Visor View Mod

Wow, this is my favorite thread... i look, read and wait.....
You guys are great...
Thanks for your work and for sharing with us:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Yes and this is what makes PC gaming so much better than console gaming. being able to modify your games to suit and make them better is what it's all about and for free too. Tell this to the makers of PCars and their big share holders and they just don't get it.
Thanks for kind words, everyone :)
I could finish editing all teams visors and would like to post it here.

Once again, thanks to kenken for this great "Visor View" Mod.
And thanks to Rini Braat, T46D, Thimoty Decransand, Bruce Leeroy and Carl Hughes for their kind permission and sharing their brilliant textures and templates.

And thanks to everyone here at RaceDepartment Modding Community.
To drive Codemasters F1 series with Visor View has been my long-awaited dream since Grand Prix 4.
I sincerely appreciate everybody's kind help and support to make this dream come true :) !

* Credits *

* kenken *
- Visor View Mod ( Thanks to kenken for the Mod.)
( )

* Rini Braat *
- Original Helmet & Visor textures ( Thanks to Rini Braat for his kind permission.)
( )

* T46D *
- Helmet & Visor textures & base template ( Thanks to T46D for his kind permission.)
( )

* Thimoty Decrans *
- Original Leather Helmet and Visor textures ( Thanks to Thimoty Decrans for his kind permission.)
( )

* Bruce Leeroy *
- Original Open Visor Texture with Pull Down.
( Animated Helmet Cam Views )

* Carl Hughes *
- Leather Helmet & Visor templates ( Thanks to Carl Hughes for his kind permission.)
- Converted Open Visor Texture.
- Idea to add shadows and darken down the inner helmet when the visor is closed.
( )
( )

* Tommi-TAG *
- F1 2012 Season all teams visor logos.

< Modding tool and resources >

* Ryder25 *
- Ryder PSSG Editor ( Thanks to Ryder25. PSSG Editor makes it possible to sample the original F1 2012 Helmet Visor colors.)
( )

* Slightly Mad Studios (SMS) *
- Original visor textures from "SHIFT 2 Unleashed".
- Dust and dirt textures on the visor.

* Brands of the World *

* *

* Codemasters *
- Thanks to Codemasters for this great game.

* Features *

* F1 2012 Season All Teams Visor Pack for "Visor View Mod" by kenken.

* Including the following types of Helmets & Visors.

< 2 types of Helmets >
- Normal Helmet - Original texture by Rini Braat & Template by T46D
- Leather Helmet - Original texture by Thimoty Decrans (based on SHIFT 2) & Template by Carl Hughes

< 4 types of visor transparency >
- Clear (99% transparent clear visor)
- Dirty (Dirty visor based on Slightly Mad Studio's helmet cam)
- Dusty (Dusty visor based on Slightly Mad Studio's helmet cam)
- No Dust (Basic visor with no dust)

< 3 types of aspect ratios (resolutions) & visor views >
- "16:9" (1920x1080)
- "16:9 Wide" (1920x1080)
- "16:10" (1920x1200)

Visor logos are optimized to each aspect ratio and logos don't stretch.
( Note ) "16:9 Wide" & "16:10" versions have a bit wider view.

* Including "Open Visor texture" by Bruce Leeroy (converted by Carl Hughes).

* Including Templates (for both "16:9" & "16:10") based on Rini Braat, T46D, Thimoty Decransand, Bruce Leeroy and Carl Hughes Templates.

( Note )
These templates include the original all teams visor logos edited by me (Tommi-TAG)
Feel free to use these visor logos as a base of your original visors.

* Ver.1.21 Updates *
* Added "16:9 Wide" version
* Added "Dirty Visor" (based on the Slightly Mad Studios Helmet Cam)
* Adjusted the brightness of the inner helmet.
* Adjusted the brightness of Massa's Visor Logo (a little darkened).

* Installation *
( Please read the Readme.)

* Download *

F1 2012 All Teams Visor Pack Ver.1.21 ( for Visor View Mod Ver.1.2 )
< 7-Zip >

< Zip >

Hope you will have a lot of fun :) !


< Visor : Normal Helmet ( by Rini Braat & T46D ) >

< Visor : Leather Helmet ( by Thimoty Decrans & Carl Hughes ) >

< Visor : 16 : 9 Wide >

< Visor : Open - Original Texture by Bruce Leeroy ( converted by Carl Hughes ) >
Awesome mod, thanks to all involved!

