ARCA Sim Racing

  • John Stanley

Thanks for the t-shirt Bram :highfive:. Also would like to echo what Paul Browm said, just took patience and looking ahead more than two feet from front of car to see what was going on up ahead, good for a 5th place finish.
  • Robert Coulter

Totally agree. I think it would have helped alot if during practice...more people ran longer tire runs to see how their car reacted.. Most were doing hotlaps for the clock...which doesnt help out much on raceday.

All in all, I still had fun...not sure who it was but someone in front of me braked real hard going into T1 and kinda moved up a tad and I just couldnt get slowed down that fast and I spun him. Felt bad about it...just wanted to apologize.

Its funny I absolutely hate that track when trying to hotlap it...but in the pack its quite fun. I Imagine with the new suspension and physics tweaks it will come even more to life...gonna look at a few pitches in the track as well.

Thanks guys for the race!!!!
Was great event, even if was too short for me.

At least I didn't touched anybody's back, anyway I was hit 3 times in my rear so I suppose I was not driving the correct lines probably, or I had just bad luck.

Anyway willing to enter any ARCA event, maybe not at 4:00 lol :D, but a league or something would be great.

Thnx to RD staff for bringing more than 30 drivers for this race.



send me your MSN and we will talk about ARCA events (gracias ;) )
At least I didn't touched anybody's back, anyway I was hit 3 times in my rear so I suppose I was not driving the correct lines probably, or I had just bad luck.

It was probably somone behind you driving off of his hoodpins because when i was racing you you were running a line just fine if you wanna get into some league racing check out these forums

Great ARCA racing on thursdaynights not to late for you either
  • Gary Huff

I had a BLAST! ... I expected exactly what I got, and still enjoyed it! :) Great time fellas!:good:
100% Accurate Zippy, fun, enjoyable and expectations were met accordingly. With ARCA Sim Racing being introduced to new comers to the sim community and new comers coming from Papy NASCAR I think I got what I expected out of a short track free for all. Only 1 was able to push me beyond...........I think he had a problem with braking....

Totally agree. I think it would have helped alot if during practice...more people ran longer tire runs to see how their car reacted.. Most were doing hotlaps for the clock...which doesnt help out much on raceday.
All in all, I still had fun...not sure who it was but someone in front of me braked real hard going into T1 and kinda moved up a tad and I just couldnt get slowed down that fast and I spun him. Felt bad about it...just wanted to apologize.
Its funny I absolutely hate that track when trying to hotlap it...but in the pack its quite fun. I Imagine with the new suspension and physics tweaks it will come even more to life...gonna look at a few pitches in the track as well.
Thanks guys for the race!!!!
It's alway funny watching a sim racer run the clock up. Out there in qualifying setups pushing to stay on top of the leader board. Those are the ones I have come to basically "look out for". Hotlappers interest me not regardless of how fast they can go.
There is one dude I will apologize to and that would be the 83 car i believe, with the energizer sponsors, sorry i couldn't get stopped totally and ended up running into you while you were stopped at the start finish line after the caution came out.
My fasted lap of a short tire run was coming in at about lap 10 then falling off fast for a 20 lap tire run with roasted tires. I never crested the 24 sec mark. We should be able to get more out of the tires while staying competitive. I see where times get better as tires come in then fall off as tires wear, but more laps out of them would be nice.

Too funny guys.. Lots of stupid mistakes and over driving the cars was the problem tonight. Everyone wanted to lead and there's only room for one leader at a time. I knew all I had to do was ride out the storm and keep my car clean and a top 5 would be easy. Finished 3rd. Patience is the key. Try to think your actually going to have to pay for and fix that car and it's easy to keep it clean.

