RaceRoom Racing Experience Racing Club event
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The Golden Rule

The most important rule we have here on RD is still being ignored by some drivers. Another report was received after last week's event, and another driver has been given a 30 day ban.

I don't know how I can make this any clearer guys... you will not get away with breaking the Golden Rule! Is it really worth the risk of a 30 day ban just to finish a place or two higher in a club race?!

Accidents happen and that is totally fine, but please respect your fellow drivers by following the Golden Rule!

Golden Rule said:
If you hit another driver during a Club race and disadvantage them, you are required to slow (or stop your car if necessary) to let the other driver regain the position on you. This shows respect to your fellow drivers and will encourage drivers to be more careful. Please use some care when letting the other driver regain position, and do not immediately stop your car on the racing line where it can cause further accidents.
After eight rounds of action, KO Sletten comes out on top by just four points! :thumbsup: This series brought good grids and some excellent racing, so thanks to all who took part.

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Hi all
This was my first ever online race in this sim, I had a fantastic time.

I am gobsmacked that I did not finish last in the first race.

However, my true skill level became apparent in the second race. (I finished in a worse position even though It was reverse grid and I started near the front).

In the second race, I apologies for anyone I slowed down due to my total lack of talent, but I assume that is the idea of a revers grid?

It was during the chat between races, that I was informed that the second race was a reverse grid. (If it had not been 9:00am Sunday morning in NZ I would have had a stiff drink) I wont miss the revers grid as I had no clue as to how to keep out of the way.

Speaking of no clue, I tried a race against the AI in the car and track for this week race. At first I could not see the point, I seamed easy to beat the AI. But after a 20 lap race I finished towards the back. I observed "there might be more to this than I thought".

Looking forward to this weekends race, at least with the wide track, I should not hold up faster drivers.

Best wishes
Hi all
This was my first ever online race in this sim, I had a fantastic time.

I am gobsmacked that I did not finish last in the first race.

However, my true skill level became apparent in the second race. (I finished in a worse position even though It was reverse grid and I started near the front).

In the second race, I apologies for anyone I slowed down due to my total lack of talent, but I assume that is the idea of a revers grid?

It was during the chat between races, that I was informed that the second race was a reverse grid. (If it had not been 9:00am Sunday morning in NZ I would have had a stiff drink) I wont miss the revers grid as I had no clue as to how to keep out of the way.

Speaking of no clue, I tried a race against the AI in the car and track for this week race. At first I could not see the point, I seamed easy to beat the AI. But after a 20 lap race I finished towards the back. I observed "there might be more to this than I thought".

Looking forward to this weekends race, at least with the wide track, I should not hold up faster drivers.

Best wishes

Holding up faster drivers is fine Bob if you're doing it fairly. It's easy to get shuffled backwards rapidly by the quicker drivers when they're close together, it knocks your confidence for a few corners and you end up looking behind for more rather than concentrating on your own fastest line. I try to concentrate on the person who's just passed me and hang on as long as I can, keeps the others behind you for longer :thumbsup:
@Bob Laycock

I totally agree with what Des said above. There is nothing wrong with holding people up! Please remember that nobody has any more right to track position than anyone else. It doesn't matter if their name is Bob Laycock or Lewis Hamilton, or whether they've been an RD member for ten years or ten days. Everyone has the right to be where they are, regardless of pace.

Indeed, "holding people up" is part of racing, but it's usually called "defensive driving" instead. Driving defensively and preventing people from being able to overtake you is a very important racing skill, just as important as overtaking safely, and almost as important as improving your overall driving ability. Without it, you will always finish towards the back regardless of your overall pace, because there will always be guys behind you that are faster in "Corner X" than you are, and without defence they'll just sail by you.

The onus is always on the guy behind to make a clean, safe pass on the guy in front. It's not the job of the guy in front to make it easier for them, or to deliberately get out of the way. Indeed, moving to allow a driver through is actually more likely to cause an accident because it's unpredictable! That's why we have Rule 6, which essentially says stick to your own race and let the guy behind decide how and where to pass you. If he can't, tough... it just means you're doing a good job.

Look at it this way... if all the "faster" drivers were allowed by the "slower" drivers without resistance, the result of all races would be determined by the end of lap 1! :p This is racing, not a procession. So please, get out there, enjoy yourself, and concentrate on your own race without worrying about things that are the other guy's problem. :thumbsup:
Indeed, moving to allow a driver through is actually more likely to cause an accident because it's unpredictable! That's why we have Rule 6, which essentially says stick to your own race and let the guy behind decide how and where to pass you. If he can't, tough... it just means you're doing a good job.