Not to be picky but I think it could be slightly improved by some air bubbles trapped in the tear-offs and to make it look like you're actually looking through a visor. The visibility when the visor down is almost identical/not noticeable to when it's up. You can see what I mean in this post.

The W.I.P Thread
Superb. Well done. If only codemasters could employ you all and get rid of some the guys who just don't try to come up with beter things then F1 2013 would be the best yet. The replay system is what needs working on now in my opinion. I know some of the tracks have been done to have a more TV race view but we need them all.

It's only getting better folks. Thanks god we have PC's and not restrictive consoles. My son has the game on his xbox and when he see's this on my PC he just feels like throwing his xbox into the trash.
This is test version for advanced users and visor texture creators.
It's added multi texture feature. Please read README.

The visor auto selection can be implemented for quick race and career at this point, but this plan is postponed until I found better solution for all game mode.

Edit 2:
I added figure of each mode file structure, please download from new link. Sorry.

Edit 3: Download link removed. Version 1.2 has been released.
Thanks for kind words, everyone :)
I could finish editing all teams visors and would like to post it here.

Once again, thanks to kenken for this great "Visor View" Mod.
And thanks to Rini Braat, T46D and Carl Hughes for their kind permission and sharing their brilliant textures and templates.

And thanks to everyone here at RaceDepartment Modding Community.
To drive Codemasters F1 series with Visor View has been my long-awaited dream since Grand Prix 4.
I sincerely appreciate everybody's kind help and support to make this dream come true :) !

* Credits *

* kenken *
- Visor View Mod ( Thanks to kenken for the Mod.)
( )

* Rini Braat *
- Original Helmet & Visor textures ( Thanks to Rini Braat for his kind permission.)
( )

* T46D *
- Helmet & Visor textures & base template ( Thanks to T46D for his kind permission.)
( )

* Carl Hughes *
- Leather Helmet & Visor textures & templates ( Thanks to Carl Hughes for his kind permission.)
- Open Visor texture.
- Idea to add shadows and darken down the inner helmet when the visor is closed.
( )
( )

* Tommi-TAG *
- F1 2012 Season all teams visor logos.

< Modding tool and resources >

* Ryder25 *
- Ryder PSSG Editor ( Thanks to Ryder25. PSSG Editor makes it possible to sample the original F1 2012 Helmet Visor colors.)
( )

* Slightly Mad Studios *
- Dust and dirt textures on the visor.

* Brands of the World *

* *

* Codemasters *
Thanks to Codemasters for this great game.

* Features *

* F1 2012 Season All Teams Visor Pack for "Visor View Mod" by kenken.

* Including the following types of Helmets & Visors.

< 2 types of Helmets >
- Normal Helmet - Original texture by Rini Braat & Template by T46D
- Leather Helmet - Template by Carl Hughes

< 3 types of visor transparency >
- Clear (99% transparent clear visor)
- Dusty (Dusty visor based on Slightly Mad Studio's visor views)
- No Dust (Basic visor with no dust)

< 2 types of aspect ratios (resolutions) >
- "16:9" (1920x1080)
- "16:10" (1920x1200)

Visor logos are optimized to each aspect ratio and logos don't stretch.
( Note ) "16:10" version has a bit wider view.

* Including "Open Visor texture" by Carl Hughes.

* Including Templates (for both "16:9" & "16:10") based on Rini Braat, T46D and Carl Hughes Templates.

( Note )
These templates include the original all teams visor logos edited by me (Tommi-TAG)
Feel free to use these visor logos as a base of your original visors.

* Installation *
( Please read the Readme.)

* Download *

Hope you will have a lot of fun :) !


