'SimShaker - Wheels' support thread

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Here you can get help with "SimShaker - Wheels" issues and questions.

SimShaker - Wheels is a mediation software between a supported car simulation game and Gametrix JetSeat or well known Buttckicker hardware to provide immersing event driven vibration FXs (special effects).
Currently supported PC titles: iRacing, Assetto Corsa, Automobilista, rFactor 2, DiRT Rally, Project CARS, Project CARS2, ETS2, ATS, F1 2016/2017 and RRRE.
Currently supported console titles: F1 2016.
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Yes, there should be a record in the log textbox that customized file found.
Have you selected the subfolder in a dropdown at Advanced Options tab?

Yes, I select Car1 and the program restarts, but no customized file found message. The root folder that contains "SimShaker - Wheels.exe" has a folder with files like "wav_files/2/1.wav". I've created something like "Audio/Customized/2/Car1/1.wav". I did this with all of the numbered wav files.

I think my files are still in the wrong place. Where are they relative to "SimShaker - Wheels.exe"?
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This didn't work for me. Is there a message when it loads correctly?

Customized # folder is for representing how many channels your configuration uses.

The above should work, as long as you direct SSW to use "Car1" folder and have effect files (.wav) that use 2 channels. Also keep the same numbers as the individual file names for the relevant effects.

Like This

Somone with 6 channels needs to place their files in "Customized 6" and ensure they create effects properly within "Audacity" using 6 channels and to then export them to the "6" folder. We then can place them to selected "Car #" folders within that.

Obviously, with 2 channels it depends if the user has a "Stereo Configuration" on say a seat or on pedals they would use the "Front Stereo" channels.

Or if a user had a "Front / Back" installation of 2 tactile with 1 each for "Pedals & Seat" Then they could place effects to be active within these same channels. This can allow a user to feel "Longitidunal Effects" like acceleration and deceleration but be active "only" or with more "energy" in the pedals (front) or seat (back). It's up to the user in the creation of the effect how they can alter the sensation that is generated and how it operates over the channels.

Example of 6 channel based .wav within Audacity

In order:
1)Front Left
2)Front Right
5)Rear Left
6)Rear Right

Below is an example within "Audacity" of exporting a MONO based effect and it being placed over the "Front Stereo" channels for a soundcard to use. This creates the same response for both the "Left & Right" or indeed "Front & Back" units.

If a user wanted a "Stereo Effect" then they would place a "Left Bump" only on the "Left Channel" and accordingly for the Right. Or if they had "Front & Back" installation they could determine to have deceleration only in the "Front" and acceleration only in the "Back" Or place more "engine effect" in the front or back to represent possibly more a front or rear engine mounted car.

For those going with 2 Channels it depends what configuration you decide to use what "axis" you can make use of.

* Exporting a .wav determine how many "Output Channels" you have active, here we only need 2 of the 6 shown.

If a user was creating a 2 channel based effect but wanting it for a "Front Back" configuration then they could export it to Channel 1 & 2 (Left/Right). Of course, then using that appropriate channel output (Green) from the soundcard to their amplification. This time having "Left" as pedals and "Right" as Seat.

Again a user can determine if an effect is active in both or only one channel.

This looks more daunting than it is and quickly can be learned.
Audacity has its own built-in tone generator to create tones but more advanced software tools are available. Users may find some useful guides for "Audacity" on youtube.
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@Mr Latte thanks for great explanation!

I was working inside this folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\LYKYRPD0.76J\X6JX8547.Y8G\sims..tion_a8fba1aad27c3996_0002.0023_ab2f5c0030269d74, I used button inside SSW launcher to open it and I did not understand why there is different file structure than Audio/Base/... and Audio/Custom/... I understand now :)


@=Andre= I'm not able to play the effects in Audacity when SSW is running, Audacity gives me this error:


Is that normal as SSW is taking control of the sound card so other software can't use it simultaneously? I'm running SSW on external Creative X-FI 5.1 soundcard in 6 channels mode.

If it's normal, is there any recommended workflow for working with custom files? If I want to hear modifications I made on wav file inside Audacity, I have to close SSW, modify the effect, see how it feels in Audacity, then if I'm satisfied run SSW again and try it live in game?

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@Mr Latte thanks for great explanation!

