Conspiracy Theories

I'm skeptical about the whole man on the moon thing, I just don't trust anything the U.S gov or media says. They lie a lot which have been proven and quite frankly what is out there today about the landings is just not good enough proof.
I'm skeptical about the whole man on the moon thing, I just don't trust anything the U.S gov or media says. They lie a lot which have been proven and quite frankly what is out there today about the landings is just not good enough proof.
I'm torn on that subject. I think a lot if not all of NASA's official releases are edited in some way but I do think we went to the moon. Why would they go through the trouble of faking it through? Was there something there that discouraged us from returning? My iPhone has more tech in it than the lunar lander, get me some rocket fuel! :roflmao:
I´m not gonna say we did not go but some things just looks way to sideshow for me.
I´d like to see the files Lyndon Johnson classified until 2026.
Could it be that he wants to let the austronauts die of before we get all of the information about what really happened.

Lyndon is a snake as well. I think he had had something to do with the JFK assassination.
They asked him where he was that day, could not remember he says, yet there´s picture of him being there that day. It´s all really fishy.
So....anyone would like to explain this?

Jesus och Horus,

"Born of a Virgin"
"The foster father of Horus was Seb or Seph. Jesus was fostered by Joseph."
"Horus was of royal descent. Jesus was of royal descent."
"Horus birth accompanied by three solar deities [star gazers] who followed by the morning star of Sirius bearing gifts. <> Jesus birth accompanied by three wise men [Zoroastrian star gazers] who followed by a star “in the east” bearing gifts."
"The birth of Horus announced by angels. <> The birth of Jesus announced by angels."
"Herut tried to murder the infant Horus. <> Herod slaughtered every first born in an attempt to kill Jesus the forthcoming messiah."
"Horus is baptized at age 30 by Anup the Baptiser at a river. <> Jesus is baptized at age 30 by John the Baptist at a river."
"Horus had 12 followers, Jesus had 12 diciples"
"Horus performed miracles like healing the sick and walking on water, Jesus performed the same miracles"
"Horus raised someone from the grave [his father Osiris] <> Jesus raised Lazarus [notice the name similarity] from the grave. Lazarus is short for Elasarus - the “us” on the end is romanized. Elasarus was derived from “El-Asar” which was the name given to Osiris."
"Horus was buried and resurrected in the city of Anu. <> The place Bethany mentioned in John was a derivative of the words “Bet” and “Anu” which translates “the house of Anu”. The ‘y’ on the end of bethany is interchangeable with the letter ‘u’."
"Horus was killed by crucifixtion. <> Jesus was crucified."
"Horus was accompanied by two thieves at the crucifixtion. <> Jesus was crucified with two thieves."
"Horus was buried in a tomb at Anu. <> Jesus was buried in a tomb located in Bethany [Bet-Anu]."
"Horus was resurrected after 3 days. <> Jesus was “said” to resurrected after over a period of three days."
"The resurrection of Horus was announced by three women. <> The resurrection of Jesus was announced by three women."
"Horus was given the titel KRST which means “anointed one” <> Jesus was given the title Christ [Christos] meaning “anointed one”"
Watch the video Zeitgeist debunked Hampus it answers most if not all of the questions you jus posted. It seems a lot of those facts got famous after zeitgeist was released. It he never had real sources, at best it was someone else's book based on conjecture. If the maker of the video also hosts zeitgeistchallenge. Com or net or something offering a reward of you can find sources for any of the Christ simarities. Gotta admit when I saw it the first time it made a lot of sense and made me think hard. I came across the debunk and found the reward is still posted and no one can find originals.

P.S. for what it matters I was raised roman catholIc but removed myself from the church and organized religion in general. I'm a deist.
Found some more news, Alex Jones being linked to STRATFOR, a supposed Zionist intelligence agency located in Austin Texas.

Basically the word started spreading that he had a connection with STRATFOR and after he found out about that he cancelled his tour... how convenient :)

I´m partly amazed how people can listen to him as he has so stupid things to say like the government putting chemicals in every day consumer products that makes you gay.. yes he actually stated that.

But now i realize why he does it, it´s to keep people confused and focus on the wrong thing.
If you are in a room and trying to read something on the wall in front of you, Alex is the guy walking around with a smoke machine filling up the room.

Forgive the fact that its Alex Jones related, agreed most of his stories are spun to incite more fear than necessary but some of stories and info that comes in is pretty sound.

It's awesome when you encounter law enforcement who KNOW the law and respect it. There are a lot of them out there but unfortunately there's also a lot who abuse their authority. Promote free speech!
I´m a bit confused regarding what they are actually advertising.

What i got from that was 1, they are exercising their rights (and rightfully so)
2, advertising

3, Those two officers are F´n amazing. That type of police is a minority.
It could have been so easy for him to just push them out then be done with it and any report made by them towards those cops would be just thrown into the trash.

Instead he actually does his job, and damn well at that, making sure he has all the information and call everyone to get a clear picture of what is ok and what is not.

thumbs up to him.
They were handing out flyers informing flyers of their rights to opt out of the body scanners and pat downs, their website logo was at the bottom of course. Mainly it was copy pasted regulations from TSA's website and the campaign to stop some of the wildly inappropriate TSA encounters.
Anyone remember MT Keshe with his technology etc claiming Iran has this technology and that they could neutralize all US battleships and their fighter jets with ease?
That story might have some truth to it because Iran captured a US drone as it passed into Iranian territory.
Nothing wrong with that except that USA have no idea how they captured it from the sky and took it down with any marks on it or similar.

Well...Iran has captured one again :)

I think this is the sole reason why the hysteria around Iran and it´s nuclear programme has turned dead silent.
USA has no idea how Iran got them down, and it seems they are forced to basically give up on Iran and let Iran build their nuclear plants and perhaps build a few bombs for their own safety,
Remember that USA never goes to war with nations who possess nuclear weapons.
if they did they would have walked into North Korea a long time ago.
The UN just overwhelmingly voted for isra to open its nuclear facilities for international inspection.
Sorry Bibi they're gonna find your stash
Just stumbled across two pretty cool ancient books,

The Voynich Manuscript (the book that can´t be read) and Codex Gigas (The devil´s bible)

Pretty cool books, i´m watching the devil´s bible now and that book is massive, 70kg´s!

The first one is particularly interesting as it has never been de-coded.
General Ivashov: “International terrorism does not exist” Only secret services and their current chiefs – or those retired but still having influence inside the state organizations – have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist – let alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is extremely complex. Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation.
Daaaamn right he is.

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