Typical of open races. Race Department I feel did a pretty good job of promoting the race, yet during the race it seemed that non race department club racers were being put down as though RD is the only one that knows how to race stockcar sims.
If ARCA Sim Racing is new to Race Department then so be it. Don't ridicule others for what you know not. I can imagine that in RD's own right, they, as a "Club" are pretty good racers. However ASR is a TOTALLY different animal and does require some skill set at sim racing. This is what was lacking by a lot of entries Saturday night. It is hard to tell if the race would have been a good one, I think the longest stint of green flag laps were a short 4 laps in the middle then the 3 at the end. Rockingham was not really a good choice to use as a first run "open" race, but none the less it was done and finished.
I know quite a few of UK sim racers that wont race ovals because of the rules and agreements made between racers. F1, cart, IRL, SCCA, FIA,GT and other forms of road racing have no rules other then rules by the sanctioning body and track rules, there are no "gentlemen" rules in road racing. Thus letting aggressive racing be the way to be. In StockCar, NASCAR especially, aggressive racing gets you nowhere, take Kyle Busch for example. His over aggressive racing didn't get him a championship in any of the 3 series he competed in. He barley made it in the top ten for Sprint Cup by 2 points, 6th in the Nationwide and 14th in the Craftsman Truck and not really welcomed there. So patience shows prosperity, consistency shows quality and "gentlemen" gain respect. ARCA is not NASCAR but they do follow the same guidelines as NASCAR and the drivers all respect one another. ARCA is where most of the NASCAR drivers came from and ARCA is where it starts.
Racing online Worldwide has been something I have been doing since 1995. It has been and still is fun racing people from all over the world. Different cultures means different driving styles, all of which are good in their own ways. I am not here to say that anybody was racing "wrong" there is no "right" way to race, I am saying that patience is something that online racers have shortcomings of and in open short track racing, they all will be seen.

In conclusion, Kudoes to Race Department Club for putting this event on. I thank you for your time and efforts. The next event will go 100% smoother.

Track whoas: braking is weak, tires are weird, damage is off, and the dip going into the pits is new to me. I am sure all of these are know factors but just letting go of my thoughts.
yet during the race it seemed that non race department club racers were being put down as though RD is the only one that knows how to race stockcar sims.
If ARCA Sim Racing is new to Race Department then so be it. Don't ridicule others for what you know not. I can imagine that in RD's own right, they, as a "Club" are pretty good racers.

Little correction here. THere we only three racing club members driving yesterday: olaf, xose and myself. There were some guys with a pretty big mouth indeed, but no way we can associate them with the standards that are normal here :) Just wanted to get his off my chest.

But defo we should do a re-run with more green instead of yellow
  • Joel Nori

gary just a fyi, some of us in the 24s were hotlapping but that was to push the car to see what would happen if we needed to push it. I was able to run 24.6s consistently for 10 laps. I do think there was a problem, the track is difficult and turn 4 is the way its suppose to be, Real drivers had so many problems in 4 it wasnt even funny.
  • Robert Coulter

As for the tires...I believe more balance in the heating will be obtained with some of our new changes. As for lasting at the Rock...I will allow you 8 laps of happiness....after that it will take everything to control the car as that is what it is like there in life.

This year we got 8 laps and then the car was dead..we drove inside up to the wall and back out every corner to stay fast. Logano used every inch of the track.

I ran 30 laps last night and never felt an issue with the tires as far as wear. I just thought thr FR was getting to hot which I am sure the new suspension will cure. was still fun and to be honest...I expected caution after caution. Maybe atleast 10 laps between but for an open race that was actually to be expected.

One thing I saw ruling wise that caused issues last night was the lapped cars on the inside. One restart out of the 100...I saw a lap down car like 20 cars in front of the leader...and when we went green he got a passing penalty as he should have and claimed he got a BF and didnt know why.

I was passed twice on inside before SF line and on the second one...when the car stated inside...I slowed as with no one behind me at that point I forced him to get that penalty. People really need to know where they are allowed to be themselves. When you do like I do...if I see someone starting to make I mistake...I help them so they can go in for the penalty and not be by me. Too many people think its the computers job to tell you. As a is your job to know this 100% yourself.

