RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Guys I have troubles entering the server in spectator mode to perform a driver swap. How can I do that? Can't find any option to do that :/
Need help please!
Guys I have troubles entering the server in spectator mode to perform a driver swap. How can I do that? Can't find any option to do that :/
Need help please!
You can find guidance here on how to enter the server in "spectator mode" - the procedure has changed a little since rFactor 2 moved to Steam. I shall write this up as a proper guide soon. :) In the meantime, I hope that it helps.
As much as I dislike Estoril, and despite the driver swap glitch DNF, myself and the rest of my team had a complete blast. brilliant racing, a really awesome field to drive in.
Good day sim-racers! :D I would just like to say a quick thank you to all of the drivers and teams who participated in yesterday's test race. On the whole this ran without incident, and appeared to be great fun. The only real problems that occurred, to my knowledge, include the server crash before qualifying - currently the cause for this is unknown, but we shall continue to investigate, and a restart procedure is in place to deal with a server crash during a race (please refer to the Rules & Regulations for more information) - and a failed driver swap (apologies for this @alilong, and anyone else who experienced the problem) - guidance shall be provided on how to perform a successful, in-game driver swap, and what to do in case it fails. Therefore, I believe we are now ready for the start of the season, so be sure not to let those engines seize up as preparations for Round 1 at Interlagos, on Saturday 1st April, get underway very soon.

On that note, the server for Round 1 shall be made available for training and testing within the next 24 hours. Please keep an eye on the General Discussion thread as well as the event thread for more information about when the server is online. In addition, details shall be made available regarding updates to the Rules & Regulations (this shall specifically include an update to the full-course yellow procedure, as well as a new rule specifically related to physical driver swapping, and a few other minor clarifications), and instructions for subscribing to the private Steam Workshop group, to access required RDLMS content, shall be provided.

Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you all on track again very soon, ready for the start of the season. :)
RDLMS by VESARO Logo.png

As you may have seen (and maybe anticipated), we shall now be serving component files for the RDLMS - the cars, safety car, tracks, and server mod files needed to access the servers - via a private Steam Workshop group! This is an incredibly exciting development for the league, predominantly because it will help to simplify and streamline the process of downloading and installing required resources, especially the custom car / skin pack as the base EnduRacers Endurance Series mod is rather substantial in size.

If you are not already aware, after the initial download of an item to which you have subscribed in the Steam Workshop, only the updated portion of files will be retrieved whenever a new version is released - this will significantly reduce the size of downloads. Not to mention that the Workshop is a much more robust and reliable delivery mechanism, compared to Dropbox (via GetMod) which has been somewhat unreliable of late. So for these reasons alone we would recommend that you subscribe to the Steam Workshop group as it will allow you to quickly receive the latest updates as they become available.

To join the private Workshop group please follow these instructions:
  • Step 1
Login to Steam via your web browser and send a "friend request" to Gijs van Elderen (click here to view his profile)
  • Step 2
Reply to Joining the RDLMS Steam Workshop Group thread with the following information:

Steam Id (display name):
RD Forum name:
RDLMS Team number & name:

Steam Id (display name): Daimes
RD Forum name: Daiman Patel
RDLMS Team name: #6 RedShift Racing

Once the "friend request" has been accepted your post will be "liked" to confirm.
  • Step 3 (Important)
Uninstall all RDLMS related content - cars, safety car, tracks and server mods - that you currently have installed, either via the Launcher or Mod Manager (ModMgr.exe), to prevent any potential conflicts; the Workshop will now manage the relevant resources and mod files required for the RDLMS
  • Step 4
Login to Steam via your web browser and "Subscribe" to this item: RDLMS Content
  • Step 5
Open the Steam client, if you have not done so already, and wait for the component files to download an install

The initial download will be quite large, but when components are updated in the future (e.g. new liveries added to the custom car / skin pack) only the differences between your version and the version in the Workshop will be retrieved so subsequent downloads will be considerably smaller in size.
Now that you have subscribed to the private Steam Workshop group, all of the required resources will be kept up-to-date and automatically installed before you login to the server - no manual management of component files or server mods will be necessary.

