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Helmets Damon Hill 1996 Helmet 1.0

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einogm submitted a new resource:

Damon Hill 1996 helmet (tobacco version) - Damon Hill 1996 helmet with Rothmans tobacco brand.

The Codemasters' version of helmets and cars do not include tobacco brands because of current regulations, so I took Damon Hill's helmet and modified it to look as the helmet did in 1996 by adding three Rothmans logos. The most difficult part in making the helmet was to get the front logo look realistic, because it had logo, which I couldn't find on the Internet. I combined two logos and handmade one box and two lines...

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I just se a white helmet :(
Might be that I did not include the low resolution helmet for low graphics settings. Increase your graphics settings (I think "cloth" is the one you need to increase).

Will not do Villeneuve's helmet because Jacques Villeneuve Jr. has been publicly bashing Kimi Räikkönen's skill and personality. Sorry, that's my final decision.

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