I think if people dont understand where there car is...we will get another yellow from the racing gods for them to figure it out. We got alot of those last night. LOL But it was fun racing with you all still.
One huge problem was the people trying to get a run on restarts and passing before the start finish. This was posted as being against the rules and a few broke it anyways. A couple got the bumper for it and for that I don't apologize. We knew it was going to be a wreck fest so the guys from Ridgerunners tried to keep our noses clean and dodge the chaos. Paul and I ended up in the top 5 which isn't hard to do if you just use some common sense and a little patience. Running the fastest laps doesn't always get you a good finish.

It's not in my nature to put the bumper to people, but when you circumvent the rules to gain a position you deserve what you get.
  • Gary Huff

Little correction here. THere we only three racing club members driving yesterday: olaf, xose and myself. There were some guys with a pretty big mouth indeed, but no way we can associate them with the standards that are normal here :) Just wanted to get his off my chest.

But defo we should do a re-run with more green instead of yellow

I think your comments in race were made to mean that "this is not the way RD League racing is in all actuality". Sorry if I implied something different.

gary just a fyi, some of us in the 24s were hotlapping but that was to push the car to see what would happen if we needed to push it. I was able to run 24.6s consistently for 10 laps. I do think there was a problem, the track is difficult and turn 4 is the way its suppose to be, Real drivers had so many problems in 4 it wasnt even funny.

There is always somebody that can run the fastest laps consistanly, yet the comments made about hotlapping were made as a generalization to how most open race practice sessions end up. When "most" of the entries are hotlapping during practice it makes it harder for those that are going for the long run to know how their setup will do in traffic. Traffic is where most incidents happen. We ALL hotlap our sets, it makes for great racing to the checkered flag. You were not an issue Joel, I was trying your lines and it helped. I just couldn't hang on to something as loose as you could.

As for the tires...I believe more balance in the heating will be obtained with some of our new changes. As for lasting at the Rock...I will allow you 8 laps of happiness....after that it will take everything to control the car as that is what it is like there in life.
Good to know thanks.

This year we got 8 laps and then the car was dead..we drove inside up to the wall and back out every corner to stay fast. Logano used every inch of the track.
Understood, and hard to know unless you are there.

I ran 30 laps last night and never felt an issue with the tires as far as wear. I just thought thr FR was getting to hot which I am sure the new suspension will cure.
In practice sessions offline I was able to get about 25 laps out of the tires, then it was a ......... keeping out of the T4 wall. Practice online during the RD Race it was all I could do to stay out of others way......

One thing I saw ruling wise that caused issues last night was the lapped cars on the inside. One restart out of the 100...I saw a lap down car like 20 cars in front of the leader...and when we went green he got a passing penalty as he should have and claimed he got a BF and didnt know why.

I was passed twice on inside before SF line and on the second one...when the car stated inside...I slowed as with no one behind me at that point I forced him to get that penalty. People really need to know where they are allowed to be themselves. When you do like I do...if I see someone starting to make I mistake...I help them so they can go in for the penalty and not be by me. Too many people think its the computers job to tell you. As a is your job to know this 100% yourself.

I think if people dont understand where there car is...we will get another yellow from the racing gods for them to figure it out. We got alot of those last night. LOL But it was fun racing with you all still.
  • Robert Coulter

If they leave the door open on the right side on a should always be passed as that in life is you telling the guy behind to go high...or you would close the gap and stay at the wall. You simply cannot pass left until you are past SF Line. They key is put your car where you know you can make it stick and read others statements on where they put their car.

I saw the #65 get spun in T1 and would have to say if he was spun for passing on the right at the start...the spinner should be parked for playing race control. Not saying this at all to you Rlee as I dont believe it was you...just in response to the idea of using a bumper. In racing if you dont like getting passed on a restart...go faster or close the gap. Its very important to know the rules...more important to know that if the rules are working against you on a restart...then keep your car to the wall so the rules cant be broken. In life if you leave that will be pressured instanlty on the outside.

