Why Rennsport Does Not Interest Many Sim Racers Right Now

One of the big talking points in sim racing at the moment is Rennsport, but for some reason it does not interest many sim racers. Why could that be?

Image credit: Rennsport

A new title on the block, Rennsport is one of the big games to look forward to throughout the rest of 2023 and into 2024. It is currently in its beta stage of development. But with more and more sim racers getting access keys to the public version, it is certainly coming along strong.

As an upcoming game, Rennsport should be garnering great interest and excitement among players. However, it seems that with little developer communication to the outside world, no concrete plans for the future and an overwhelming focus on esports, the everyday sim racer is not looking forward to this sim.

Titles like the upcoming EA Sports WRC and Le Mans Ultimate generate far more conversation online than this in-development creation. Here’s why Rennsport is not getting the interest it needs, and what it can do to improve its image.

The Esports Approach​

Perhaps the main issue with Rennsport‘s lack of interest within the community is the image it presents to the outside world. From the get-go, this in-development simulator was first truly seen in the hands of professional esports racers. In fact, the ESL R1 series is the jewel in Rennsport‘s crown of acheivements putting on what is an impressively large competition.

However, the majority of the community dismisses sim racing esports as something they would rather do than watch. This creates Rennsport‘s esports problem. To many, there is no need to watch esports when you can jump in your own rig and race the same cars on the same track. As a result, why would the casual sim racer watch ESL R1 when they can boot up the likes of iRacing, Assetto Corsa or Automobilista 2 and do the same thing?

This is the only true showcase of what Rennsport can do. So taking in the title’s Unreal Engine visuals or collection of cars and tracks does not appeal. In fact, many are likely to be put off by this aggressive competitive focus.

With esports pros constantly in the loop of how development is going and gaining early access to the most recent version of the game, it gives off a negative image to most players. With these pros providing their feedback on each version of the game and its handling model, one may be put off.

In fact, professional racers often prefer a consistent title that will enable off-by-heart, repetitive inputs. This goes against the varying model requiring adaptability that most racers look for. With that in mind, those looking in from the outside may well feel like the handling alone will not tick the immersion or realism boxes.

Limited Content and Gameplay​

Whilst the majority of sim racers have a distant view of Rennsport looking through the front window, a lucky few have access to the title in its Beta form. Here, players have access to seven cars and four tracks. Bar the Praga R1 and Porsche Mission R, no content in this title is ground breaking. GT3 well and truly dominates the car list. Spa, Monza, Hockenheim and the Nurburgring GP loop form what is a very vanilla track list.

To add to the low content numbers, it seems there is little to do in Rennsport. A recent update added online multiplayer functionality with matchmaking. But with few players gaining access to the title, reports suggest these online events are often empty. Furthermore, a lack of AI, setup work and offline game modes means five laps is where most players stop.

It seems then that the player looking into the title from afar will quickly turn away due to the lack of content. But the racer already playing Rennsport will also lose interest with little to do in-game in its current state.

No Real Plan​

Here in lies the problem. No one really knows what is going on with the game. Aside from the vague announcement of modding, the developers have not said much about Rennsport’s final state. So there is very little to look forward to.

Even when it seems things are looking up, the team manages to put positive moves on hold. It then reverts back to its old ways in disappointing twists of fate. The Porsche 963 and Goodwood hill climb were both announced a while ago. Yet, the most recent update added the Porsche 992 Cup car with more esports competitions seemingly on the horizon.

How Rennsport Can Reclaim Interest​

Clearly then, this up and coming title is facing a PR problem. The community has little to go by when it comes to learning about the project. Furthermore, the image it gives off is one that caters to esport die-hards.


Rennsport needs to change its PR strategy if it is to be successful. Image credit: Rennsport

There are not many ways for the developers to dismiss these rumours and beliefs. The best thing to do is communicate with the wide-reaching community. They must explain what the team hopes to do with its handling model and how the sim is improving. Other titles currently in development like AMS2 and ACC provide its community with teasers as development comes along. In fact, both games received big updates this year, announced months in advance.

But it is the title’s esports image that really needs attention. Currently, the only footage one has of the game is of pro racers nailing every apex following weeks of practice. What the community needs is more relaxed racing akin to the streamer events held by Kunos prior to major ACC updates.

