RaceRoom Racing Experience Racing Club event
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Congrats to the winners. I had a few races in one. First was the start where I ended up having to go off due to traffic. No problem, there are 89 minutes and change left. The next race was to regain time after spinning, which I did about six times.

The cars we used last week and this week do not translate for me from Leaderboard to our track. Both times our tracks were much more slippy so any set-up I had was negated. I prefer a tight car and in leaderboards I set them up to fit. That same set-up is too wiggly when I get into our server.

When I was able to put in clean stints I could see the gap between me and the cars in front close considerably. This was another race for me: Try to close the gap as much as possible and hope others make enough mistakes for me to take advantage of. After my pit Tobin was +1 lap on me. I felt that if I could pass him before his next pit stop I could do pretty well and work on the next two guys in line. I made up a lot of time on him and caught him in T1 when he spun...

I then spun in the same manner he did. We both re-entered the track and then I looped it into the wall. It took 30 seconds for me to recover because I could not get the car back onto the track!

At that point I was more than 40 seconds behind Tobin, and + 1 minute behind the leader and second place. I had also been passed by another.

The next race was to try to get 4th and close the gap between myself, Tobin and the two lead cars. I finished the race 4th, only 16 seconds behind Tobin and 40 seconds behind the leader.

Coulda, shoulda woulda translation: If I had been capable of keeping the car on the track my pace could have made the top four places much closer.
Last Tuesday's event wrapped up the FReD and I wanted to personally thank all that participated and made the Clubs first twelve weeks a success, lets keep it going.
@stevem @sc4dr @Keith_G @BP @Sean Armstrong @emarchena @2112 @Rory Wetherington @ko41 @Neal Ches @TrumpetReich @brc19 @Wilko Jones @theColeHardTruth @Racker2 @SOLO59 @Minerro @Luke Maney @bloozmahn @Mike Wyatt @Larry Downing @FeltHat @Dirk Steffen @LegendMask @John Addison @SPC15 @matthew walters

I also like to thank @Ross Garland for his help in getting the club going and guidance in keeping it on track, and @Kenny Paton for making sure it was a smooth start.

Thanks again to @J-F Chardon of Sector3 for the vRP as it was a fun way to reward finishers and think it really enhanced the club.

So the winners for the final week of the FReD are:

For the overall finishers we have a 5 way tie for third which I drew two.
@Sean Armstrong



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Welcome to the Americas R3E racing club where all skill levels are welcomed and encouraged to participate for a relaxed and friendly racing atmosphere.

We support good hard racing and just ask you to respect track limits, basic racing etiquette and most importantly, each other. Check out this short video explaining club rules.

All premium members can sign up for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

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If you need any help don't hesitate to ask on TeamSpeak... there's no such thing as a stupid question, and if no one has the answer, I will get one before the next event.

Looking for tips on setting up for a Pit Stop, Glossary of FFB Terms, TS Notifier or other How To's for R3E check out the great resources here.

Or maybe you like to use a setup from one of our talented members, browse the setups here.

Racing Club Rules: Click here
Server and Teamspeak Password: Click here

Teamspeak Installation Guide: Click here
Incident Reporting: Click here

We highly recommend that you join us on TeamSpeak, and that you use an app called Crew Chief. It gives you an audio spotter that tells you when cars are alongside, greatly increasing your awareness and reducing unnecessary incidents. You can download it here.

Server Name:
RaceDepartment.com US Tues
Cars: NSU TTS Cup Please select a number Fixed Setup
Falkenberg Motorbana

Tuesday 10/29/2019
21:00 ET (30 minutes)
Qualifying: 21:30 ET (15 minutes)

Warmup : 21:45 ET (5 minutes)
Race : 21:50 ET (20 minutes) - No pit stop requirement

Warmup :
22:10 ET (5 minutes)
Race : 22:15 ET (20 minutes) - Reverse Grid / No pit stop requirement

Entry List - 20 slots
  1. [B][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]David DeGreef[/COLOR][/B] #101
  2. Wilko Jones #520
  3. TrumpetReich #103
  4. SPC15 #519
  5. stevem #508
  6. emarchena #163
  7. sc4dr #327
  8. ko41 #24
  9. Rory Wetherington #303
  10. brc19 #168
  11. Keith_G #513
  12. Open
  13. Open
  14. Open
  15. Open
  16. Open
  17. Open
  18. Open
  19. Open
  20. Open
  21. Open
  22. Open
Reserve list
  1. Reserve
  2. Reserve
UTP# 25

Server is OPEN for practice
Please note that server will be reset on race day approximately 2-1/2 hours prior to start time.
Last edited:
So I had a dnf mainly because I drove a sprint car like a sprint race. Problem was it was a 90 min race! I had a blow out, then proceeded to run out fuel a couple turns before finish. All that said, it was one of my favorite races of the season. Good battles the whole race. Amazing group of guys! Cheers to all who made this season spectacular.:D
Online Practice: couldn't consistently get low laptimes, the car pushed so bad
Official prerace practice: car still pushing, soft tires only last 3-5 laps.
Then a little help from a fellow gear head...
Made the suggested changes to my setup and BAM!:laugh:the car came alive and no more pushing! Went to the top of the leaderboard.
Q1: was able to just out do Greg (what were our times in Qualy, anybody know?) For pole.
Race: got a good start, protected my line into turn one and got out clean. Pulled out a gap and was able to maintain a gap for almost the entire race except for Solomon and Ayrton nearly passing me:mad::confused::p:laugh::).

Fun (but hard) race, thx David for putting this together (hope you get well soon).
i mainly tried to go steady, which except first lap, i managed to do- i expected tyre and/or fuel trouble from competition, i tested it :roflmao: great fun, especially second part with, constant fight with Smith and Bock

that rocket start was funny, i was lucky to not spin my tires almost at all
Thanks @Luke Maney I'm ok just burning candle at both ends, trying to wrap up end of summer chores, work, and staying up too late on Monday to watch a less then impressive QB on a certain team from the midwest. But I digress:mad:

Just tired and needed to get max hours of sleep, as last time I raced in that condition I 'forgot' to brake entering the pits and got DQ'd:redface: See you next race?
Thanks @Luke Maney I'm ok just burning candle at both ends, trying to wrap up end of summer chores, work, and staying up too late on Monday to watch a less then impressive QB on a certain team from the midwest. But I digress:mad:

Just tired and needed to get max hours of sleep, as last time I raced in that condition I 'forgot' to brake entering the pits and got DQ'd:redface: See you next race?
I’m certainly not rubbing it in, but it’s a nice change of pace over here in Baltimore watching a dynamic offense! We were stagnate for too many years.
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