I made outside passes on restarts all 80% of the field wasnt restarting as they should and they were allowing that T1 aggression. So like in life...every restart needs to be started by the leader properly. If the leader keeps that hole open as well...then its all downhill from there as the pack will most likely stay behind leader in the sim. In life they would all still be at the wall and fly by the leader on outside.
  • Robert Coulter

I really wanted to say thanks to you all though. We built this sim and lately have spent so much time developing it...we dont get to run much. That was my first race in months and I really enjoyed it. It actually gave me the bug again to race...thinking about something today maybe.

So from those of us at the Sim Factory....thanks to those that put it on...and those that showed up to race. Greatly appreciated.
I saw on rFactor Central a new updated verison 2.17
Has anyone tried this yet with Arca. I have been using this great addon since the day I received Arca. (without the voice recognition). Works great except every once and awhile it will trigger a pitstop request that I did not ask for. I can live with that.

The rules that were posted specifically stated that there was to be NO passing on EITHER side before the start finish line. I could have passed several times when the cars in front of me got a bad start, but didn't.

People should abide by the posted rules, that's all I'm saying. And they were passing on the inside mostly. I know the two people I gave the bumper to. One was trying to pass on the inside of a restart all night.

Enough was enough.

It was fun, but without proper admin oversight it was doomed to be chaotic.

It was what it was :)
  • Robert Coulter

Well that would be my bad then...I didnt know we couldnt pass outside. Makes sense i guess as to why no one protected it. Well I apologize for doing so.

I think it important for that ruling though as it is there for a reason. So if you are starting up front or somewhere and know you are can leave the lane open and allow faster cars the chance to maintain a good start...or else you get alot of crowding if the pack is to maintain that cars starting ability. We saw alot of crowding last night for sure which made me go high on instinct.

But if those were the rules for last night I was a rule breaker. I was just going off of what is done in life so I would be in the wrong for passing to the right for sure as would Josh who was with us.

Sorry for that guys!!!
  • joe viens

passing on inside

i was getting on the inside on every start but i never got a penalty because i never passed anyone.i was just getting a position into turn 1 to be on inside.there is a difference in getting a nose on tyhe inside and passing
I think your comments in race were made to mean that "this is not the way RD League racing is in all actuality". Sorry if I implied something different.

This is indeed what i meant during the race...that the few RD events i had attended were better than that one in the aspect that there were less yellows and lots of clean hard racing. I didn't mean that non racing club members were bad at all. i was just trying to promote the racing club and get some people to join it that were in ARCA so we could get some racing club races in ARCA that were better than the other night...I BY NO MEANS MEANT ANYONE WAS BAD...Sorry for any misunderstandings and i would love to see all of you on the track again sometime for some exciting racing.
  • Joel Nori

byron daley and eric jefferys both recieved Black flags without a reason. Reason why I know, I was in the lead and they were both 2nd. I was atleast 2 car lengths ahead and they were no where near me.
  • Ben Anderson

I enjoyed it very much. I run at {-SMAKU-} Racing @ We have been fighting to bring in some new blood, and it has been tough. I have voiced and still believe that ASR is the future for the community, we just need the updates to get to us to keep the current ASR owners involved. Anyways. The race was great!! I got into someone once and only once and it was totally unintentional but unfortunate. Less yellows of course = better racing, but still fun.

When coming off the turns under yellow, i felt like the car wanted to take off and would be all i could do to stop before punting the fella in front of me. It felt like even if i was in N, there was a magnet pulling me into the bumper of the poor soul in front of me.

Anyway thanks racedepartment for hosting the event, and im sure that the members from my team (R.Cragg, D.Dodge, E.Sheets - AKA Zombie, RedSSEi, Creature) and myself Jig$aw will be back for more!!

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