The car in front can 'tell' the car behind which way they'll have to try to pass, by driving their chosen line on the leadup to the next braking zone (hopefully not a weaving zig zag, which sends mixed messages to the car behind!). If the leader chooses to make the follower pass around the 'outside' of every corner, fair play! Where that can play into the hand of the driver behind is when the following corner gives them the inside, provided they were close enough or strategic enough to have a run into the next braking zone. As @Goffik says, make them work for it!! And watch out for 'reverse psychology' from the driver behind shepherding you into a compromised line....

In our club races I occasionally hear a mysterious wise man holler on Discord: "don't drive into the bloody side of me!!". At some point during any pass of any kind, it will rely on both cars giving each other space on track (the paved part between the lines). This may advantage one car or another depending on the sequence of corner(s), and who can put the most power down without running out of available road (considering the width of another car occupying part of it). This is why crew chief is so amazing, as it reliably informs you whether you can use the whole track width or not, and also lets you know when the game of chicken is over and you're in the clear to resume using all of the road.

If a position changes, then the roles reverse and 'responsibilities' also change in an instant. If you have been fairly passed, you are suddenly responsible for the safe attack to get that position back from the bastard who took it, who can now make life difficult for you. If they really are faster, the opportunities will diminish corner after corner, so if you're still in striking distance have at it (in a contact-free way)... :D
@Bob Laycock

I totally agree with what Des said above. There is nothing wrong with holding people up! Please remember that nobody has any more right to track position than anyone else. It doesn't matter if their name is Bob Laycock or Lewis Hamilton, or whether they've been an RD member for ten years or ten days. Everyone has the right to be where they are, regardless of pace.

Indeed, "holding people up" is part of racing, but it's usually called "defensive driving" instead. Driving defensively and preventing people from being able to overtake you is a very important racing skill, just as important as overtaking safely, and almost as important as improving your overall driving ability. Without it, you will always finish towards the back regardless of your overall pace, because there will always be guys behind you that are faster in "Corner X" than you are, and without defence they'll just sail by you.

The onus is always on the guy behind to make a clean, safe pass on the guy in front. It's not the job of the guy in front to make it easier for them, or to deliberately get out of the way. Indeed, moving to allow a driver through is actually more likely to cause an accident because it's unpredictable! That's why we have Rule 6, which essentially says stick to your own race and let the guy behind decide how and where to pass you. If he can't, tough... it just means you're doing a good job.

Look at it this way... if all the "faster" drivers were allowed by the "slower" drivers without resistance, the result of all races would be determined by the end of lap 1! :p This is racing, not a procession. So please, get out there, enjoy yourself, and concentrate on your own race without worrying about things that are the other guy's problem. :thumbsup:

Sorry friend I intrude on Your conversation, but it is my intention just to remember that in the whole world, in the real races, there is a basic rule, ... the car that will be overtaken by another, that in the general classification of the race is in front of you, it has 3 curves to facilitate the overtaking of what is better classified.
That is why in all simulators and in the real races there is the blue flag ...... when a pilot is shown the BLUE FLAG, he has UP TO 3 curves to facilitate overtaking.
It often happens that there are accidents in these overtaking, because what comes behind, and better classified, wants to overtake what is in front of you soon, so anyway ..... this is wrong.

Friendly hug
Sorry friend I intrude on Your conversation, but it is my intention just to remember that in the whole world, in the real races, there is a basic rule, ... the car that will be overtaken by another, that in the general classification of the race is in front of you, it has 3 curves to facilitate the overtaking of what is better classified.
That is why in all simulators and in the real races there is the blue flag ...... when a pilot is shown the BLUE FLAG, he has UP TO 3 curves to facilitate overtaking.
It often happens that there are accidents in these overtaking, because what comes behind, and better classified, wants to overtake what is in front of you soon, so anyway ..... this is wrong.

Friendly hug

Blue flags are for cars being lapped Jose, we're talking about racing for position rather than blue flag conditions (the only time the slower car has to yield position).
I'm really sorry guys but I'm going to have to pull out of this 1.

I'm due to move house at the end of the month and I'm running out if space for packing, so I need to dismantle my simrig for make more room.

