Mascot submitted a new resource:
Transparent Centred Flag Icons for Oculus Rift (also work for 2D displays) - A range of centrally-positioned flags with different levels of transparency
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Transparent Centred Flag Icons for Oculus Rift (also work for 2D displays) - A range of centrally-positioned flags with different levels of transparency
Transparent Centred Flag Icons for Oculus Rift (also work for 2D displays) 1.0
This is an adaption I did for myself but other VR users might find it useful. It’s based on the same principles as the excellent Top/Center Flags for VR 1.1 by c4p ( with a couple of corrections and additions. I did message him a while ago to see if he minds me adapting his idea but (at time of writing) he has not been active...
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