Opinion | How To Fix Formula One?

I want to suggest certain changes here:
1) Engine: whatever type the team chooses, if it is a NA engine, 3.5l capacity. If it is turbocharged, 1.5l capacity and single turbo. Number of exhaust openings: 2 (2 wastegate pipes near the exhaust if it is a turbo engine). Where the exhaust and wastegate pipes are is already in the current rules.
2) Unlimited revs and no fuel flow limit. Refueling however will not be allowed as back in 2010, the teams did away with the system so as to save costs of ferrying around refueling equipment. Fuel tank size capped at 150l.
3) ERS systems: What we have now (NA engines can't have the MGU-H as there is no turbo but they can have a MGU-K) except it would optional to have it in the first place.
4) Aero: More ground effect, less topside aero. DRS to be phased out. Double diffusers and Mass dampers allowed.
5) Brakes: It's better to have stronger and better brakes. Should prevent lives from being lost. However, the brakes and the ducts mustn't give the car an aerodynamic advantage.
6) Transmission: No limits. Whatever you want. Full freedom in selecting your ratios too.
7) Car weight fixed at 680kg (of which 80kg is reserved for the driver. If the driver weighs less than 80kg, ballast needs to be placed in an area near the driver).
8) Tyres: The best the supplier can make. Maybe more than one supplier can exist but all steps to ensure situations like the fiascoes in 2003 and 2005 do not happen (written confirmation only). As for the sizes, what we have now is perfecly fine.
9) Electronics: No driver assists (TC, ABS, launch control, etc.) whatsoever. Electronic displays and LEDs allowed (as it stands right now, there is no rule governing what a driver can or cannot know while in the car). Manual brake bias adjustment allowed. No engine map changes allowed once cars enter Parc Ferme. However, if the race start is in wet conditions, limited changes to the engine map is allowed.
10) Suspensions: Deregulate the area so as to increase mechanical grip.
11) Unrestricted in season testing and developement allowed.
12) All of the safety rules thus far remain unchanged.

However, all of the said facts need to be done within a fixed budget cap (driver salary will be a part of it as well).
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I have been an F1 fan since the 1970s & people have always said it could be better,complained about the racing & most continue to watch.
The truth is most fans favourite period for F1 is when they first got into the sport especially when they went to their first live race.I loved the Cosworth era when anyone could turn up & race.The cars from the turbo era were spectacular but the racing was terrible with engines blowing up in ever race & a few cars on the lead lap.
Currently he costs are way to high,the noise is terrible but I enjoy the racing.F1 is not supposed to have racing like MOTO GP,it is supposed to be difficult to pass.
I'd like them to go back to the 60's because I really love to see those cars race on every historic circuit on the calendar back then, but fact is we live in 2020. I think it's logic to see the sport develop and eventually choose the path it follows.

As much as I love to see (a lot) of the changes you propose It's just not realistic.
If a child finds basic algebra easy and can handle calculus...you don’t attempt to make him/her “dumber” so they follow the status quo timeline of progression...

So if the modern F1 machine can handle all these classic tracks you can’t let go of with ease, then maybe it’s time for NEW classic tracks to be built; stop trying to fit cars to the tracks and build tracks for a new century. The past is the past and it was innovative for its time...dumbing down progress for nostalgia sake is not the answer, it never was. Forwards ever, backwards never.
Formula One Grand Prix racing has been around for a heck of a long time, celebrating a 70th anniversary this year no less, but some fans feel it is broken in its current form.. this is how I propose fixing it...

I've spoken about this before at RaceDepartment (actually, many, many times), but I want to get back on the virtual high horse and have another go at sharing my words of wisdom (cough) to the wider world of the sim racing community here at RD...

I firmly think the sport we love is broken, very, very broken. Grand Prix racing has taken a dramatic turn for the worse in the last few years, and I believe the product we have now vastly distracts from everything that makes motorsport great.

