PC1 Banned for no reason!

Yo.....what you seem to forget is that some of the people making these claims are KNOWN to RD, they have a track record of posting, and if those people are deemed sane and sensible, then it seems somewhat odd that they'd all of a sudden go kookoo over pcars don't ya think!!
No, I'm not forgetting that.

We're in absolute agreement in that it all seems a bit odd... :thumbsup:
The fact there are currently over 24000 paid up pCARS 'members' and only a handful of people vocally objecting speaks volumes IMO, and it has nothing to do with SMS/WMD intimidating people into silence, underhand tactics or anything else.
Why would they complain? They will get shiny graphics and a fun racing game which is probably more then some of them expected. If you get more then expected you usually don't complain. Why would you?
Yo.....what you seem to forget is that some of the people making these claims are KNOWN to RD, they have a track record of posting, and if those people are deemed sane and sensible, then it seems somewhat odd that they'd all of a sudden go kookoo over pcars don't ya think!!
He also forgot that most of them make good points and are stating the truth especially those known members you're referring to.

Of course there will always be a few who just hate for the sake of hating. But,... in that regard nothing has changed with that project, just that there are lots of members involved in that project who do everything to defend it. And no one accepts the former... threads like SMS are morons are nowhere allowed or wanted. Thread about unjustified bans and so on? That certainly is worth discussing.
I said it before but it bears repeating.....Shift1 sold approx 5million, but Shift2 only approx 850k, yet if we look at current gaming trends, we see the establishment of the mega franchises where 7-12million units is the norm, that being the case, had the idiots at EA authorised an additional 10 or whatever million more to build Shift1 properly, Shift2 could've/should've outsold Shift1, so INXS of $200 000 000 went down the drain as these morons put the customer last.

If you want an example of what happens when you build a POS, the Shift1/2 fiasco is one of the greatest examples, Shift2 had more and better everything but sold significantly less.

I question your sales figures. What is your source?
What was the point of community funding if not a proper sim?
The point of community funding is to help with the costs. What does it being a proper sim or not have to do with it?

There are quite a few games now (and not all racing titles) going down the road of community funding support using the likes of 'Kickstarter'. A new Tex Murphy game is in the works using this idea.
This is what I read in July 2011....

Three months ago, Slightly Mad Studios’ Ian Bell shared his vision of a community-funded simulation title right here on VirtualR. What many may have dismissed as a very much utopian vision has gotten extremely real as the studio has been hard at work for the past few months to turn a great idea into a working project.
Named Community Assisted Race Sim, or C.A.R.S. for short, the project will allow ordinary sim racers to become investors in a racing simulation title and get a share of the profits and unmatched access to the development process and a say in the title’s direction.
For the past few months, the guys at Slightly Mad Studios have been hard at work on all fronts as Ian Bell has revealed some exclusive details on the team’s progress. The legal work on the project has just been completed and SMS is ready to launch the project’s website and accept investors within the next 2-3 weeks.
The studio will be offering investment options that will fit any budged, starting out with a 5€ option ending with gold-level commitment of 1000€ and beyond. All investors will be getting access to downloadable development builds throughout the development process, the level of investment will determine the amount of influence each member has though.
While every investor will get to vote on the direction the new title will take, gold members get to participate in board meetings where the bigger calls will be made, always considering the requests from the regular investors. Gold members will even get source-code access to the simulation while smaller investors will be given script access to play with.
Slightly Mad Studios promise a completely transparent development process as all investors get to follow every single bit of progress and every single discussion the developers will be having. The SMS team will work out in the open for all investors to see, there will be no closed-off development forum as all investors get to follow everything the development team does, “even the arguments,” as Ian Bell points out.
C.A.R.S will be used the stripped-down Shift 2 Unleashed engine as starting point, as the team will be adding new modules to it during the course of the development process, including a new DirectX 11 renderer, a new physics engine and new AI. Slightly Mad Studios expect a development cycle of at least 12 months until the finished product is ready, however all investors will be getting access to development builds throughout the process to keep everyone entertained.
Below is a first high-resolution preview, showing an immensely-detailed historical Lotus Formula One car in the garage. SMS is planning to release the first build shortly after the first investors joined, the first release will include a handful of cars and tracks to try out. The base content won’t be too advanced though as the investors will have the final say in the direction that the title will take and what content will be included.
SMS is planning to have fully-licensed content in the finished product, the team may be dealing with generic content in the development builds though while the licensing is being finalised in the background.
For years now, sim racers have been bemoaning the publishers lack of interest in sim racing and the missing influence on developing titles. It looks like Slightly Mad Studios will be changing all that with C.A.R.S.