If you have any questions, or experience any issues, please write a message in the General Discussion thread, or send a PM to me (@Daiman Patel) and @Gijs van Elderen.
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Update - March 6, 2017

The following additions and amendments have been made to the Rules & Regulations for the RDLMS. In case the rules in this section conflict with the 2017 RD League Regulations or v1.1 of the Additional Regulations for RDLMS Season 7 (see below for more information), the rules stated here shall override and supersede those in the aforementioned sets of regulations and guidelines.

  1. Starting driver. The race must be started by the driver who participated in the qualifying session. Participation in the qualifying session is mandatory, only one driver for each car must be on the server during the session, and driver swaps are not permitted, therefore the driver on the server at the time of the qualifying session will be required to start the race.
  2. Driver swap mandatory. Each team needs to perform at least one (1) driver swap in the course of the race to be eligible for points.
  3. Blue flag exception. Blue flags need only be respected when it concerns two cars of the same class. The slower car may ignore a blue flag issued over an approaching faster car from a different class. Both cars are still encouraged to facilitate inter-class overtaking. It is advised that slower cars do not move off the racing line or make unexpected moves when being overtaken by a faster car. Always be predictable and drive within your limits to avoid accidents.
  4. Rejoining the server. In case a driver disconnects from the server the driver - and only the driver! - may reconnect to the server and continue in the same car. The driver in question is strongly advised to reboot his or her PC in order for the rejoin to take proper effect.
  5. Race start procedure. At the beginning of each race a safety car shall move from the rear to the front of the grid, and lead the cars for a single formation lap, before a double-file rolling start. The safety car will be predominantly responsible for controlling the pace (this shall be approximately pit-lane speed). At the end of the formation lap the safety car shall move aside, and the lead car will be instructed to control the pace. Race control will subsequently call "Get Ready" before calling "Green Flag", at which point all overtaking shall be permitted.
  6. Racing infringements. Any racing infringements (such as causing a collision or disrespecting track boundaries) must be reported to the stewards immediately for review. The report must sent to the stewards by the team owner or one of his drivers. Any incident reported more than five (5) minutes after occurring will not be considered by the stewards.
  7. Other infringements. Any other infringements (such as software cheating or illegal drivers) can be reported to the stewards up to 24 hours after a the race. These incidents will be reviewed in the week after the event. This report must be sent by the team owner to @Frank , with the following in the title: RDLMS S7 Round <X> - <REASON FOR REPORT>. Please include a clear description of the incident, backed up with proof by way of a video or understandable data.