For me, motorsport should be about the art of the best drivers fighting against each other for every inch of tarmac on the track. It should be a sport that is hard, where only the most physical, brave, dedicated and talented rise to the top. It should be a sport about risk and reward, it should be something normal people watch and think "I can't do that". It should be a feast for the eyes and the ears and the senses. Motor racing should be awe-inspiring, scary, fascinating and above all else - an environment where drivers can race hard against each other, overtake and pay the price if they push over the edge too often (without a reasonable fear of death, of course).

For me at least, the bleeding edge of technology is an absolute irrelevance in Grand Prix racing. I'm not a Luddite, nor am I adverse to change - far from it in fact. However, for me, high technology isn't the point of motor racing. The point is in the bloody name - RACING!

Mega engines with high fuel efficiency, cutting edge aerodynamics, energy recovery... all these things add nothing to what matters the most; the spectacle of the actual race on circuit. Look at karting - nothing trick or tech heavy in those things, and they almost always provide exceptional racing.

Don't get me wrong here, technology developments have a part in motorsport, that's pretty much the whole reason endurance racing was designed for - so keep the innovations in that series. Create new classes to accelerate new technology development, it's all good (in fact it's fascinating) to see different technological directions competing against each other in 6, 12 and 24 hour prototype racing, but it 'aint for Formula One folks. I believe Formula One should be the pinnacle of racing, the absolute top level where people go to watch brilliant drivers fight against each other on brilliant circuits, and race each other close, hard and fair throughout the field.

So Paul, you've done plenty of complaining but offered no solutions so far. How do you propose encouraging this utopia of technology light, racing thrills heavy motorsport? Give me a moment of your time dear reader, and I will attempt to explain:

Simplicity. That is the key.

Drop aerodynamic dependence by a considerable margin - let's say around an 85% reduction should do the trick. But aerodynamics help the cars go quickly around corners I hear you cry? My countenance to that would be... since when does overall speed and laptime matter? If you were a fan of Grand Prix racing back in the 1990's, where sometimes the laptime differential between first and last could be north of 6 or 7 seconds, could you really tell the difference between the speed of the pole sitting Williams and the last place EuroBrun? Not really. Actually, because said EuroBrun was such an awful car (insert any relevant team name into the mix here, I'm not specifically picking on EuroBrun), it was far more dramatic to watch that team driving and sliding around the track than the planted Williams / McLaren / Ferrari of the day...

Speaking of sliding...

As well as a massive reduction on the aero, which kills the opportunity for cars to run close together due to the dirty air of the lead vehicle disrupting the balance of the car behind, I would like a much bigger element of mechanical grip reliance applied to the equation, with standardised front and rear wings that are designed alongside the regulations to ensure drifting the car around the corner is far quicker overall than the point and squirt nature of the current formula.

Couple this with rock hard tyres that are good for a full race weekend, and brake materials that considerably extend the braking distance required to slow down the cars, and for me at least, you are already well on the way towards making close racing considerably easier to achieve (and thus, more overtaking), as well as ensuring the actual spectacle of the cars lapping out on circuit is far higher than is the case now. The idea behind all proposed changes is to make the cars slower, easier to race closely together and substantially increase the possibility to get alongside a rival inside the braking zone. Let's face it, the braking distances today are so short it is almost impossible to position yourself for a pass before the whole deceleration zone is done and you are out the corner and back on the power...

Regarding the sliding is faster than precision side of things, I'm a firm believer the spectacle of racing is far more important than breaking overall lap records and achieving ridiculous speeds in the corners. Yes, watching a modern Grand Prix car turn on a dime at 180mph+ through Copse Corner is an impressive sight, but I'd argue watching Ronnie Peterson drifting a Lotus through the same corner at 140mph is far more stimulating to the senses...