I don't see any 'promises of the ultimate sim', just they they would work with the PCARS community on bringing a racing sim to the masses. So far it seems this is what is being worked on. I was happy to put my money in and am enjoying what I am being given each week in the new builds. If you're not, go off and find something else to take up your time.

Maybe you can go and sample SimBin's RaceRoom Racing Experience when it surfaces in a few weeks to save you from having to put up with PCARS.
I don't understand either how people who don't like that projects direction have been tricked into actually "investing" / buying a membership.

I don't see any 'promises of the ultimate sim', just they they would work with the PCARS community on bringing a racing sim to the masses.
I don't really see "bringing a racing sim to the masses" there.

Maybe you could link to the actual article? :)
He also forgot that most of them make good points and are stating the truth especially those known members you're referring to.
You assume to much. I respond to what is written. Post counts, sign up dates, previous postings - none of that means a jot if you're acting like a baboon (I'm immune to the "Forum Big Dawg" -stuff anyway).

Thread about unjustified bans and so on? That certainly is worth discussing.
So get on with it - the problem is that there isn't a lot to discuss... ;)

Even the thread starter came clean and told us: "I was banned for a reason...". Read all about it in postings #13, #23, #27 and #29.
I don't think anybody is tricked into any form of investment. Everybody makes their own choice when they purchase a product. Also SMS have stated before that if you don't like it you can get a refund right? Then there isn't much to complain.

However lets be honest a full blown sim has been promised to us by an SMS employee posting here in the past and also on various other occassions it was said that pCARS would be a full sim.

See this thread and count the words "full sim" http://www.racedepartment.com/forum/threads/project-cars-pre-release-thread.31905/
I just did. It says "full sim" once in post #15, by Redi. The context is:

"...the content and approach of the game will be decided by the investors although SMS have strong ideas about its initial direction (=full sim with many options and assists to make it suited for arcade racers).".

So he tells us that SMS has strong ideas about the sim's direction being, well, a sim. Hardly anything to get worked up about. And definitely nothing dishonest about that. In fact, that is still SMS' goal, so nothing new there.

What is a "full sim" anyway? Well, I don't really care... pCARS already a promising sim, and by the time it's finished (in ca. one year), I hope and believe it will be a full sim, as in offering a very realistic driving experience, having good physics, ffb, sound, graphics, AI, highly configurable, multiplayer, team racing, dynamic career, excellent selection of tracks and cars etc.. ATM it's less than half finished - it might just become a "full sim", you know :)
This is what I read in July 2011....

Three months ago, Slightly Mad Studios’ Ian Bell shared his vision of a community-funded simulation title right here on VirtualR. What many may have dismissed as a very much utopian vision has gotten extremely real as the studio has been hard at work for the past few months to turn a great idea into a working project.
Named Community Assisted Race Sim, or C.A.R.S. for short, the project will allow ordinary sim racers to become investors in a racing simulation title and get a share of the profits and unmatched access to the development process and a say in the title’s direction.
For the past few months, the guys at Slightly Mad Studios have been hard at work on all fronts as Ian Bell has revealed some exclusive details on the team’s progress. The legal work on the project has just been completed and SMS is ready to launch the project’s website and accept investors within the next 2-3 weeks.
The studio will be offering investment options that will fit any budged, starting out with a 5€ option ending with gold-level commitment of 1000€ and beyond. All investors will be getting access to downloadable development builds throughout the development process, the level of investment will determine the amount of influence each member has though.
While every investor will get to vote on the direction the new title will take, gold members get to participate in board meetings where the bigger calls will be made, always considering the requests from the regular investors. Gold members will even get source-code access to the simulation while smaller investors will be given script access to play with.
Slightly Mad Studios promise a completely transparent development process as all investors get to follow every single bit of progress and every single discussion the developers will be having. The SMS team will work out in the open for all investors to see, there will be no closed-off development forum as all investors get to follow everything the development team does, “even the arguments,” as Ian Bell points out.
C.A.R.S will be used the stripped-down Shift 2 Unleashed engine as starting point, as the team will be adding new modules to it during the course of the development process, including a new DirectX 11 renderer, a new physics engine and new AI. Slightly Mad Studios expect a development cycle of at least 12 months until the finished product is ready, however all investors will be getting access to development builds throughout the process to keep everyone entertained.
Below is a first high-resolution preview, showing an immensely-detailed historical Lotus Formula One car in the garage. SMS is planning to release the first build shortly after the first investors joined, the first release will include a handful of cars and tracks to try out. The base content won’t be too advanced though as the investors will have the final say in the direction that the title will take and what content will be included.
SMS is planning to have fully-licensed content in the finished product, the team may be dealing with generic content in the development builds though while the licensing is being finalised in the background.
For years now, sim racers have been bemoaning the publishers lack of interest in sim racing and the missing influence on developing titles. It looks like Slightly Mad Studios will be changing all that with C.A.R.S.

