Remove opponent markers from mini map

When playing road maps with AI traffic (especially 2-way traffic), not knowing if there's a car behind the next blind corner is a part of the fun. But those opponent markers on the mini map take it away. Is there anyway I can turn them off or change the texture to be fully transparent?

The settings ini file of the map app does have an option for driver icon size. Unfortunately it only applies to your own red arrow, not the black dots.
you mean the kunos own zoomed map? not possible to change that

however i modified this app:

added a "noOpponents=True" variable at the start of
it just makes the opponents on the map invisible by rendering them transparent
you mean the kunos own zoomed map? not possible to change that

however i modified this app:
Thank you for making that modified app!

I was aware of that app and thought about modifying it. Unfortunately showing the entire map doesn't work very well on large open road tracks. If a track is short enough to be displayed that way I can probably just memorize it. Open road traffic layouts are often 20km+ with hundreds of corners, hence the need to have a mini map.

There is also the 3D Map App, which does show a zoom-in view of the section of the track around you. But both apps rely on AI lines, and traffic layouts with junctions often have segments missing to avoid AI line overlap. 3D Map is also a FPS eater.

I'd like to know how the official apps in AC are packaged. If I could see the unpacked version and modify the source code I'll just do that. If not, I might read the docs and start from scratch once I have enough time. The Kunos version needs an upgrade anyway. Its alpha transition is based on Manhattan distance which is annoying, and the map texture is not even clipped to the app bounding box.

Is the sat navi interface of CSP available as a HUD app instead of the car-specific in-cockpit display?
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So here is solution , install Map display, go to settings>>apps>>mapDisplay>>set value of color scheme to 0 ,coloroppaheadoverlapped alpha to 0 and there you go in shutoko it shows real drivers not traffic cars