Rules & Regulation Addendum - v1.1 - February 10, 2017
  • TeamSpeak. At least one driver from each time is required to be present on the RaceDepartment TeamSpeak server, in a channel specifying your team name, at all times during an event. TeamSpeak shall be used for the pre-race briefing, as well as to make announcements during the qualifying and race sessions, for example to indicate the switch over time for GT and Prototype cars during the qualifying session, and to notify teams of green and yellow flags.
  • Qualifying format. The qualifying session shall be held in a single 60 minute session, but each class will only have 30 minutes to qualify. GT cars shall qualify first, followed by the Prototype cars. The start of the session and the switch over period shall be announced on TeamSpeak. Drivers must remain in their garage whilst it is not their qualifying session; any cars that enter the pit lane before the start of their qualifying session or after the end of their qualifying session (unless they are returning to their garage) shall receive a time penalty during the race. Pressing ESC is permitted. 5 and 10 minute warnings shall be given during the qualifying session for each class.
  • Headlights. All cars in the EnduRacers mod has fixed running lights (to allow cars to be visible to one another even in poor light conditions), so you may choose whether or not to also use your headlights during daytime hours. However, headlights must be used at night.
  • In case of a server crash. In the unfortunate (and hopefully unlikely) case of a server crash, teams shall be notified of the restart time over TeamSpeak and also in the RaceDepartment forums (in the thread for the current event). An attempt shall be made to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, and have the race underway again within 30 minutes of the crash.To help us achieve this we ask that the same driver on the server before the crash is also the driver who rejoins for the restart, and that they do so as quickly as possible after the crash; this will help to reduce the administrative burden when (re)setting positions and laps, and speed up the restart process.The time taken to restart the race, from the moment the server crashes up to the (re)start procedure, shall be subtracted from the remaining time in the race.
  • Spectating. To help ensure the stability of the server, and also to prevent join / exit lags spectating on the server shall not be permitted. Drivers may only enter the server as a spectator if they intend to conduct a driver swap, and they should only join the server within 5 minutes / 2 laps (whichever comes first) of the planned pit stop. This applies only to race sessions. During all other official sessions no spectating shall be allowed on the server. (Live timing and a broadcast shall be provided from Round 1 onward.)
  • Joining / leaving the server. During the qualifying session we ask that all drivers remain on the server (at this point only drivers who shall take part in the session should be on the server) to prevent join / leave messages. as well as lags when cars are loaded / unloaded. We would also prefer if drivers refrained from leaving the server during the warm up session so that we can ensure grid positions are maintained. We recommend that PCs, modems / routers, and anything else that you require is restarted and stable before the start of the official practice session.
  • Safety-first (yellow / orange / red) zones. For each race yellow, orange and red zones, called Safety-first Zones, shall be defined, if necessary. The track map, in each event thread, shall indicate the locations of these zones, which have the following meanings:
    • Yellow zone: This is a one off zone that shall cover the first few corners, and will only be active for Lap 1 (and the first lap after any restarts). Its intended to prevent drivers from being overzealous at the start of the race. Overtaking is allowed in the yellow zone, but only with extreme care, and any accidents will be reviewed before immediate penalties are awarded to the offending car / driver.
    • Orange zone: These zones will be placed in "high-risk" areas, and will be enforced for the duration of the race. Overtaking is allowed in the orange zone, but only with extreme care, and any accidents will be reviewed before immediate penalties are awarded to the offending car / driver. Orange zones shall only be used if necessary.
    • Red zone: These zones will be placed in areas where overtaking is dangerous, therefore it shall not be permitted for the duration of the race. If a driver does overtake or cause an incident in a red zone then they shall be immediately penalised. Red zones shall be seldom used, and saved for only the most extreme cases.
  • Positioning when pitting. Guidance may be provided for positioning cars when pitting, to prevent accidents from occurring when an overtaking car does not realise that another car is moving to enter the pits. This guidance shall be provided according to the track, and only if it is necessary.
  • Full-course yellow. When a full-course yellow is called by Race Control there will be a countdown, over TeamSpeak, before it is enforced. Once in effect all cars must immediately slow to a safe speed, and engage their pit limiter. During the full-course yellow period all cars are expected to continue with caution, at a constant speed (i.e. pit-lane speed), and no overtaking shall be permitted. At the end of the period Race Control will state that the danger has cleared, and once again call "Green Flag" following a countdown. The pits shall remain open at all times. NOTE: During the full-course yellow period the session will actually remain green, for technical reasons, and announcements shall be made via TeamSpeak and the rFactor 2 chat box.