If Rennsport can follow in the footsteps of other titles, it should begin return to the public eye. But there are so many big names out there that it is going to need much more than some PR work to garner hype across the sim racing community.

What is your take on Rennsport and what can it do to interest you? Tell us on Twitter at @OverTake_gg or in the comments down below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


Club Staff
For me it's simply that it's not clear what Rennsport offers more than the current available sims. For me is AC still the best with all that content available. I think that Rennsport is far away from that.

And of course with AC2 coming, I'm more interested in that one.
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Rennsport to me is 90% hype and 10% game as far as I can tell.

And it pains me to say it, but between AC, ACC and AMS2 and the myriad of mods I can get I am left not wanting for much in terms of variety - and to be honest another "I can't believe it's not butter" sim that touts realism doesn't do it for me.

I'm actually wondering what it is that will add to what I want - Forza's GT style build a car certainly is novel and something I'm looking forward to, WRC's huge list of rally cars is another.

But more GT3... nah, I can wait until it's on sale, wait until it's been tested by the wise, and generally not get excited about it.

Oh and NFT (debunked I believe?) cars or whatever it is they're planning - that leaves me stone cold, I race for fun, not finance and anything that makes that harder is an instant fail for me.
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I fully agree with the article... furthermore, insisting on the Unreal Engine when Assetto Corsa 2 also abandoned the idea makes many players understand that their machines will not be able to run the game as well as possible (minimum 60 fps for a racing simulation game). :geek::geek:
Since we are not all rich and we cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars to update cars, it is logical that the audience will be much smaller, then for simracing you also have to add driving equipment such as a steering wheel etc... :):)
Simracing was created to be accessible to everyone, if it closes and ghettoises everything to only professional drivers, all the beauty of the competition will be destroyed. :D:D:thumbsup::thumbsup:
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I received my beta key at the start of public beta testing and have played it a few times since. Performance is not great on my old system (only about 40-50 FPS), which is running rF2 and AMS2 fine. With ACC I already found out that the Unreal engine is not really working well for racing games (on my system), and VR is horrible compared to rF2/AMS2/AC. Rennsport beta does not support VR yet, but in looks worse with less FPS. But.. it’s a beta… so more optimizations will come I assume. And the beta game is very crippled looking at functionality, so also there… this may change. The Praga is interesting, but very poor in its current version (watch also Jimmy’s video),
Does anyone with access have an objective view of the game? The comments here by people who claim they have access are either 'ass', 'sounds like hell' or 'bad'. Are there any valid arguments as to why?
You're right. I do have access to the beta, let me try to give an objective view on the game.

First off, I don't think the game is "ass". Most complaints about the handling are unjustified in my opinion. The FFB is OK. The game drives similar to AMS2, in the sense that it feels (maybe too?) loose and the tyres allow very big slip angles. The way the suspension is modeled over kerbs is fantastic. In ACC, for example, cars just can't go over most bumps at all, they upset the car massively.. Here, going over kerbs feels great, you can predict the weight transfer and the tyres going over the elevated surface.

Graphics look good. Cars sound bad. But the actual big problems of the game are elsewhere. For example:

The player base is low and spread throughout the globe. The netcode isn't that great either, which means the actual racing is worse than in other games.
No damage model.
No setups.
Meaningless ranking system (I don't think it's even active?)
Common, overplayed cars and tracks.

This all means that, while there's nothing terribly wrong with the game (at least in my view), it's just not very interesting to play. There's no incentive to play Rennsport instead of any other sim at the moment. It does less than other games, and most of it slightly worse.

I don't think this is worrying - It's just a closed beta, after all. If they keep evolving, I think the game can turn into a good product. There's certainly a lot of market to gain. AMS2 barely even works properly apart from hotlapping, ACC relies on external leagues to keep it alive, has no mod support and is GT3 only, AC's online scene is almost nonexistent. But they need to show more, and they need to do it fast. If by the time AC2 comes out Rennsport doesn't have a solid playerbase, it's gonna be curtains.
[...]The game drives similar to AMS2[...]
another boat sim.
If Rennesport is smart enough, they will add a hovercraft as part of the "car" selection.

Believe me, I'm already disgusted. This is why it's important to try the game.