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Next up I'd throw out the paddle shifters and replace them with a good H-Pattern box. Yes, this is a hark back to years gone by, but the skill required to shift a car while sideways at speed is a lost art form in open wheel racing. With manual gearboxes, this skill set really goes some way towards elevating the super talented drivers who can do just that, from the mere ordinary that avoid it by leaving it in a non optimal gear until it is an easier proposition to shift presents itself. As an added bonus, having to manually shift a h-pattern gearstick is also another potential variable in the driving experience, which could lead to mistakes, and encourage overtaking opportunities for the car(s) behind. No bad thing, even if in this proposed formula overtaking is a far more likely prospect than is the case today. Increased skill, added variability into the racing, gives potential advantage to the really talented drivers - what's not to like :)

So we've covered off the aero, mechanical grip, tyres, brakes, gears and the overall visual experience of watching one of these cars lap the circuit. What's next?


I am absolutely no fan of the current hybrid formula from a sporting perspective. They sound garbage, too expensive, far too complicated and not enough manufacturers involved, with too high of an entry barrier for new brands to enter and be successful enough to stay around. Also, as is always the case with these things, current Formula One is way over reliant on manufacturer support... and we all know about that, inevitably manufacturers leave (anyone remember Toyota and BMW..?).

From a technology point of view, and road relevance pushing boundaries of what is possible, these engines are fantastic and should be applauded, but like I said earlier, Formula One should be a great sporting spectacle, not a technology showcase. What I propose is to move these sorts of engines over to WEC / IMSA / Le Mans, and let's have a nice selection of V6, V8, V10 and V12 normally aspirated monsters that scream and growl and grab you by the scruff of the neck to demand your undivided attention!

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With the engines I would go back to the very basics, governing the motors through a simple set of regulations that encourage the return of bespoke engine manufacturers into the sport. Of course, manufacturers might like a piece of the pie and come back too, but I'd love to see old and new manufacturers joined by the likes of Cosworth, Hart, Judd and the likes, with potentially 7, 8, 9, 10 different manufacturers of various size and prestige producing engines for the field to use. Variety is the spice of life!

With multiple engine designers now lining up to join our formula, I would like to see a set of regulations developed that ensure no one specific style of engine is the choice design to run - potentially this could be achieved by some kind of fuel usage restriction (so a V12 for example car run very fast, but has to throttle back to make the end, whereas a V8 and run flat chat for the full race). To give you an idea of what I mean, look up Mika Salo in Tyrrell Cosworth at the 1997 Monaco Grand Prix as an example.

Furthermore, I would implement a rule where only x number of each engine type are allowed in the field, so the manufacturers would each build their engines to whatever size they choose, and the teams would for instance have to select a first choice, second choice and third choice engine type. This would be randomly selected for each team, and if our example team x get choice x, they could then negotiate with the manufacturing brands of that style for a supply deal. This could be success weighted of course, so you don't get Mercedes stuck with a crappy Yamaha V6 !

This doesn't sound plausible does it? Because surely the manufacturers would only want engines good for their brand? So Mercedes would want just a Mercedes V10 etc etc? Well don't forget, this new formula is designed for the racing side of the sport, not business, so with reduced costs, some part standardisation and accessible engines, I would expect to see a considerable increase in high quality teams that are not associated with a big bucks car manufacturer getting involved. Gone will be the days of he who spends most wins under the corporate banner, and back into the fold would be Ferrari versus the Garagistas... which will probably mean over subscribed grids, and a return to pre-qualifying again (although this time, with the world having moved on, the level of these Garagistas should be far, far higher than some of the joke outfits of the early years...).

So here we now have cars that can race each other closely, overtake, look absolutely fantastic when lapping on track, manual gearboxes that sort the good from the great and encourage mistakes, massively reduced costs to allow a whole variety of new teams into the sport (and with it come more drivers), engines that sound varied and exciting, new engine brands on the grid, and variety throughout the field. Sounding good to you yet?

What's next?

The calendar, that's what!