Additional Regulations for RDLMS Season 7 (v1.2 - addendum and amendments)
  • Full-course yellow. When a full-course yellow is due to come into effect Race Control shall announce "THERE WILL BE A FULL-COURSE YELLOW", before commencing a countdown from "5" down to "1" over TeamSpeak. Drivers should NOT slow down (excessively) during this countdown period, to prevent potential accidents. At the end of the countdown Race Control will state "FULL-COURSE YELLOW IS IN EFFECT"; after this announcement all cars must immediately slow down to pit-lane speed, and have their pit limiters engaged. During the full-course yellow period all cars are expected to continue with caution, at pit-lane speed, and no overtaking shall be permitted except when a car has spun or is moving slowly due to potential damage. Announcements regarding slow moving cars shall be made over TeamSpeak. At the end of the full-course yellow period Race Control will state that the "DANGER HAS CLEARED - RETURNING TO GREEN", perform another countdown from "5" to "1", before calling "GREEN FLAG". Once "GREEN FLAG" has been announced cars can return to racing speed. The pits shall remain open at all times. NOTE: During the full-course yellow period the session will actually remain green, for technical reasons.
  • Re-entering the circuit under a full-course yellow. A driver exiting the pits or returning to the track after an incident must always surrender their position to a car already on track. If a car not "on track" rejoins the circuit alongside a car already on track then the latter (on track) car has the right of way.
  • Physical driver swapping. A physical driver swap, like in-game driver swaps, may only be conducted during a pit stop; at no other point should a driver swap be performed whilst a race is underway. After performing a physical driver swap the team will be required to drive to the end of the pit-lane and wait for an additional 5 seconds (the time for an in-game driver swap) to account for any time that could be gained. Guidance shall be provided, in the opening post of the thread for each round, to indicate where drivers must stop their car to serve the physical driver swap "penalty". The team is responsible for informing Race Control when a physical driver swap is due to be performed, and a steward will oversee the pit stop and ensure that the 5 second "penalty" is served at the end of the pit-lane. Failure to notify Race Control may result in a post-race penalty being applied. During qualifying and warm-up physical driver swapping is not permitted; the same rule also applies to in-game driver swaps for these sessions. [This rule may be subject to change.]
  • Real names on TeamSpeak & RDLMS server(s). All drivers are required to use their real name on TeamSpeak and the rF2 server(s) for the RDLMS, so that staff members are able to easily identify participants. (Please note that this is a general requirement as per the rules when racing at RaceDepartment, in any club event or league.)
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Round 1 Server is LIVE!

The time has finally come - and for real this time... the server for Round 1, at the Autódromo José Carlos Pace (better known to many as Interlagos), is now available for testing and training. The event, which shall be a shall culminate in a 12 hour race, shall take place on Saturday 1st April at 13:00 GMT, with Official Practice and the briefing commencing at 11:00 GMT. Please see the first post for more information regarding Round 1 itself.

The password to access the server can be found in the 'RDLMS S7 PASSWORD' thread; please remember to never share this with anyone, else you will face a potential league and / or RaceDepartment ban.

The cars, safety car, and track should be automatically downloaded and installed when you login, if you do not have them already, or they can be manually downloaded via the event thread (here). Alternatively you can now subscribe to the private Steam Workshop group for the RDLMS, which will allow you to acquire all necessary component files and updates swiftly and more reliably (compared to GetMod and Dropbox) as they become available. GetMod shall continue to be used as a backup, but we highly recommend that you join the Workshop group as this will greatly simplify the process of downloading and installing required resources. Please see below for instructions regarding how to subscribe.

The track mod that shall be used is a customised version of Sao Paulo, released by ISI, and is already available on the server. This has been specially adapted by our resident track modder, so that it is suitable for RaceDepartment league use, to display sponsor logos on advertisement boards, and to include anti-cuts and speed bumps in appropriate locations to prevent unfair advantages from being gained by exceeding the track boundaries. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you experience any issues with speed bumps, etc. or the track as a whole. Also, a quick reminder, as tracks have been or shall be specifically modified for use by the RDLMS we would like to ask that you do not publicly distribute the component files without seeking prior permission. The tracks are intended for RDLMS and personal use only, so we would appreciate it if resources are not shared with non-participating persons, or used by other leagues or club races. Thank you for your cooperation.

Finally, the Safety-first Zones and guidance for Pit Entry Positioning shall be specified soon, and a live timing track map will be made available towards the end of this week.

Joining the RDLMS Steam Workshop Group!

As you may have seen (and maybe anticipated), we shall now be serving component files for the RDLMS - the cars, safety car, tracks, and server mod files needed to access the servers - via a private Steam Workshop group! This is an incredibly exciting development for the league, predominantly because it will help to simplify and streamline the process of downloading and installing required resources, especially the custom car / skin pack as the base EnduRacers Endurance Series mod is rather substantial in size.

