90's Golden Drift Spot #8 - Happogahara (八方ヶ原) [Drift Course]

90's Golden Drift Spot #8 - Happogahara (八方ヶ原) [Drift Course] 2.0.1

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<90's Golden Drift Spot Project>

This project is aiming to recreate the legendary drift locations in Japan, Its is a very popular drifting spot for drifters in the late 80's and the 90's. Although it is away from locations introduced by Inital D its remains a popular drift spot till today.


Happogahara (八方ヶ原), everybody knows this place. From wheither you're a Initial D fan, or a drift guy. Or none of them you're just a driving or hiking guy. It's been one of the most requested course so far and we got it done (and fix the damn Initial D one)

If you're not familiar with the place, or you just heard it for the very first time, Happogahara actually is a flat national park in Yaita City, Tochigi Perfecture. It's deep in the mountains surrounded beautiful forest and different kinds of flower and plants. This place is also owned some of the best waterfalls, and best sky view in Japan.


Route 56, is the only touge that connects and go through the entire Happogahara forest, so this road is also called Happogahara. (It does not have specified name). Because it's so deep in the mountain that you don't even have phone signals, the traffic amount is really low. Therefore this touge has been taken over by drifters very fast since it built.


This touge literally contains almost if not all, every kind of course situations. From very narrow to very wide, 180 big turns, tight hairpins and blind corners, flat and steep elevations.
The environment characteristics make the touge so special that getting a lot of attentions, even it made on Initial D Forth Stage as the home course of Toudo School.


Happogahara isn't the only touge that have a tunnel through it. However it's the only one that appeared in Initial D, Takumi used blind attack inside the tunnel made it a very impressive image on Happogahara.

Look at the recreation by us:

Takumi blind attack on Happogahara recreation


The drifting actions are so intense in Happogahara because it's very hard to get notice by the police, it also seems this place is the only touge in Japan that have special relationship between the drifters and the police...til now.

We also made a video to introduce you how to drift it properly:




Let's take a look to the real life footage of Happogahara:

We tried our best to make this map great because this is our team's favorite touge of all time. Possibly the closest details and atmosphere to the actual location, which it had already approved by a lot of actual Happogahara drifters. In this pack you will get the Happogahara Drift section for FREE, we also have the entire full course available by donating minimum 5 US Dollars to us, please contact us through Facebook to get further steps and confirmations.

Here you can have a preview of the full Happogahara course:

In this map you included:

- 16 pits
- Working map
- Cameras
- AI lane

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Latest updates

  1. 90's Golden Drift Spot Project #8 - HAPPOGAHARA (version 2.0.1)

    Quick minor fix.
  2. 90's Golden Drift Spot Project #8 - HAPPOGAHARA (version 2)

  3. Happogahara drift V1.1 update: Light config update

    Despite we realize there's an unauthorized light config update for the map through CM's auto...

Latest reviews

map is released as blocked off pit area :(
map icon says unlock full map at whatever.com/something
tried the url and got a missing page error.
would be nice to actually drive the map as its released rather than downloading a fake map and getting a full release key online elsewhere beyond where you download the map from.
looks great though but not very much to see blocked in on one road in the "locked" version. dont release a downloadable map if it doens have the content it advertises readily available on first DL. and if you do release it maybe put the link on the same page at the top of description like "THIS IS REQUIRED CLICK HERE TO UNLOCK FULL MAP"

how to unlock the full map?
Excellent map! Keep up the good work!
My favorite track in the whole game! It has everything that makes touge fun. Narrow sections, long straights, hairpins, and steepness.
Cons: There are quite a few bugs such as being able to drive through a wall and the road but this road is so legendary it’s easily forgiven. 10/10!
I had this stage saved in my favorite maps folder yet now it's not working. Is there a solution or a working version?
it still working as usual. update your assetto thingys.
the textures still look nice, and the road surface feels great. using the same graphical settings, this road looks just as good as most still coming out to day, if not above average for racedepartment standards. the free version of the track provides a drift layout with the two main 'sides' which were historically drifted at happo. this layout works without issue, and provides ample space to turn around as you would in real life. very fun and everything seems to be true to the real spot. all that's ''missing'' are the longer full length uphill/downhill for timed runs, which are available as a paid extension to the track as the creator makes abundantly clear. not a loss if you download this out of interest for happo as a historic drifting location.... but a great option that i fully endorse supporting to experience after correctly installing and trying the free version. the road is tight and punishing, and as a result theres a sense of reward each time.

using the latest version of custom shaders patch, and installing manually as suggested, i have encountered a total of... none of the issues shared by any of those below me. i guarantee you i am not special, rather that the only difference between myself and them is i actually bothered to spend 20 seconds reading about what i was getting. performance is good, better than others if i use another creator on racedepartment who focuses on a similar region for comparison.
Thank you for your push and kind words. It helps a lot!
The full version does not work, I continue to get a critical error.
Do clean manual install, without CM.
One of the most ugly maps I ever played in AC, the ''demo'' version is too small, and also you can't drift smoothy because of the roads misplaced, so you always catch a ''bump'' from time to time. Can't believe we charge money for maps now ... this map didn't inspire me to even find it on other websites to get the full experience, just bad.
I bought the full package and it's all blue, so the shaders are not working. That's awful and the other user with the same issue didn't get any reply so far.
my map is full blue and glitches
Amazing work! Running on a server at for anyone who wants to join up.
Amazing map
I have drifted here many times IRL, This feels very close to the real thing! Awesome work!
Which do you prefer?

Replay Camera -



Chase/Box Camera -

Excellent work, where can I buy the full version please?
just did a couple runs on here and is already my favorite course
Exelent work
very nice map, but how do i get the full track now, i donated
Where can I donate to get the full version
i would like to purchase the full version

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File size
225.9 MB
First release
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User rating
4.40 star(s) 50 ratings

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