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22 races, much as I love watching racing, is far too many. No longer do the races really hold a special sort of atmosphere for either the teams, or the fans watching. If you are a football fan, imagine holding the World Cup every 6 months. It would be fun for a while, but after a bit it starts to lose its edge and special appeal. It becomes just another tournament. That's what is happening to Formula One right now. Back in years past, a Formula One Grand Prix was an event. Something to get excited about. Get the Sunday dinner out the way quick, settle down on the sofa with friends and family, and really soak up the special feeling of watching something major. Now, we have that many races that missing one or catching it on highlights really isn't that big of a deal. Same for the drivers and teams, so many events, they all kind of merge into one. Make a mistake at round 2, no worries, you have 20 more races to catch back up again. Not great.

I would drop the calendar down to 14 rounds, selecting only the best of the best circuits and locations, and plan the schedule accordingly so teams are less in need of shipping stuff via air freight, and can go the more environmentally friendly and cost effect sea freight route from race - to - race. I'd also ensure at least a two or three week gap between each Grand Prix, to try and keep them distanced enough to make them feel special again.

An added bonus of the reduced race quantity and frequency would be to encourage the drivers to find rides outside of the sport during the downtime (no testing in this brave new world). It used to be great to see the stars of the day in different series trying their luck. The legendary Jim Clark drove rally, BTCC, F2, IndyCar and pretty much anything he could lay his hand on. Once, Stirling Moss claimed to have raced something different every weekend for a full year! Just image getting the opportunity to watch Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen race a saloon car at your local event one weekend, just for the fun of it!

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Because our new cars a slower than before, this also opens up the opportunity to return to more racing friendly venues in our new 14 round schedule. No longer are we chasing corporate dollars here, going to places with Tilke built borefest tracks and no crowds. We can get back to proper circuits, with gravel traps (to penalise those who screw up), and bring back such brilliant venues as Imola, Estoril, Adelaide, Kyalami and so forth. In fact, due to the regulation change (and hopefully this type of racing style would be adopted by junior formulae too), new tracks could be built in a far more dramatic fashion that the safe and sterile syndrome that seems to characterise modern circuit design (oh, and I'd ban Tilke too). Now you would have racing where the fans are, on tracks that showcase the cars and let the drivers race, with a penalty of gravel trap beaching for those who get too far over the edge - mega! Added change, I'd keep the schedule fluid, and increase the possibility of switching up some tracks each year, rather than locking in a venue for 5, 10, 15 consecutive seasons. Certain tracks, such as Monza, Silverstone, Spa, Monaco would have protected status.

As for the weekend format itself, that too would come under the big heavy banner of change that I'm proposing here. One of the key issue with modern racing for me is that the teams are all so professional, so sorted and in command of their environment now. The cars are practically perfectly setup at optimal configuration right from the get go. So I'd ban simulation tools and technical telemetry, and give the teams a single 60 minute practice session to setup their cars for qualifying and the race. Oh, and I'd run it on Saturday morning, with qualifying lasting for 60 minutes in the afternoon. For the race itself, I think the current distance is perfectly fine.

With this change, I would hope the skill of setting up the car is firmly back in the hands of the driver and his / her engineer, again, allowing the more skilled pilots to have a greater input into success. Added bonus, this condensed schedule and lack of telemetry ramps up the pressure for people to get it wrong, and brings into play the potential curve ball of faster drivers making errors in setup or crashing in practice, starting lower down the order than they would normally. These are ingredients for an exciting race weekend.

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While we are at it, I'd throw together a special event on the Friday where the F1 drivers race against the local hero's and special guests in one of the national series cars (something single make to ensure fairness). Added entertainment for the fans, and a great showcase for local drivers and up and coming stars to compete in equal machinery with the big boys (thinking about Senna blitzing the field in the Mercedes one make cup event back in the early 80's here).

Also, while we are at it, let's put together a legends race like the short lived Grand Prix Masters series tried to achieve back in 2005. It could be a series where retired drivers over 45 years of age get together in a single make car for a short 10 lap race on Friday afternoon. Probably something rear wheel drive, tin top, that allows a bit of rubbing and bumping... that would be fun, and the subject of another article all of its own further down the line...