If you are not already aware, after the initial download of an item to which you have subscribed in the Steam Workshop, only the updated portion of files will be retrieved whenever a new version is released - this will significantly reduce the size of downloads. Not to mention that the Workshop is a much more robust and reliable delivery mechanism, compared to Dropbox (via GetMod) which has been somewhat unreliable of late. So for these reasons alone we would recommend that you subscribe to the Steam Workshop group as it will allow you to quickly receive the latest updates as they become available.

To join the private Workshop group please follow these instructions:
  • Step 1
Login to Steam via your web browser and send a "friend request" to Gijs van Elderen (click here to view his profile)
  • Step 2
Reply to Joining the RDLMS Steam Workshop Group thread with the following information:

Steam Id:
RD Forum name:
RDLMS Team number & name:

Steam Id: daimes16
RD Forum name: Daiman Patel
RDLMS Team name: #6 RedShift Racing

Once the "friend request" has been accepted your post will be "liked" to confirm.
  • Step 3 (Important)
Uninstall all RDLMS related content - cars, safety car, tracks and server mods - that you currently have installed, either via the Launcher or Mod Manager (ModMgr.exe), to prevent any potential conflicts; the Workshop will now manage the relevant resources and mod files required for the RDLMS
  • Step 4
Login to Steam via your web browser and "Subscribe" to this item: RDLMS Content
  • Step 5
Open the Steam client, if you have not done so already, and wait for the component files to download an install

The initial download will be quite large, but when components are updated in the future (e.g. new liveries added to the custom car / skin pack) only the differences between your version and the version in the Workshop will be retrieved so subsequent downloads will be considerably smaller in size.
Now that you have subscribed to the private Steam Workshop group, all of the required resources will be kept up-to-date and automatically installed before you login to the server - no manual management of component files or server mods will be necessary.

If you have any questions, or experience any issues, please write a message in the General Discussion thread, or send a PM to me (@Daiman Patel) and @Gijs van Elderen.

Additional Rules & Regulations Updated, to v1.2!

The Additional Regulations for RDLMS Season 7 have now been updated, to v1.2; see here for more information. Changes include instructions for performing a physical driver swap, an update to the full-course yellow procedure, and the reiteration of the requirement to use real names on TeamSpeak and the RDLMS server(s). We would like to encourage you to please ask any questions that you may have regarding this update, or the rules & regulations in general.

Other Information!

Please remember to submit your livery files, if you have not done so already. The final version of the custom car / skin pack before Round 1 (v1.2) shall be released on Saturday 25th March; the submission deadline shall be Friday 24th March. If you are unable to provide a skin then please contact me as soon as possible so that provisions may be made, else any team whose skin is not in v1.2 of the pack shall not be permitted to race.
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Round 1 Server is LIVE!

The time has finally come - and for real this time... the server for Round 1, at the Autódromo José Carlos Pace (better known to many as Interlagos), is now available for testing and training. The event, which shall be a shall culminate in a 12 hour race, shall take place on Saturday 1st April at 13:00 GMT, with Official Practice and the briefing commencing at 11:00 GMT. Please see the first post for more information regarding Round 1 itself.

The password to access the server can be found in the 'RDLMS S7 PASSWORD' thread; please remember to never share this with anyone, else you will face a potential league and / or RaceDepartment ban.

The cars, safety car, and track should be automatically downloaded and installed when you login, if you do not have them already, or they can be manually downloaded via the event thread (here). Alternatively you can now subscribe to the private Steam Workshop group for the RDLMS, which will allow you to acquire all necessary component files and updates swiftly and more reliably (compared to GetMod and Dropbox) as they become available. GetMod shall continue to be used as a backup, but we highly recommend that you join the Workshop group as this will greatly simplify the process of downloading and installing required resources. Please see below for instructions regarding how to subscribe.