I was working inside this folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\LYKYRPD0.76J\X6JX8547.Y8G\sims..tion_a8fba1aad27c3996_0002.0023_ab2f5c0030269d74, I used button inside SSW launcher to open it and I did not understand why there is different file structure than Audio/Base/... and Audio/Custom/... I understand now :)

View attachment 239165

@=Andre= I'm not able to play the effects in Audacity when SSW is running, Audacity gives me this error:

View attachment 239174

Is that normal as SSW is taking control of the sound card so other software can't use it simultaneously? I'm running SSW on external Creative X-FI 5.1 soundcard in 6 channels mode.

If it's normal, is there any recommended workflow for working with custom files? If I want to hear modifications I made on wav file inside Audacity, I have to close SSW, modify the effect, see how it feels in Audacity, then if I'm satisfied run SSW again and try it live in game?


Hi, you simply goto the "speaker icon" in Audacity main panel.
Then select the soundcard you use for your "primary audio" to playback the .wav

This way you will get playback of the .wav via your speakers/headset.
To have a tactile response also from this is not difficult. You would need to also have the tactile output from this sound card.

So you could temporarily use a "Y Adapter" from the stereo output, swapping the green based cable from the SSW soundcard, to also go into the soundcard used for primary audio now with a "Y Adapter".

Or a more professional approach is to follow my own path we covered recently of having the ability to use a very simple mixer for two sources. Like the ART Split Mix4. This will enable control for both "Audio Tactile" and "SSW" output from the two soundcards and enable both to be felt by your tactile.

With this you can easily turn up/down the gain or have it off for all system audio by turning the knobs. So great with VR as needs no viewing a screen or software nor having to grab a keyboard to use a shortcut like discussed with the other issue above to sometimes mute SSW.

As a passive mixer it requires no power and adds no distortion or interference. Also can support mono or stereo on each input depending on the cables you use and if you want individual channel control or just stereo pairs with each knob.

Has been working great for me...
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I have been using SSW for couple of days now and it works great, really added lot of life to the racing :)

There are two things that could use little bit of improvement, I would have couple of suggestions if you would be so kind to consider it.

1) Shift effect work great for sequential gear cars, but I like to drive H shifter gear cars a lot and there is a problem when I shift, the shift effect is played once when going to the neutral and then when shift is finished in the chosen gear, so you basically get 2 shift effects close together and it all gets muddled up. Would it be possible to play shift effect on all gears except when shifting to the neutral? I have to disable it for H shifter cars because it is too distracting. I'm talking about Project Cars 2.

2) It would be great to have separation between small and big bumps. Basically it could be copy of the normal Bump & Buffets, exactly the same effect with the same controls and also it's own wav file to play.

It could look basically just like this:


This would allow really superior control. For example set small bumps on low threshold and medium gain. Then via wav customization you could push these effects for small bumps to just the smaller units representing wheels to have feeling for the road texture all the time and not get too many blank spots when you feel nothing because now you have to compromise on threshold / gain as you have only 1 control.

Then you could set large bumps on high treshold and higher gain and through wav customization send it also to the 4 wheels, but with smaller gain as these units wouldn't be able to play it correctly. And then you could send it to bigger unit, for example LFE under the seat on higher gain to get best feeling from the big bumps. This would add so much more control and the immersion.

If you could at least consider it, it would be greatly appreciated. It's not like some new big feature requiring development from scratch, it's just extending what you already have. I understand that even that takes time...

EDIT: Maybe small bumps would need to have also additional upper limit to better separate these two effects, might be more complicated to implement...

Many thanks!
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Mr. Latte said.

Or a more professional approach is to follow my own path we covered recently of having the ability to use a very simple mixer for two sources. Like the ART Split Mix4. This will enable control for both "Audio Tactile" and "SSW" output from the two soundcards and enable both to be felt by your tactile.

With this you can easily turn up/down the gain or have it off for all system audio by turning the knobs. So great with VR as needs no viewing a screen or software nor having to grab a keyboard to use a shortcut like discussed with the other issue above to sometimes mute SSW.

As a passive mixer it requires no power and adds no distortion or interference. Also can support mono or stereo on each input depending on the cables you use and if you want individual channel control or just stereo pairs with each knob.

Has been working great for me...

Ditched Franken files and reloaded 'Coffee' / Mid Eng.
Thought I'd try this set in iracing in my beloved GTP...Nissan being Mid engine V6 single Turbo.