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A compact schedule, plenty to entertain the TV and trackside audience, showcase for youngsters, added jeopardy for the starting grid order but not through artificial means (those doing the best job still come out on top), tracks that bring good racing and cater to dedicated fan bases, increased importance towards each Grand Prix... all makes up a pretty decent bash at how the series is presented I reckon...

Another interesting new idea I'd like to see thrown into the mix, and I admit this one is dangerously close to being a gimmick, but should be ok I hope, is to have an extra car on the F1 grid run by an independent outfit (like Paul Stoddart does with the F1 experience car). The team will attend each race weekend and field a special guest driver who isn't eligible for points. I suspect this driver would get a couple of hours running on Friday as extra track time to get them up to speed, and of course they would have to be suitably qualified for the role, but this could be an exceptional way to add another really interesting point of discussion for the fans, and could even give opportunities to drivers that otherwise might not have the exposure without it.

Here I'm thinking the drive could go to a local star of that country (imagine Mick Schumacher at the German Grand Prix for example), or maybe an IndyCar or Nascar star for the US round, Jamie Chadwick for the UK race - the possibilities are endless here. Would be a nice fun element to add into the race weekend, and could even uncover some surprise talents.

So in the age old tradition of a good bullet point list (for those that can't be bothered to read the article), these are the key features (for me at least) that would make Formula One great again:

  • 85% reduction in aerodynamics.
  • Remove electronics (dash readout / energy recovery / other modern trickery)
  • Standardised front and rear wings (and whatever other bits are needed) that ensure sliding is quicker than neat driving.
  • Heavier reliance on mechanical grid.
  • Considerably extended braking distances.
  • Hard tyres that last full race weekend without drop off in pace.
  • Open regulations on engine size (V6/V8/V10/V12) with no turbos - restricted by fuel usage to ensure no one specific type of engine is dominant.
  • Massive engine complexity reduction to encourage boutique engine builders to join the grid.
  • Return to manual h-pattern gearboxes.
  • Calendar of races on tracks that support good racing.
  • Reduce championship length to 14 races.
  • Abolish pit-to-car radio except for safety reasons.
  • Remove telemetry.
  • Change race weekend format to 60min Free Practice, 60min Qualifying and current race length as is now.
  • Guest driver per race event in the FIA run car.
  • Reintroduce gravel traps.

Just to finish off this here massive rant of text, I want any of you who don't particularly agree with my sentiments to think about this for a minute. I got hooked on Formula One early in my life, as I'm sure many of you did too, and I clearly remember being awed by the sight of Ayrton Senna and Nigel Mansell banging wheels. engines screaming, sparks flying. sliding the cars out of corners and then getting out of their vehicles covered in sweat, looking like two real titans and gladiators of men. Hero's if you will. That day (ok, it wasn't my first race but I'm trying to make a point here...) I was blown away by the whole sight, sound, drama, danger, noise, excitement of the whole thing... it was intoxicating.

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Does that happen in modern day racing? Do those senses get stimulated watching an inch perfect display of class that modern Formula One cars inevitably produce? Saving tyres, passing under DRS, performing undercuts in the pits? Hmmm.

Going trackside, my first real life Formula One race was the 1996 British Grand Prix at Silverstone. I remember pulling up at the car park (a good way away from the track, but don't get me started on my opinion of the spectator experience at Silverstone), and walking the near endless distance to get trackside. I could hear the cars an age before we got anywhere near the viewing spot, and it sent the hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge! Not to mention the feeling of velocity as the cars whipped past me into the (now sadly lost) Bridge corner toward the end of the old Silverstone lap layout... pure, unadulterated excitement. Senses blown.

Those feelings, ladies and gentlemen, are what I firmly believe hook people into our sport for life.