The track mod that shall be used is a customised version of Sao Paulo, released by ISI, and is already available on the server. This has been specially adapted by our resident track modder, so that it is suitable for RaceDepartment league use, to display sponsor logos on advertisement boards, and to include anti-cuts and speed bumps in appropriate locations to prevent unfair advantages from being gained by exceeding the track boundaries. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you experience any issues with speed bumps, etc. or the track as a whole. Also, a quick reminder, as tracks have been or shall be specifically modified for use by the RDLMS we would like to ask that you do not publicly distribute the component files without seeking prior permission. The tracks are intended for RDLMS and personal use only, so we would appreciate it if resources are not shared with non-participating persons, or used by other leagues or club races. Thank you for your cooperation.

Finally, the Safety-first Zones and guidance for Pit Entry Positioning shall be specified soon, and a live timing track map will be made available towards the end of this week.

Joining the RDLMS Steam Workshop Group!

As you may have seen (and maybe anticipated), we shall now be serving component files for the RDLMS - the cars, safety car, tracks, and server mod files needed to access the servers - via a private Steam Workshop group! This is an incredibly exciting development for the league, predominantly because it will help to simplify and streamline the process of downloading and installing required resources, especially the custom car / skin pack as the base EnduRacers Endurance Series mod is rather substantial in size.

If you are not already aware, after the initial download of an item to which you have subscribed in the Steam Workshop, only the updated portion of files will be retrieved whenever a new version is released - this will significantly reduce the size of downloads. Not to mention that the Workshop is a much more robust and reliable delivery mechanism, compared to Dropbox (via GetMod) which has been somewhat unreliable of late. So for these reasons alone we would recommend that you subscribe to the Steam Workshop group as it will allow you to quickly receive the latest updates as they become available.

To join the private Workshop group please follow these instructions:
  • Step 1
Login to Steam via your web browser and send a "friend request" to Gijs van Elderen (click here to view his profile)
  • Step 2
Reply to Joining the RDLMS Steam Workshop Group thread with the following information:

Steam Id:
RD Forum name:
RDLMS Team number & name:

Steam Id: daimes16
RD Forum name: Daiman Patel
RDLMS Team name: #6 RedShift Racing

Once the "friend request" has been accepted your post will be "liked" to confirm.
  • Step 3 (Important)
Uninstall all RDLMS related content - cars, safety car, tracks and server mods - that you currently have installed, either via the Launcher or Mod Manager (ModMgr.exe), to prevent any potential conflicts; the Workshop will now manage the relevant resources and mod files required for the RDLMS
  • Step 4
Login to Steam via your web browser and "Subscribe" to this item: RDLMS Content
  • Step 5
Open the Steam client, if you have not done so already, and wait for the component files to download an install

The initial download will be quite large, but when components are updated in the future (e.g. new liveries added to the custom car / skin pack) only the differences between your version and the version in the Workshop will be retrieved so subsequent downloads will be considerably smaller in size.
Now that you have subscribed to the private Steam Workshop group, all of the required resources will be kept up-to-date and automatically installed before you login to the server - no manual management of component files or server mods will be necessary.

If you have any questions, or experience any issues, please write a message in the General Discussion thread, or send a PM to me (@Daiman Patel) and @Gijs van Elderen.

Additional Rules & Regulations Updated, to v1.2!

The Additional Regulations for RDLMS Season 7 have now been updated, to v1.2; see here for more information. Changes include instructions for performing a physical driver swap, an update to the full-course yellow procedure, and the reiteration of the requirement to use real names on TeamSpeak and the RDLMS server(s). We would like to encourage you to please ask any questions that you may have regarding this update, or the rules & regulations in general.

Other Information!

Please remember to submit your livery files, if you have not done so already. The final version of the custom car / skin pack before Round 1 (v1.2) shall be released on Saturday 25th March; the submission deadline shall be Friday 24th March. If you are unable to provide a skin then please contact me as soon as possible so that provisions may be made, else any team whose skin is not in v1.2 of the pack shall not be permitted to race.
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