: <Full Real Name>
Team Name:
Preferred Number 1:
Preferred Number 2:
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the regulations layed out by RaceDepartment: Yes/No
Entry List:
  1. Alex Schmurtz | French | SpeedyMite Racing | #96
  2. Jack Trooper | Australian | APIA | #16
  3. Tony Binelli | Australian | APIA | #06
  4. Jeremy Talbot | New Zealand | SpeedyMite Racing | #18
  5. Simon Bailey | Australian | MadCow Racing | #26
  6. Jamie Pyatt | Australian | APIA 2 | #09
  7. Brodie Steen | Australian | RaceOnOz Motorsport | #13
  8. Michael Stead | Australian | Roaring Pipes Maniacs | #50
  9. Ashley Cowan | Australian | APIA 2 | #08
  10. Sam Smith | Australian | Tin Shed Racing | #20
  11. Kevin Harris | Australian | RedBack Racing | #27
  12. Chris Stacey | Australian | Roaring Pipes Maniacs | #07
  13. Aidan Keranen | Australian | 2KF1 Racing | #19
  14. Pavel Koshkin | Russian | SR Team | #60
  15. Andrew Scott | Australian | BadKat Racing | #112
  16. Sean Rogers | Australian | Tin Shed Racing | #76
  17. Matt Bailey | Australian | Penrite Racing | #69
  18. Matt Le Gallez | British | LG Racing | #219
  19. Shaun Allan | Australian | RaceOnOz Motorsport | #02
  20. Glen Collins | Australian | BadKat Racing | #25
  21. Fred Locklear | United States | RedBack Racing | #66
  22. Steve Le Gallez | British | LG Racing | #218
  23. Adam Brown | Scottish | TBA | #97
  24. Oli McGown | British | SpeedyMite Racing Alpha | #113
  25. Fabrice Bourguignon | French | | #72
  26. Ian Silva | Australian | Barbarian | #51
  27. Edward Rockett | British | 2KF1 Racing | #43
  28. Martin Vindis | Sweden | Atlantic Motorsports | #272
Reserves (unlimited slots)
  1. Szymon Olizarowicz | Polish | Lazy Racing | #47
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