When you can watch a driver doing things that look near superhuman to the everyday person, going sideways at 150+ mph while taking a hand off the wheel to shift gears, that is the stuff of lifelong passion, even if that person is out front and dominating the race (as always happens in the racing world, come what may with the regulations). That is the stuff of legend, that, that is motorsport.

To illustrate my point in a way that words just cannot do justice, I invite you to check this video of Ricardo Patrese in the 1989 Williams Renault FW12C at the legendary Jacarepaguá circuit in Brazil:

Or heading a bit further down the grid, how about some Michele Alboreto action onboard the awful 1990 Footwork Arrows at the Mexican Grand Prix:

Ora confrontalo con Lewis Hamilton stabilendo la Pole Position al Gran Premio del Brasile 2018 ad Interlagos:

[MEDIA = youtube] xyX6aNxL9SQ [/ MEDIA]

Oppure Charles Leclerc ha fissato il ritmo della sua Ferrari in Messico la scorsa stagione:

[MEDIA = youtube] 8rpd9cBvSQs [/ MEDIA]

Questa, onorevoli colleghi, è la mia proposta di riparare una Formula 1 rotta.

Cosa ne pensi dell'attuale Formula 1? È bello così com'è, potrebbe essere migliore? Cosa cambieresti data la possibilità (se mai?).
Facci sapere nella sezione commenti qui sotto!

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[/CITAZIONEGrazie Paul.]
Sono pienamente daccordo su tutto cio che è stato scritto, purtroppo forse sono troppo innamorato della F1 anni '80-'90 ,piste auto e piloti. Sul dritto di Monza come spettatore non si percepiva la differenza di 10-15KM/h ma lo spettacolo era esaltante. La F1 deve smettere di "raccogliere" e copiare tecnologia da altre competizioni (USA) WEC etcc, deve restare la FORMULA 1
The problem has been there since the mid 90's funnily enough when electronics started coming in and aero getting more advanced.
The issue for me is simple I don't see movement in the car I don't see or feel like I am watching a driver on the edge.
They need to lose the aero its killing overtaking, it's killing the spectacle, it's killing the sport but it makes the cars quicker so the teams pump millions into it. Oh look at that it would save money as well wow!

F1 can learn so much from MotoGP, a sport where the fairings are pretty much the same all year the engines are locked from race one.
Suggest these 2 things alone to F1 Teams and they would go nuts but in MotoGP, there's more passing they are more on the edge and it is 100% better to watch.

While the teams decided whats best for them rather than the sport there will continue to be issues.
F1 isn't broken, in fact it's working better than ever, depending on your viewpoint

F1 has never been predominantly about racing - racing is simply a small part of the process, a side effect even. F1 has always been about marketing product, be it the wares of the car manufacturers themselves - win on Sunday, sell on Monday, or the businesses and products who's logos are plastered all over those incredibly fast billboards.

Introduction of new technologies and implementing elegant engineering solutions to get that edge have also always been a key part of F1. To restrict that and standardise F1 components would mean the loss of the most innovative teams as the sport would no longer be conducive to what they do best - a Ferrari that isn't actually a Ferrari - forget it, that isn't going to happen.

If steps are taken to completely standardise F1 you might as well merge it with F2 and be done with it.

As for those who are crying that F1 is broken due to the racing, well the fact is that it pretty much always has been. Every era brings out a dominant team with perhaps only a season or two inbetween of interesting racing before that dominance emerges. Lotus, Williams, Benetton, Ferrari, McLaren, and now Mercedes have all dominated, and have all caused the F1 fanbase to declare that F1 is broken.

F1 is it's own beast. It always been. You can take it for what it is, which is a showcase of engineering and marketing, or leave it and watch something else that offers closer racing. Honestly I much prefer watching touring cars, GT3, and Aussie redneck V8s when it comes to racing, but also appreciate F1 for what it is even though the racing can suck.

Unpopular I know, but I do love playing devil's advocate sometimes.

Oh, and just raising the point of the reintroduction of manual H pattern gearboxes. I don't believe H pattern has ever been used in F1, at least not in my lifetime - it was manual sequential shift with a gear lever before moving to semi auto flappy paddles, at least as far as I'm aware.