< Visor : Clear (99% transparent) + Normal Helmet ( by Rini Braat & T46D ) >

< Visor : Dusty + Leather Helmet ( by Carl Hughes ) >

< Visor : No Dust >

< Visor : Open ( by Carl Hughes ) >
Nice!! Are you going to update for new verison of visor mod so that we can switch between different teams visors
As Carl said, which video card you use? And when does game stop? before intro movie?
sorry for the delay in replying, my vga GTX 460 is Nvidia latest driver released
it just opens the logo f1 2012 and closes immediately, and not enters the introduction, not, giving the message that there was a problem
Are you using the FXAA injector?
If your card is a DX11 capable card, try using it without the FXAA injector, i guess that FXAA injector forces it to run DX10 instead of 11. Use sweetfx instead, there a good mod with a nice profile keith dixon made. ;)
I'm not using it, your mod is very good, is the best of the released, but it increases slightly the use of vga, and have heat problems here at home, is a furnace, but I no longer use, and even so the visor does not work, I'll try reducing the graphics options and then I say

edit : did not work, only if the problem is windows 8, tomorrow I see in windows 7
I'm not using it, your mod is very good, is the best of the released, but it increases slightly the use of vga, and have heat problems here at home, is a furnace, but I no longer use, and even so the visor does not work, I'll try reducing the graphics options and then I say

edit : did not work, only if the problem is windows 8, tomorrow I see in windows 7
Then the problem "maybe" its the Windows 8.
Anyway, you can look into your documents folder, on the F1 2012 folder inside the documents folder you can see the hardware config file, take a look at it, there's an option forceDX10="?" Its its enable, turn it to false and see if it works.
Lets say i share your problems of temperature. My VGA max temp was 83ºC yesterday :mad:

You can try the SweetFX effects, it uses DX 11, and i haven't noticed any drop in FPS. ;)
Thanks for kind words, everyone :)
I could finish editing all teams visors and would like to post it here.

Once again, thanks to kenken for this great "Visor View" Mod.
And thanks to Rini Braat, T46D and Carl Hughes for their kind permission and sharing their brilliant textures and templates.

And thanks to everyone here at RaceDepartment Modding Community.
To drive Codemasters F1 series with Visor View has been my long-awaited dream since Grand Prix 4.
I sincerely appreciate everybody's kind help and support to make this dream come true :) !


Thanks for sharing Tomm!!!
Looks really awesome! Thank you!!! :thumbsup:
Does OSD also shake under high longitudinal acceleration? I never seen before probably because of I use default cam.

It's just an idea, so you don't need to prove my theory. But if you have free time, finding out condition of shake will be big help for this.
Hi Kenken,
I really don't remember the conditions for shaking, but i know there's values on the car cameras.xml regarding the camera shaking.
I looked at the OSD config and found this:
<create name="animationeffectsinterface">
<parameter name="rumble settings">
<parameter name="minimum speed" value="1.0f" />
<parameter name="smooth surfaces">
<parameter name="TARMAC" />
Problem is that i haven't found this "interfaces" on the xml files i opened.
I think the shake effects for the camera shares the same input that send the information to the force feedback. Looking at the surface_materials file theres some values like:
bumpswavelength="0.00200" bumpsmagnitude="0.00200" and they change the car "shake" on the surface, i haven't really noticed, but i believe the osd is based on the same data.
When you have some time to look for this, take a look on the persistentdatarender.xml on the frontend folder. I really believe its the file with the data you are looking for. See it:

<centering_tension scale="1.0" />
<centering_damping scale="2.0" />
<user_tension scale="5.0" />
<user_damping scale="1.0" />
<spring_threshold_x normal="0.1" />
<spring_threshold_y normal="0.1" />

<centering_tension scale="1.0" />
<!-- Auto retract force value after user control is withdrawn -->
<centering_damping scale="2.0" />
<!-- Cushioning when auto retract hits it's center target -->
<user_tension scale="5.0" />

And many more. Hope that can help :D

EDIT: On the same file "persistentdatarender.xml:
<!--- CAMERA NOISE -->
<min_distance value="0.5" />
<min_distance_scale value="1.0" />
<max_distance value="1.0" />
<max_distance_scale value="1.0" />
<rotation_freq value="0.35" />
<rotation_forceXY value="0.5" />
<rotation_forceZ value="3.0" />
<rotation_roughness value="0.15" />
<rotation_disp_freq value="0.05" />
<rotation_disp_force value="1.0" />

Must be this file :)
<!-- The graph shows the relationship between time on the horizontal axis and shake amplitude
on the vertical axis, and relates to certain values that can be declared in a vibration style.
1 /\
/ \_____ _e
/ \
0 _/___________\___
0 a b c d
a- attack ( time in seconds )
b- decay ( time in seconds )
c- sustain ( time in seconds )
d- release ( time in seconds )
e- sustain_ratio ( between 0 and 1 )

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