So I guess there's no 'wish list' type threads allowed on Kunos ACC site

So it seems that even something as benign as a (small) wish list of features is seen as a threat of criticism on the official ACC site. Therefore they locked the thread before anyone had a chance to reply, without explanation. It was even noted that it was not a bug complaint thread. Simply what you would like to see added or enhanced (within reason). After looking around afterwards I noticed only "happy" threads are allowed.

Sad times (a sign of the times?) when developers are so hyper sensitive about their products that they have to resort to this sort of behavior, and it certainly makes me want to keep my money in my wallet.
So it seems that even something as benign as a (small) wish list of features is seen as a threat of criticism on the official ACC site. Therefore they locked the thread before anyone had a chance to reply, without explanation.

The first thing it says in the ACC General Discussions forum under the title is “WISHLISTS WILL BE INSTANTLY REMOVED”. That’s been there since it was originally released into EA.
Before you jump to unnecessary conclusions, consider that threads such as yours might have been locked because:
- well it says on the top that wishlists will be removed, I could stop here.
- there was nothing new in there that haven't been answered, explained or reacted to already before that you couldn't find or ask about in existing threads. There is a thread on the weather modelling, its features and limitations, there are threads on the helmet cam and there are threads on why MSAA is not an option in a deferred rendering engine that ACC uses.
- if you post the same in one of the generic discussion threads, it won't be removed and you might even get a conversation going without cluttering the forum with yet another subjective list.

First and foremost, the support forum is there for support, not for feature requests, there's a level of tolerance against wishlists inside generic discussion threads but just imagine if we allowed all users to post their personal lists in a new thread.

And it's also not true that we only allow happy threads, there are plenty of critical messages/threads kept open that keep the discussion civil and constructive.
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It is a bit of a weird rule. Normally companies utilise forums to work out what their fanbase wants from them. Kunos really doesn't care what you think is the clear message I get from that.

I agree. Most of the time that's what a forum is used for. I suppose Kunos has other ideas. Oh., and of course the expected "it sez is up der on da top of da forum thing " posts are inbound, while entirely missing the point. What did ever happen to what the paying customer thinks? I guess that's just an ancient memory I suppose.