I don't usually write a lot of replies to threads, however given the 'current' 'state' of Formula One; and with my interest since the early/mid eighties, i have to give my pennies worth here!

I'll make this short and sweet (I'm sure all of you can understand and fill in the gaps)...

1. First and foremost - Make ALL engines (aerodynamics, driver 'aids', tyres etc) equal!
(Still have different manufacturers but regulation can oversee engine specs/cars to be equal).

2. Make ALL salaries the same for teams & drivers (If you have everything equal, then why the need to pay unsustainable salaries/funds...?).

3. Remove 'most' driver cockpit adjustments (Allow for brake balance and differential adjustments - required as the car 'changes' during fuel burn off/tyre degredation etc).

4. And last but not least - REMOVE the silly 'halo' cockpit protection - Bear with me on this as i'll explain in a minute...

Now, if all those points above were in place it would, in my opinion, make for better racing - reduce costs - prove who actually has the REAL talent.

Motorsport isn't a chess game, but yet it's gradually become more biased to strategy rather than just pure driver skill and intuition. You've got a plethora of technicians glued to monitor screens monitoring every aspect of both the car and driver performance - What happened to just drivers being told a few instructions and then getting out there only to be limited due to the drivers own input and thoughts???

There's been many instances where team making 'strategy' mistakes; providing drivers with technical data and 'instructions' on when or how to make adjustments in cockpit, all of which have done nothing to make the viewing more pleasurable!
We've all witnessed instances of these issues; One that sticks out to me was when Lewis Hamilton (i'll give him credit here), had issues at the Azerbaijan GP (and other times) - Again to his credit, managed to figure the issue out himself while trying to race! credit where credits' due!.

And again, remember the 1992 season - The Williams team had a huge advantage (active suspension) and basically no one had any answer for (at least until late season).

Listen, i get technology moves on but in my opinion, it doesn't mean it has to be applied to everything!
Motorsport by design is inherently dangerous, that's what for the most part been then attraction since it's inception. Don't forget, GP racing or F1 began in 1950 and, it was only technically advanced in the late eighties to a certain point of view.
Additionally, if you look back through the decades and separate them by that method, it's only been since the mid 90's till now where you've had all this technical stupidity and team/driver costs being far, far too expensive - What's happened to pure racing...?

Listen, i don't want to target Lewis Hamilton here, but given his 'status' and in general peoples' opinions of him, you only have to look at his performances after the 2008 title winning season, and specifically the 2011 season...he was nowhere and his performances proved that his talent is limited to the equipment he has.
And additionally, i recall a comment; whether it was made by him or someone else where being compared to Ayrton Senna! - NO NO NO Lewis!...sorry mate but no! :/

Formula One needs to return to the basics...PERIOD!

A team...2 cars and 2 drivers - No fancy strategists, technical regulations and technologies...
Same car power, same tyres, same aerodynamics...and just let the bloody drivers do their thing! (GRRRRR!)

Call me a old fart if you want, i don't really care. What matters to me is just a man or woman (or girl/boy it seems!) and the car....that's it...nothing else involved!

Let them be what there supposed to be for heavens sake!
  • Deleted member 379375

Divorce the drivers from the teams, pay by results ,every driver drives every car once (or twice depending on how you look at it). The only electronics should be to produce the spark and aerodynamics need to be greatly reduced to aid overtaking. The idea that F1 is the pinnacle of technology is a joke as there are restrictions on all sorts of things already.The engineering challenge would be purely mechanical.
I have been an F1 fan since the 1970s & people have always said it could be better,complained about the racing & most continue to watch.
The truth is most fans favourite period for F1 is when they first got into the sport especially when they went to their first live race.I loved the Cosworth era when anyone could turn up & race.The cars from the turbo era were spectacular but the racing was terrible with engines blowing up in ever race & a few cars on the lead lap.
Currently he costs are way to high,the noise is terrible but I enjoy the racing.F1 is not supposed to have racing like MOTO GP,it is supposed to be difficult to pass.
That would mean multiple dead drivers per season.
First and most important step, focus on PERFORMANCE and leave anything related to endurance to GT and endurance racing. There should not be such things are tire and fuel conservation. Refueling should be allowed.