Hopefully I will be back when the next mini league starts if i can get BT out quick enough.
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Sorry friend I intrude on Your conversation, but it is my intention just to remember that in the whole world, in the real races, there is a basic rule, ... the car that will be overtaken by another, that in the general classification of the race is in front of you, it has 3 curves to facilitate the overtaking of what is better classified.
Two things. First, as Des correctly said, we are talking about overtaking cars, not lapping them. ;)

Second, even when lapping it is still the lapping driver's responsibility to make a clean pass when it is safe to do so. The car being lapped still should not cause a hazard by diving out of the way.

Rule 6 applies in both cases.
Raceroom crashed on me, no error just straight to Desktop :mad: ..... but I enjoyed the first half.

Jockeying for position at the start was interesting, and it was quickly apparent that losing the draft for too long would be devastating. With my fuel savings behind @Steve Le Gallez on his first stint we built up a 10s gap to the next group behind, and I was potentially on track to 1-stop the race, starting with the full 70L fuel and having 70 more with under 25 mins to go. It may have required some fuel savings towards the end but possibly not as much of a sacrifice as the length of another pitstop.

I think with oval-spec cars with higher speeds, so that the "tightest line" doesn't always win, and more ways to scrub on the corners (eg. make mistakes) it would be quite a blast with a full grid....
Hi all
Thanks for the race today, I don't know much about setting up a car, so I just lowered the wings put the engine map at highest setting put my foot to the floor and watched you all slowly vanish into the distance.

Or sometimes into the track.

Lots of fun anyway, Sorry I could not take part in the chat but I don't currently have a head set and due to Auckland being in a COVID lowdown I did not get a chance to get one.

However I could listen to the chat,

Best wishes
Interesting start, but then myself and Stuart dropped out of touch with the leading pack and were left drafting each other for the first stint. Pit stop went fine (I saw Adam floor it in the pit lane and wondered what he was doing!), but a bit of wheelspin out of my pit box was interpreted as speeding, so I was awarded a drive-through. That left me out on my own for most of the rest of the race.

I'd calculated my fuel based on drafting, thinking I could get away with a single stop. It might have worked and did get me from 10th to 4th as others made a second stop. But being on my own for a while meant I'd end up being short 4-5 litres. Had to make a spash-and-dash which dropped me to 6th in the end.

Anyway, overall somewhat more interested than I expected, to be fair. ;) Glad I went with these cars though, and not the GTO Mustang I was also considering as a "Nascar" substitute... that would have been super boring with less drafting and no P2P! :p
4) R3E POSTER.png

Welcome to the R3E Racing Club! This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in! If you need any help the don't hesitate to ask on Discord... there's no such thing as a stupid question!

All premium members can sign up for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge! Not a premium member yet but interested in racing with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information and learn how you can participate.

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Crew Chief Download: Click Here

The use of Crew Chief is mandatory in our Club racing, as it adds an audio spotter which helps avoid unnecessary incidents. We also highly recommend that you join us on Discord and engage with your fellow drivers!

Saturday 13/03/21
Practice Server:
RaceDepartment - Practice
Race Server: RaceDepartment - Racing Club
Class: GTR 4
Track: Autodrom Most - Grand Prix

Practice: 19:00 UTC (80 minutes)
Qualifying: 20:20 UTC (10 minutes)

Warmup 1: 20:30 UTC (5 minutes)
Race 1: 20:35 UTC (20 minutes) - Standing Start

Warmup 2: 20:55 UTC (5 minutes)
Race 2: 21:00 UTC (20 minutes) - Standing Start / Reverse Grid - Top 6

GTR 4: 30 slots
  1. Goffik - Audi R8 #71
  2. Des Pearce - #??
  3. theVillan - #??
  4. Bob Laycock - Porsche 718 #947
  5. ko41 - KTM #173
  6. PorDallas - Lotus #17
  7. JXCKG2003 - Porsche Caymen #22
  8. Ulfhedinn - Lotus #14
  9. Celestiale - Audi R8 #5
  10. Steve Le Gallez - Audi R8 #402
  11. nsfast - KTM #84
  12. Des Pearce - Lotus #48
  13. EireGreen™ - Porsche Cayman #16
  14. Ingemar Petersson - BMW #181
  15. Jean Jacques Martin - BMW #191
  16. CruzCtrl - Porsche Cayman #28
  17. Jopamir - BMW #24
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
  25. Free slot
  26. Free slot
  27. Free slot

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