You "use" the game just for testing purposes and not for enjoyment. There is no damage model. There are no setups.

I assume, as a part of the beta tester group, your duty is to test the game and report your feedback or test something that the devs ask you to test. (At least, this was the case when I was a game tester.)

Anyway, this is my last message here after the quoted revelation.

Happy sailing...
GT3 cars and esports. The two main things I despise about modern sim racing. Between that and the huge push for NFTs in the beginning I have zero interest in this title.

I guess at the end of the day though, it’s kinda how I feel about sim racing as a whole these days. The main thing I’m looking forward to in sim racing today is the release of AC2 but I know I’m gonna be pissed when the first trailer shows the same GT3 cars that are in ACC, iRacing, RF2, AMS2, RennSport and mods for AC driving around the worst boring modern versions of SPA, Monza and the Nords.
That article was a jarring read. It read like it had been run through translation and back again.
Lets see, same old GT3 cars, modern:sleep: versions of once great tracks...... Don't even need to hear about the rest, thats enough for me to steer clear.......
You're right. I do have access to the beta, let me try to give an objective view on the game.

First off, I don't think the game is "ass". Most complaints about the handling are unjustified in my opinion. The FFB is OK. The game drives similar to AMS2, in the sense that it feels (maybe too?) loose and the tyres allow very big slip angles. The way the suspension is modeled over kerbs is fantastic. In ACC, for example, cars just can't go over most bumps at all, they upset the car massively.. Here, going over kerbs feels great, you can predict the weight transfer and the tyres going over the elevated surface.

Graphics look good. Cars sound bad. But the actual big problems of the game are elsewhere. For example:

The player base is low and spread throughout the globe. The netcode isn't that great either, which means the actual racing is worse than in other games.
No damage model.
No setups.
Meaningless ranking system (I don't think it's even active?)
Common, overplayed cars and tracks.

This all means that, while there's nothing terribly wrong with the game (at least in my view), it's just not very interesting to play. There's no incentive to play Rennsport instead of any other sim at the moment. It does less than other games, and most of it slightly worse.

I don't think this is worrying - It's just a closed beta, after all. If they keep evolving, I think the game can turn into a good product. There's certainly a lot of market to gain. AMS2 barely even works properly apart from hotlapping, ACC relies on external leagues to keep it alive, has no mod support and is GT3 only, AC's online scene is almost nonexistent. But they need to show more, and they need to do it fast. If by the time AC2 comes out Rennsport doesn't have a solid playerbase, it's gonna be curtains.

I've also had a beta key for some time and can agree with this write-up. Although I do think the graphics are a bit underwhelming.

Cut through all the hyperbole written here and elsewhere, and this is where things stand with this game currently.
Rennsport is one of the big games to look forward to throughout the rest of 2023 and into 2024.
The question shouldn't be why are sim racers uninterested, but rather why are sim racing news outlets treating the game as if it's going to be anything special. They're hosting eSports events to attract teams and investors (money) when the game isn't even available to the public. They had a Rennsport Summit for a racing sim that doesn't do anything original and doesn't even have a release date. There are more videos on their YouTube page focusing on that and other PR events than there are focusing on the game itself.

It's been obvious since last year that this game was sketchy when they announced digital ownership that sounded a lot like NFTs. This is one of the only critical articles I've seen about the game, everything else has basically doing the marketing for them. RaceDepartment, Overtake, Traxion, countless content creators on YouTube... you all just want to report on the new big thing without looking into it critically. The Next Big Thing in Sim Racing?! sure gets a lot more clicks than Another Average Racing Sim with Content that's Already in Countless Other Games.

That's the best-case scenario for what this game can be. It could also be borderline-scam aimed only at making money with a sketchy business model. You shouldn't be asking why sim racers aren't interested, but rather why all of these outlets and content creators are trying to create artificial interest (and doing free marketing) for something that's clearly going to be dead on arrival.
Bad marketing for sure but I also can't see a free spot or any need for another sim game. There is iR, R3E, rF2, AMS2, AC, ACC, AC2 around the corner as well as Le Mans Ultimate. A couple of those games are not played by many. What piece of cake should be available for Rennsport? Main question is if the sim would have a USP or not.

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Angus Martin
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