Second, there should be more tire manufacturers in order to boost competition and the performance of the tires themselves.

Third, change the regulations and make the cars smaller and more nimble. F1 cars are supposed to be go-karts on steroids,amphetamine and coke, not limos with big powerful engines. We have NASCAR for that. F1 should focus primarily on GRIP and not just straightline speed. Which brings be to the last one.....get rid of DRS and any magic "push to pass" button. It's stupid and and insult to the drivers and the sport.
By the way, we had this question already every season.
How about a topic about e-sports!!!!
It's the hottest thing in racing at the moment, due to covid lockdown.
But here you we get these stupid F1 articles. What could have happend if driver A would have .... What should change in F1?
It's almost clickbait quality.

What about all those events that feature real F1 drivers that are racing against simracers in virtual GP's.
That's way more relevant than this topic.

Thought this was a simracing site, but it starts to look like blog for gameupdates and silly F1 topics.
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People yelling that F1 is meant to be state of the art development and looking back are for boomers may be right, partly.
However, if it was only about 100% development, then you could scrap the racing part and send live from the R&D premises.
But IMHO F1 IS undergoing a major setback in development. F1 cars as they have turned out today sets very (and way too) strict requirements for VERY smooth runways and pavings.
We could take the old notorious paving at Interlagos:

which now sadly has been overly smoothened now:

or how about Adelaide surface in mid 80ies?

or the old beloved Kyalami?

Etc., etc.

The constant smoothening and making bigger and bigger run-off areas (more than can be satisfied with safety arguments) is a setback for F1.

It should definately be the other way around here :
Modern F1 cars should be able to adapt to bumpy surfaces and rough tarmac. For instance a new city track should just be asphalt and pavement 'as is' and then it was up to the cars and drivers to do well.

Moreover, still I think most F1 fans do not have anything positive to say about the missing motor sound, a significant part of the F1 DNA. And the solution should not be artificial motor sound. This is motor racing.

It seems like today's spreadsheet- and dollar-race shenenigans completely have forgotten to take into account the passion that drives spectators and TV viewers and thereby the revenue base.

After all, there are limits to how long you can sell water on wine bottles and call it wine. Guests come and taste the bottle and talking about good old vintage wine, which they originally came for.

(Nota Bene: And yes, let's create a separate thread about simracing. It's the future and online simracing series offers what a great deal of racers demand: racing, as it once was. Being a simracer myself the last +35 years (born in the wrong era speaking sim) one of the ting I'm most fund of is driving classic racing cars in close and intense battles on old, bumpy tracks, taking into account that it is not just a matter of course to bring the car to the finish line, but more an interaction between aggressive vs. safe car setup and driving style adaption to bring the car home. E.g. for the time being I drive rFactor (the old one) in a Coloni-Ford C4 in the F1SR F1_1991 LE mod. Real challenging and fun.
But then just after endless fun in this kind of simracing, returning to my recording of last years F1 season, it makes it a bit senseless. Nowadays F1 should really hold itself up against the amounth of excitement in those days....)
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I'm gonna dissent here, i most definitely care about the cars being fast and powerful and i sure can tell the difference between a Mercedes and Williams going around the track.
Both onboard or track cams.

It always surprises me when people(hardcore fans even) use this "you can't tell how fast they are going", "you can't see the difference", i can't be the only one?

I'd say give the 2022 regulations a chance before ruining things with "brilliant ideas".
Imo, imo, imo, imo

make the cars smaller.

Longer cars makes overtaking more difficult. I know Aero package is important, but i'd relax aero restrictions too.

another pic

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