Mobile Driving/Flying Cockpit with Motion and Tactile ( Build )

short input - to use the rbr arrow menu function streamdeck need to be started with admin rights
so far i was not able to make this during windows boot - still checking
so i have to shut down streamdeck and restart with admin rights
then you can controll RBR with the streamdeck
short input - to use the rbr arrow menu function streamdeck need to be started with admin rights
so far i was not able to make this during windows boot - still checking
so i have to shut down streamdeck and restart with admin rights
then you can controll RBR with the streamdeck
This is how i solved that on my race pc

- Delete the streamdeck entry from the start up folder
- Create a new short for streamdeck and check the run as admin check box
- Create bat file which links to the shortcut you created in the 2n step
- Put the bat file into the C:\Users\.............\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- This way you can also run streamdeck minimized in the back ground ( one of the issues i also had )
Thanks! That makes sense. I'll adjust my StreamDeck to run in Admin mode next.

I got RBRPro running in VR and it is a very LIGHT GPU load. In the Rally School I was getting about 26% GPU at 90 fps, so I bumped it up to 120fps. I could probably run it 144fps, but there are other graphics settings that I should bump up first.

I have SimHub working for tactile and good FFB on my SC2 Pro.

I still need to install a plugin to get my NLRv3 working.

My gut reaction after just a little driving time in the rally school is that it feels very connected and the physics involving how the hand brake works and everything else do feel realistic.

I need to get some more driving under my belt. I'm feeling pretty optimistic so far.
Thanks! That makes sense. I'll adjust my StreamDeck to run in Admin mode next.

I got RBRPro running in VR and it is a very LIGHT GPU load. In the Rally School I was getting about 26% GPU at 90 fps, so I bumped it up to 120fps. I could probably run it 144fps, but there are other graphics settings that I should bump up first.

I have SimHub working for tactile and good FFB on my SC2 Pro.

I still need to install a plugin to get my NLRv3 working.

My gut reaction after just a little driving time in the rally school is that it feels very connected and the physics involving how the hand brake works and everything else do feel realistic.

I need to get some more driving under my belt. I'm feeling pretty optimistic so far.
I've tried RBRPro working with motion endlessly but never managed to get the telemetry from the game for the SFX.

Until in the end i just gave up on it. :(

I haven't tried it on my new PC yet, will need to try it someday.
The NLRv3 software specifically mentions a plugin by name that needs to be installed in the RBR folder, so I'm hopeful I'll have motion. Rally would be hard without motion and I agree that it would be a deal breaker for me as well.
This is how i solved that on my race pc

- Delete the streamdeck entry from the start up folder
- Create a new short for streamdeck and check the run as admin check box
- Create bat file which links to the shortcut you created in the 2n step
- Put the bat file into the C:\Users\.............\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- This way you can also run streamdeck minimized in the back ground ( one of the issues i also had )
I just setup the same thing on my system a few days ago. Certainly helpful for new stream deck users. :thumbsup:
It's got a wealth of content, my RBR folder is 100GB. Given that the game is from 2004 and assets back then were probably 1/10th of the size they are today, that's a lot of stuff to do.

It supports everything you've stated, almost out of the box. There's less fuss, and more success, getting modern hardware to work on RBR, an ancient title, than there is getting anything to work in Forza Horizon 5. An indictment on game developers today. If a game from the the first few years of the DECADE can do it, there's no excuse.

I will give one tip. Give the mod a try if you like RBRPro. They have a very similar approach to the install package, leagues for competitive timed runs, etc. but are still very much constantly updating to this day. I've had 4 or 5 updates since installing it at the start of the year and it includes physics updates, additional rallies, cars, sounds, all sorts. Not sure how active the RBRPro mod is in development these days but that's another system you could try if you like it. A lot of it will be the same stuff, but it's an option to be aware of. As far as I know, there are like 3 or 4 different active mods for RBR and all are maintained by different people. There's the Czech mod, the Hungarian mod which is part of rallysimfans, I think a French mod as well. There's a few.
Also, RBR most definitely works with the V3. I've used it when I had it. No problems there. Only thing I remember being a slight issue was that you need to turn the gain up a lot as the movement was very muted compared to other games.
SimCommander added support for RBR last year as well. I need to get the G-Belt working to finish this off.

Is it my imagination or is the RBR FFB just on another level compared to DR 2.0 ? It seems like I can feel my way around much better and control slides much better.
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I finally designed a fully suspended pedal deck solution that would fit my rig. It's much simpler than my current arrangement and others without the clearance issues underneath could simply mount the BK under the foot plate.

I was limited to 12" wide aluminum plate so I ended up with angle off the back of this.
I'm not sure that I'm going to do this any time soon, but I have almost all the hardware already other than the 2'x1' piece of 1/4 aluminum plate.

I'm still not sure that I want to do this or that I will like having the entire pedal deck vibrating. But I'll be thinking about it.


I'm still not sure that I want to do this or that I will like having the entire pedal deck vibrating. But I'll be thinking about it.

View attachment 564478
View attachment 564479
I like the "whole pedal vibrating" part for wheel slip info and road vibrations/bumps, but have separated the brake pedal with its own bassshaker for brake slip/lock.
A Dayton BST-2 does the job on the HSV Sprint brake pedal for me. It´s slightly isolated to the pedal plate by 10mm rubber pads but you probably could get away without extra isolation.

MFG Carsten
We know, it´s not your favorate material, because you can´t weld and hardly mill it.;)

friendship carsten

MDF mills and forms incredibly easily, has almost zero tear out unless you are brutal with it and it's very easy to get smooth edges. It does generates enormous amounts of fine dust.

It's great for making forms.

That it the design I mistakenly first thought you were doing when you added the isolators, i.e. the whole tower on the isolators.

My only personal worry about that is the large lever created by the inverted pedals mounted to the top of the tower translating to more movement of the springs. My pedals are mounted on a tray directly on to the isolators and there is movement, as you would expect. It doesn't worry me but I fear there would be too much rocking of the platform if they were in that configuration.

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