I'm missing that 'zing' I had in AC when at full rev's in the 962c.
Had RPM start at 22%..Max 95% SSW gain 55%

I can't seem to replicate such a nice effect in iracing, or is it that I'm no longer using Audio ?
Initially thought Audio was making the effect a little muddy but I defo had my TST zinging in my spine
at peak rev's and when I tickled that gas pedal on the down shift's it was awesome.

It's not as focused any more.

Maybe time to revisit Audio but with a mixer !
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Andre will luv you talking about that here, lol

I use a Fiio e18 (discontinued) but this looks similar to boost "audio tactile"
I use the mixer to determine how strong the balance of the mix is so it is not muddying the SSW tactile. Much better than the "line in" option we previously used. However, its personal pref and likely depends on the sim or car even being used.

Have other plans for something as an alternative to using PEACE EQ software.
More money...... :(

Heres a good deal on a Fiio (Note, you want a model with GAIN and BASS boost)
This with some simple EQ on the soundcard works rather well, easy to use once its all wired up.
Certainly brings more energy to the audio-tactile using this than without.

PC Audio > Fiio > Art Split Mix > Amp

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I'm trying to test SSW before buying but i can't get it work.
I'm using the standalone Zip. but the "SimShaker - Wheels.exe" doesnt seem to remember any settings.

So when i start both checkboxes "to JEtSeat" and "to Bass-Shakers" are unchecked.
When I'm going to check "to Bass-Shakers" the Application restarts.
Now "to Bass-Shakers" is checked but no Soundcard is selected and the Text Log says:

7:0:41.432 NaudioPlaybackEngine: could not initialize playback device. Die COM-Klassenfactory für die Komponente mit CLSID {F447B69E-1884-4A7E-8055-346F74D6EDB3} konnte aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: 80040154 Klasse nicht registriert (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))./nSimShaker Audio mode disabled, try again.

Now I'm selecting the correct soundcard (working with simvibe) and push the Test-Button. But i hear or feel no sound.

Restarting the Application: neither checkbox is checked, soundcard is empty, no error in Textlog.

Help is appreciated :)

Best Regards
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Now I'm selecting the correct soundcard (working with simvibe) and push the Test-Button. But i hear or feel no sound.
Hello exxxxec,
this part sounds a bit strange for me.
After selecting the sound card the app should restart. Does it?
What is the version number of SimShaker - Wheels?
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Hello Andre,

i've watched the config files a bit and it seems to me that after the error

7:0:41.432 NaudioPlaybackEngine: could not initialize playback device. Die COM-Klassenfactory für die Komponente mit CLSID {F447B69E-1884-4A7E-8055-346F74D6EDB3} konnte aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht abgerufen werden: 80040154 Klasse nicht registriert (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))./nSimShaker Audio mode disabled, try again.

the application goes to an error state and doesnt accept and persist further changes. So i guess the challenge is to resolve this error?
Version was the latest zip from your site. i can post the exact version number later this evening when i'm at home. I had the same problem with the web installer.
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Hello exxxxec,
I would recommend to use web installed version in such a case.
If no card selected SimShaker - Wheels will try to use a sound card marked as default in the system.
I think you could try to temporarily set your desired sound card as default, select it in the app and after that change back the default settings.
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So have an interesting question Andre that might help with Audacity file creation for people.
You talk about having more collaboration, so here goes...

Can you give more understanding or reason why we may want effects to be 2-3 tenths of seconds long like in default. Or perhaps much longer with more complexed waveforms. If a bump effect is 2 tenths long or 2 seconds long how is the longer .wav utilised. Is this related to a cars bump travel, or bump value, or repeated succession of activity?

If we use PURE tones like default effects it will limit the range of harmonics and the general sensation of a potential effect felt on a tactile unit. However with a PURE sinewave tone, of course, it will still create its own harmonics naturally. So with the limited Hz range we use in this scenario with tones, we may only feel upto the 2nd or 3rd harmonic created before the dB drops for each additional harmonic generated.

If using lower Hz tones (cycles per second) then we cant get much into a 0.2 or 0.3 long effect.
Whats ideal here?

Perhaps having more of a guideline on effects creation I think would help others to put more time and effort into creating more of their own effects. The potential length in time of an effect is not fully explained or understood?

Any tips or relevant info you can assist with?
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