I don't see any 'promises of the ultimate sim', just they they would work with the PCARS community on bringing a racing sim to the masses. So far it seems this is what is being worked on. I was happy to put my money in and am enjoying what I am being given each week in the new builds. If you're not, go off and find something else to take up your time.

Maybe you can go and sample SimBin's RaceRoom Racing Experience when it surfaces in a few weeks to save you from having to put up with PCARS.

Lulz.. I just couldn't resist. WHO in their right mind is gonna convince the sim community this is a sim with a 12 month development cycle..? I mean I believe Nintendo took longer on their Simcade racer that competes with the physics of CARS quite well with Mario Kart..ROFL. (hey if you haven't played Mario Kart, DONT JUDGE IT).

And dam now I got to get me a f'n WII U cause SMS are doing the flocking to the fish pile like Seagulls looking for an easy meal..(spitz out M & M's).

Oh I just love how all these SMS guys just royally bent you fans over for the royal tush push and made you LOVE every single bit of it...

We know the cycle is gonna take longer then 12 month's. Hell FM 1, 2, 3, 4, up till when I die FM50 all took more then a year to create. Bell must be a rich man with a 1000 team developer group.

I remember WMD members in the forums mainly talking about the money with their investments. ROFL. That's what this is. IT'S NOT A RACING SIM, BUT AN INVESTMENT SIM!!. I'm in.. With my 100 euros, investment, I'm sure to be a millionaire over again with this gem of a deal. (Ian Bell in his empty mind....SUCKERS!!)

Sorry Pcars fanboys.. Again I just couldn't resist. Assume the position......
Nobody is tricked in to the investment, they are only tricked in upgrading there membership.
I wonder if it is an investment, everybody who want it is in it now. So who is gonna buy it then.

From the 24500 members, 18000 get a free copie and the junior and team members have to pay the difference of the price. Some members still buy a boxed copy off the shelf and feed the big boys.
Lulz.. I just couldn't resist. WHO in their right mind is gonna convince the sim community this is a sim with a 12 month development cycle..? I mean I believe Nintendo took longer on their Simcade racer that competes with the physics of CARS quite well with Mario Kart..ROFL. (hey if you haven't played Mario Kart, DONT JUDGE IT).

And dam now I got to get me a f'n WII U cause SMS are doing the flocking to the fish pile like Seagulls looking for an easy meal..(spitz out M & M's).

Oh I just love how all these SMS guys just royally bent you fans over for the royal tush push and made you LOVE every single bit of it...

We know the cycle is gonna take longer then 12 month's. Hell FM 1, 2, 3, 4, up till when I die FM50 all took more then a year to create. Bell must be a rich man with a 1000 team developer group.

I remember WMD members in the forums mainly talking about the money with their investments. ROFL. That's what this is. IT'S NOT A RACING SIM, BUT AN INVESTMENT SIM!!. I'm in.. With my 100 euros, investment, I'm sure to be a millionaire over again with this gem of a deal. (Ian Bell in his empty mind....SUCKERS!!)

Sorry Pcars fanboys.. Again I just couldn't resist. Assume the position......

It says "at least 12 months".

As I say it's people inability to understand whats being said that makes them come up with wild accusations based on very little.
Nobody who supports the project is under the impression it was a 12 month development cycle, they read and understood what was offered.

Still it is good you are able to keep yourself amused by making stuff up. And thanks for keeping posting it all here, gives everyone else the opportunity to ROFL at your expense.

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