General Please stop the “Any News?“ posts

I don't know whether anyone else cares about this but personally I'm very annoyed by older threads where it seems like there is news but it's just someone who posted “ANY NEWS???“. In my opinion it might be useful and comprehensibly if this question gets asked once or twice. But there are threads like this one which consists half of people asking again and again months after the modder did his last posting.

What's your opinion on this point?
My opinion is... it might seem rude but as modder I'd say it shouldn't be taken as such. Just see it as a good sign that there's interest for your work (and modding of the respective game in general).
On one hand it just shows interest and enthusiasm for the content - that no bad thing

But on the other hand, its a pretty pointless question, as it usually just results in either A) no reply, as there is no news. Or B) the creator confirming there is no news :roflmao: Very rarely has one of these "Any news?!" posts ever prompted some actual news - if there was it'd have been posted.

So yeah, it doesn't annoy me that much but always just felt it was a strange question to ask.
"months after the modder did his last posting."

In most of the cases people are asking this, because they want to know, is it still WIP or abandoned.
Just did a quick search (first 20 result), in 2/3 of the cases there were replies from the author (no time but will finish etc.) and in 1/3 of the cases there were no reply, most of them happened years ago, so very likely dead projects. There was only one guy, who didn't reply but after months came back to the project.
So I think it gives a pretty good hint what you can expect.

For me it is annoying only if is asked after a week or something.
If there is no answer the question is still answered. Nothing new has happened. And probably the mod is dead at that point. If there is an answer then the answer tells what is going on. Taking a break, not have time or things going as planned or progress has been done but nothing to show. In either case it is new information and it is not useless.

I'm personally more triggered about this thread than I am about the "any news" posts. Can't really think of smaller problem to complain about.